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New Blood In Green

Posted on Thu Jul 7th, 2011 @ 9:23am by Major Maxim Kamarov

Mission: In Our Time of Need


Maxim Kamarov was walking to his new battalion commander's office with some good news. Max had met Captain Lorenz and found the man to be likeable, funny, and a good sport about some teasing. Kamarov had staged a phony inspection and Lorenz had fallen for it, much to the hilarity of the officer cadre of the entire base. Lorenz had smiled and congratulated his boss, warning him of reprisals. It was all in good fun.

Now, Kamarov was all business as he came into Lorenz's office. "Hello, David, got a minute?" he asked, waving the younger man back into his chair.

"Of course, major," Lorenz answered.

"As you know, there is a need for a Marine detachment to accompany the Starfleet scientific expedition to the Divitian Homeworld. Your battalion is on deck, so you are going. Questions?"

"What is the ROE?" (OOC: Rules Of Engagement: for you non-military folk, that is the set of orders that govern interactions and confrontations between the Marines and their targets) David asked carefully.

"The Marines will be providing on-site security for the joint Federation Divitian operation in the coming days. Your primary mission will be to ensure the safety and security of local and Federation scientists on the project. This project has the fate of a planet and a society riding on it. To that end, if you witness a hostile act you will return fire...."

"Hold on, major.."

"I know what you are going to say, captain. This does not constitute a Prime Directive Violation as we were formally asked by authorized government reps." Kamarov said quickly.

"Very well, sir. I can have the battalion ready in ten hours." Lorenz said.

"Carry on captain."

A post by

Major Maxim Kamarov
MCPT David Lorenz (PNPC)


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