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SOS Answered

Posted on Wed Jan 2nd, 2013 @ 5:29pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Commander Sakkath

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Starbase 900 (Alternate Version)
Timeline: Current

* * * The Arboretum - Alternate Universe SB900 * * *

“Commander!” A security officer rushed up to where Sakkath stood, assessing the current situation. “There’s been a stabbing. Captain...I mean Commander Hawke. The woman Isha stabbed her as she was sleeping. The Medic is with her now and we have the woman in custody, force field cell. To be blunt, sir, I think the woman has lost it. She’s raving about that man that came over with Commander Hawke and Admiral Wegener, saying it’s his fault.” The man finally stopped to catch his breath and shook his head.

Outwardly, Sakkath frowned. "Any medical resources needed to ensure her survival are to be used." Inwardly, he cursed his choice to rely on their Li to relate Nahi's intelligence.

"Confine the woman, we can deal with her later," Sakkath added as he set off to locate the Admiral and deliver less than pleasant news.

Rick had been shooed away by the medics as they worked on Li and found a corner of the arboretum to pace alone. His hand was at his forehead as he walked back and forth. Until now he’d taken it for granted that they would miraculously find a way back to their own universe but returning with a dead XO and family friend would not have been a good thing. Rick didn’t have much family to speak of so it wasn’t nearly as important that he return. Sure, he was a flag officer in Starfleet, but they could find a replacement soon enough. Lucius could even fit the bill and he was on their 900 already. But Li, she had family. She had a husband, parents, a new sibling and a reason to survive. And as a reminder of that, Rick saw this universe’s Sakkath coming over to him.

“Commander,” he said greeting him.

"Admiral," the Vulcan replied with a nod, folding his arms across his chest. "If your pacing is any indication I'd say you already know what I've come to tell you. I'm sorry... I was only just informed."

Rick nodded. “I did not see that coming at all,” he said, still pacing. “That woman has been through quite a bit but--” he paused, unsure if he’d gotten the scoop on Isha and Li from his own universe. “Well, it’s a strange history.” He changed the subject and finally stopped pacing. “How is the round-up going with the Archadians?”

"According to the sensors, we've completely cleared the surrounding area for five decks in either direction, as well as the primary power stations, Ops and C&C," Sakkath said with obvious pride. "I've got my people working on securing those while we continue to incarcerate the rest of their resistance. All," the Vulcan admitted, "thanks to you."

Rick nodded slowly. “I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you, but keep up the good work. And that goes for all of your personnel, Commander. With any luck our hails for assistance will be answered and we will--” he then corrected himself, “sorry, you will be in a much better position. And I’m sure, if the Archadians are anything like they are in our universe, the Federation will come down on them pretty hard for their actions.” He looked off into the distance, his concerns still bothering him. “Either way, it makes me wonder what they will do with 900. We’d--” he shook his head in frustration, not used to referring to 900 as being someone else’s, “you’d be in a strange position here in orbit above a planet that no longer wanted anything to do with you.”

“Commander! Commander Sakkath!” The shout reached Sakkath and Ricky from one of the terminals a little ways off. “We’ve been hailed! Ships approaching through the wormhole, so far....looks like six. ETA five minutes!” When the crewman finished, there were shouts of triumph from various places around the Arboretum.

With a smile, Rick said, “Looks like you have some work to do, Commander.”

"So it would seem," Sakkath said as he began to move off. "And Admiral," he added, looking over his shoulder after pausing a moment. "Thank you."

It was all he said, all he had needed to say, before moving forward again, shouting orders and demanding transponder information from the approaching ships, glad that this nightmare might finally be coming to an end... thanks to two familiar strangers from another reality.

Rick watched Sakkath spring into action and nodded slowly. “Strange universe, but same good man.” He smiled and headed out to find Li and to check on her progress.

Commander Sakkath (alternate universe version)
Acting CO, Starbase 900 (again, alternate universe version)


VADM Ricky Wegener (regular ol’ universe version)
CO, Starbase 900 (see above)


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