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Male Fide

Posted on Sun Jan 13th, 2013 @ 5:44pm by Seyla & Lieutenant JG Ivor Biro

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Varies

*Male fide - Latin: intention to deceive; treachery or dishonesty

Tog didn’t have many clients. Really, he had just the one: Suresh. Suresh and his many minions. They were more than enough to keep him busy and make him wealthy. Suresh’s most recent self-induced problem looked like it might be enough to keep Tog in a good supply of Tholian silk, or any other exceptionally expensive item in the universe.

He reviewed the Prosecutor’s file again. The information had been sent over as a ‘courtesy’ - the charges hadn’t been filed yet. This was just the prosecutor’s informal way of giving Tog a heads’ up of what was coming. Sighing, Tog deleted the file then got up and headed out of his office.

Prosecutor's Office

“Prosecutor! How are you?” He grinned widely as he entered the man’s office.

The man behind the desk was tall, with dark hair and and strong jaw. He was in uniform and with his stern expression, the overall effect was rather imposing. When he looked up and saw Tog, he pursed his lips and wondered if he was getting paid enough for this so late in the day.

“Tog.” He spoke the name as one might comment on a particularly revolting specimen of bug found in the soup. “What brings you here?”

“Same thing that always brings me here. Suresh and Suresh’s money,” the Ferengi grinned. “This time, the man isn’t even around but he’s costing himself money. I do adore this client.”

Ivor’s expression did not relax. “Your client has been a perennial thorn in my side since the day he set foot on this station. There was a comic strip centuries ago on Earth called ‘Pogo’. One of the characters was fond of saying ‘We have met the enemy and they is us’. That applies in this case. Suresh is his own worst enemy.”

“Well, yes, he is. I rather like that. Puts more latinum in my coffers,” Tog’s sharp-tipped teeth showed through when his grin grew again. “Now, let’s discuss this most recent incident. Kidnapping and attempted murder? Don’t you think that’s ambitious? Remember how difficult the kidnapping of the Chief of Security was going to be to win in court? Seems this would be just as bad.”

Ivor steepled his fingers together and regarded Tog intently. “The Admiral’s office has a security feed. Also, science’s scan showed quite a few crew members a complete replay of what he did, and then there is his DNA taken from the closet door and several other places in Commander Hawke’s quarters. Shall I go on?”

Taking a seat, despite not being invited to do so, the Ferengi stared back at his adversary. “Those feeds don’t necessarily provide the full context of the situation. There’s the opportunity to argue that the Admiral and Li Hawke drove Suresh over the edge, making him insane. He’ll be out on a technicality. Would you like to negotiate this further?”

“Are you really going to try the insanity defense Tog?” Ivor shook his head. “Insane over a woman perhaps but that same woman will swear he’s completely sane and competent. And based on her position on this station, who will they believe?”

“Do remember whose station you reside on, Ivor. Even with him in prison, you’ll need to cover your own ass. How will you do that?”

That drew Ivor up short and silence reigned as he considered the question. Before he answered, he pressed the panel on his desk to shut off the recording that was standard for this office. “And just how do you propose I cover this? With the previous incidents, there was always someone else to blame in order to get him off the hook. This time, he went too far before we could cover him.”

Having noticed the movement of Ivor’s arm, Tog relaxed. “He did. You and I know that he’ll have to serve some time; otherwise, your position will be compromised. How low can you go on that without drawing Zeferino’s wrath? And what’ll it cost Suresh?”

Ivor snorted. “Zeferino is the least of my concerns. Try the Second Officer who will want Suresh to hang for running off with his wife. And an Admiral who feels the same but because she is his daughter. How about a second Admiral who was one of those kidnapped? And the XO likewise? Now do you appreciate my position? I’m in a spot that makes Seyla’s dresses look loose by comparison.”

“I’ve often wondered if she gets those painted on...,” he laughed. “I do appreciate the tough spot you’re in. And Suresh will have to adjust to prison life. I suppose, of course, we can wait till some other time. After Suresh comes back from wherever he is.”

“Wait? Security will move on him the moment he materializes back on this station and then, he will be looking to us, Tog. I’ve been able to finesse things for him so far but now? The current JAG staff has been content to leave me be where he is concerned but there’s a new one arrived that will have to be kept in the dark. This is going to cost Suresh plenty. We’re facing incontrovertible evidence here and witnesses that can’t be scared off because they are the man’s victims.”

“Just minimize the prison time, will you?” Tog glared at the man. “Payment will come the usual way. We have another matter to discuss as well.”

“We’ll get to the other matter in a moment. Perhaps we should make plans in case things don’t go as he hoped, Tog.” Ivor smiled slowly. “This might be the time to consider a little self-insurance for us.”

“Self-insurance?” Tog frowned. “What sort of insurance do you think we need?”

“He’s going to be royally pissed that he has to set foot in the brig at all, you know that. It might be in our best interests to keep him there and out of reach of us, while assuring him that we are doing everything we can to get him out. Of course, getting paid handsomely all the while.” Ivor’s smile widened. “Safer and far more lucrative for us.”

“Certainly more lucrative. Safer? I’m not sure about that. Imagine his wrath if he found out about that?” He leaned back in the uncomfortable chair and sighed. “Then again... bureaucracies and all... ‘red tape’, I think the humans call it. So long as we could make it appear that that is what’s keeping him there...? That and, of course, his own actions.” Tog would be Suresh’s outside representative the entire time he was in prison; such an arrangement could leave him in power and in excellent financial health.

“Which would give Lazan some breathing room as well, since Suresh will be depending on the three of us to carry out his wishes.” Ivor shrugged. “Such a position would be good for all.”

“It would be. We’d need to find new scapegoats, what with Suresh in prison. Yes,” he nodded, thinking about it, already making plans for how this would work, “ would be lucrative. I’ll chat with Lazan.”

“Good.” Some of the tension that had plagued Ivor’s neck and shoulders eased up a bit. “Now on to the other matter, speaking of scapegoats. Have you seen him yet?”

“I haven’t. Have you?”

“No. I assume that they’ll call for an attorney for him, which would be you. Lazan did go visit so it gives you a reason to go see him. I’m afraid that the Enforcer is, to use the vernacular, fucked.”

“Do tell me why,” Tog urged him.

“From the Security reports? He was found in Cadet Ziyad’s quarters when the young man arrived home. Breaking and entering. Then he forced himself on the cadet, kissing him as Ziyad attempted to fight him off. Add battery to the list, as well as murder. Ziyad is a telepath and read it in his head.” Ivor frowned now. “Something is screwy though Tog. He says also that the Hazari swore he was in love with Ziyad. To that I say what the hell? That man has no feelings that I am aware of so what’s up?”

“Ziyad? Isn’t he the one distraught over the death of Cadet Conradi? Little strange for the lover of the deceased to be the one bringing accusations. I’m sure the jury will just love that testimony.”

“When he can get in the man’s head and read what happened? And any number of staff telepaths can back him up? That jury will come back so fast it will give you whiplash, Tog.” Ivor shrugged, then reached out to straighten a padd on his desk. “Face facts. However, it might be in our best interests to distance him from Suresh, make it appear he acted on his own.”

“And if he’s in love with Ziyad, that should be easy enough to do,” Tog found the idea just as disconcerting as Ivor did. The Hazari? Having an emotion? That was unheard of. “What the hell? The Enforcer doesn’t even like his handler and he’s never been thankful or even nice to me, despite my having gotten him off several times!”

“Exactly. Something’s strange in the DQ, my friend. But as you say, it gives us motive and if you can get Suresh to swear he didn’t hire the man to do this, with Suresh missing while it happened? That should be easy enough to get past the judge. You arrange for a guilty plea, we can just move on to sentencing and bury him. Then see how long he lasts before he has some tragic ‘accident’.”

“I can do that,” the defense counsel nodded. “I’ll go talk to him shortly. As for you, shall we say the normal payment for services rendered? Half will be forwarded within the day.”

“Oh hell no, this one’s going to cost him, Tog. Double....for both of us. It’s putting our asses in a sling in a big way and if we’re not careful, things could go horribly wrong for us.” Ivor rested his hands on his desk and leaned forward. “I trust there won’t be an issue?”

Sighing, Tog frowned. That’s what he was going to tell Suresh: that it was double, then keep the prosecutor’s ‘double share’. Now he’d need to tell Suresh it was triple. The Romulan would be livid, but.. them’s the breaks, he figured. “There won’t be an issue,” he assured the prosecutor before standing. “And now I’ll go see the Enforcer.”

“I’ll be in touch, Tog.” Ivor regarded him for only an instant, then shooed him on his way.

“Lovely, Ivor. I won’t hold my breath, though.” Tog nodded, turned and left.


Defender Extraordinaire

Lt.(jg) Ivor Biro
Secret Weapon


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