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Informal Talks

Posted on Sun Jul 3rd, 2011 @ 12:09pm by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Divitian Sector of SB900

* * Diplomatic Offices * *

Kh'ali regarded the now complete first draft of the agreement, her lips crooked in an enigmatic expression.

"Is there something wrong, Commander?" Ensign Aure'l asked in her very Vulcan impassive way. "I've inserted all the notes and suggested clauses. Of course this had to be done quickly I hope to have removed all the mistakes in the proofreading."

"It's basically correct, however...." She paused a moment, then pointed out several spots and needed changes. "Just clarifying so as to leave nothing in doubt. With an unknown race, and especially in this case, I want everything explicit." That said, she send one finally message with instructions to Dobry, who was preparing to depart on the Takei, and then one to Patrick, who was departing as well.

"Yes Sir, I will get on it right away." Responded Aure'l.

Once Aure'l was back to work, Kh'ali sent one final message with instructions to Dobry, who was preparing to depart on the Takei, and then one to Patrick, who was departing as well. She leaned back in her seat and rubbed her eyes, just as the chime sounded.

"Come in" said Kh'ali, continuing to browse the agreement as Aure'l made changes.

The doors parted with a hiss to show two Divitian soldiers. They were unarmed but still an impressive view in their full uniform. One of them stepped forward addressing Kh'ali: "Are you Commander Kh'ali? The Speaker requires... Er...The Speaker desires to talk with you. Therefore you're invited to his quarters, we're here to provide you escort."

Aure'l perked an eyebrow. "I don't see any logic in having people escorted inside our own starb...," her words were cut short by a quiet gesture from Kh'ali.

"I'll come." Kh'ali responded to the soldier. "Do I have a minute to refresh myself?" she added with a smile.

The soldier nodded sharply. "We'll be out in the corridor. We'll wait for you until you're ready." That said he saluted and walked out of the office.

"Will this be an attempt to influence the agreement outside the diplomatic room on the Speaker's part?" Asked Aure'l.

Kh'ali's smile was brief. "It falls to me to hammer out the details with the Speaker. Since I can speak the language, it makes sense, but my efforts only extend to official efforts. If he is thinking on unofficial lines, he is sorely mistaken. Call me if you need me, and call in an hour anyway." SHe turned and slipped out to check her hair and uniform.

***** Half an hour later - Divitian Guest Sector *****

"Welcome Commander Kh'ali." Zee'Hrai greeted the Klingon upon her entering. "I do hope my bodyguards didn't embarrass you? I've been very specific on their being polite."

Kh'ali bowed low, as was the expected custom from a female in his presence, and answered in Divitian. "They were acceptable. And if you wish, this meeting may be conducted in your language, as I am proficient."

"Please have a seat anywhere you wish, the locales that have been assigned to me are spacious beyond my hopes. Very generous on Admiral Wegener's part."

She took a seat quickly before looking back at Zee'Hrai. "It is the Admiral's wish, as well as the Federation's that you be comfortable and made to feel welcome." She smiled back at him. "I've made sure that they have been informed of your customs so that there are no misunderstandings as well."

"Oh... Be at ease." He responded smiling "This hasn't to be work unless you wish to. I was curious to know better the person with whom I will be working in the next weeks. I'm just Zee'Hrai now and I have not many occasions to spend time with people behaving genuinely in my presence, there's always this Speaker's shadow..."

"I see. Perhaps refreshments first then?" She rose once he was seated and moved the replicator. She ordered one of Zee's favorites that had been in the original intell report, and iced tea for herself. Once they appeared, she carried the drink to him and sat once more.

"Oh... Katavian herbal tea. It helps meditation and keeps you calm. You know, I'm used to take it before diplomatic meetings... Ah, something suggest me that I've been well-known long before my arrival here. Congratulations to your Intel department." He said as he took the cup from her hands.

Zee'Hrai sipped the content of the cup a pensive look in his eyes: "I took the liberty of studying a bit of your history once I was told that my Federation counterpart would be Klingon and I found something interesting: I would have called it a sign. When the moon Praxis exploded above your homeworld in 2293, setting a disaster that seriously threatened it, the Federation intervened, even if Klingon empire was an enemy then, and this brought both peoples to a lasting alliance until today. How odd... So similar to what happened to us now, Federation is present and a Klingon as a contact to take care of our predicament... Do you believe in forces beyond our material lives?"

"You are speaking to one whose race rose up against our own gods. I am not immune, to coincidence, however." The image of Patrick and Aleksa rose in her mind and she smiled. "Terrans have a word for it: synchronicity. Perhaps they are onto something."

"Well, you probably don't have much experience with divitian race but if you had it you would know I'm not the quite ordinary divitian. I do believe in powers beyond our understanding and in innovation. Sometimes I think well cherished traditions just slow you down... And when I'm speaking like that some of my peers cast extremely surprised glances at me. Kind of heretic you know... Still I can't help myself thinking that what I do, even against age old beliefs, is for a greater good that in the end will benefit my race."

She watched Zee'Hrai thoughtfully for a long moment, then nodded. "No innovation without experimentation, is there? Otherwise, we'd never have been out this far from home, and you and I would not be enjoying each other's company now."

"How true." He replied "Even if I would have preferred to meet under different circumstances." He stood then in silence for a long moment feeling the flavour of the Katavian tea. "I've walked for a while in the civilian part of your starbase today. In one of the rare moments where my security personnel doesn't make me feel like a prisoner. I saw children of many races playing in the gardens. Places akin to those I was used to see at home on Divitia Prime when I wasn't away on some diplomatic mission..." His words trailed off as a gloom descended in the room. "I'm sorry. I was digressing... I believe that there will be good cooperation between us." He ended then taking a long sip from the cup a strange sadness in his eyes.

"It's something of a marvel how peaceful it has been here on the station. As for the rest, we've taken some pains to have your usual amenities available, but in the true spirit of the alliance, perhaps you'd enjoy a look at some of the habits of the Federation races. Starting with dinner and then the show at The Nexus Club? Janice and Jackson are worth seeing." Just as she finished, her comm badge chirped.

=^= Commander Kh'ali? =^=

"Kh'ali here, go ahead, Aure'l."

=^= There are some matters that require your presence at the office, Sir =^=

"I think I should leave you to your duties Ma'am. We'll have other opportunities to meet, for the moment I'm grateful you've accepted my invitation." Said Zee'Hrai

Kh'ali, much to her surprise, found the being rather interesting. "It can wait. I understand that you have to be careful, but I'm sure your Captain would be happy to come along and between us, I am no delicate flower. If there is trouble, I am more than adequate to deal with it."

""Of that I'm quite sure Ma'am. Well, I'll ask my Captain's opinion, though I do not think that having a complement of Divitian footsoldiers marching into the lounge will have a good impact with the local populace and this Mister Jackson and Miss Janice... And, I'm afraid, Ehr'raal is not going to settle for less than that."

"Understood." She paused a moment before continuing. "Do you have reason to suspect that you are in danger, Zee'Hrai? I am well aware of the political situation of course, but your Captain gives the impression that he suspects a more immediate threat. If so, what he knows should be passed on to me and our Intelligence Chief so we can be better prepared."

"I think I've been in danger for the most part of my life. Still I'm here breathing. Sometimes this makes me think that our Intel is being overprotective regarding me but, Ehr'raal says that it is matter of a heartbeat, no more no less... And that everyone has to be constantly prepared for that terrible moment, to be able to make the difference. Well, I think my Captain is coordinating with your Security chief right now and I'm trusting I'm in good hands."

"You are. And when it comes to the spooks, pardon me our Intell staff, we have some of the best in the business. Is there anythign more I might do for you while I am here?" Kh'ali had purposely not mentioned business or the agreement draft on this first visit - another nod to their culture. It would have been rude to jump right in to it without a social 'getting to know you' sort of visit.

"I think I've already asked much of you taking you away from your work, maybe more than necessary, to satisfy a simple curiosity. Let us strike this deal: I will ask my protectors to arrange a visit for me in this place you mentioned, This... Nexus Club? But only if you'll be there to illustrate me on the most popular habits and ways of the Federation people. Do you agree?"

"Agreed. I'll send word to Jackson and Commander Zeferino as well. Once things are arranged to your satisfaction, simply say the word and I will be there." She rose and bowed once more. "It has been a pleasure, Zee'Hrai."

"The pleasure is mine." He replied as she stood to take her leave. "May the stars watch over you, Commander."


Lt. Commander Kh'ali
A Woman In A Divitian's World


Ascetic Speaker


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