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The Dendrians Arrive

Posted on Sun Feb 17th, 2013 @ 5:15am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Squamata & Chordata

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Docking Bay

b>* * * Kh’ali’s Office * * *

Kh’ali returned to her office after the visit to Zee’Hrai and sat down behind her desk. It was good to see him as always and she couldn’t help thinking that his visit here was fortuitous. His planet was another major power in the area, and their cooperation, if she could manage it with his help, would be a boon to all concerned. She removed the necklace and carefully packed the it away as she considered the possibilities.

A slight wave of dizziness hit and she recalled Kona’s orders about the issues Klingons faced when pregnant with hybrids - they taxed her nutritional reserves. She pulled one of the bars he’d replicated for her and took a bite. Ummm...this one was coconut flavored. Not bad even if the texture was weird. After requesting water from the replicator, she peeked out of her office and asked Aure’l to summon Cadet Vor and send him on in when he arrived. She returned to her desk and began finalizing the arrangements for the arriving Dendrians.

Vor checked on his uniform one last time as he made his way through the diplomatic offices. He had never expected to be summoned by a member of the Senior Staff during his studies, and was admittedly curious as to what the cause might be. In reaching his destination he pressed a talon to the door chime and waited patiently for a call from within.

“Come in,” Kh’ali called out. Knowing it was Vor, she picked up a padd and laid it across on the other side of her desk so he could get it when he sat down. She took another sip of water as she waited for Vor to enter.

As he stepped inside, the Saurian took a deep breath through his nostrils, scenting the air, assigning a memory marker to Kh'ali, her office, the strange food product that sat on her desk. Only after that did he smile, toothily.

"Cadet Junior Grade Tenahn Vor, reporting as ordered," he said, standing at attention just inside the doorway.

“Please come in Cadet, have a seat.” Kh’ali motioned to the chair before her desk. Knowing the Voth’s predilection for scents, she smiled and swept the coconut bar into a drawer. “Excuse that, doctor’s orders. It’s not bad, but the coconut doesn’t quite cover all the vitamins. Anyway, I’ve asked that you be excused from your classes for the next few days. There’s a project I’d like your assistance with, and it will actually be credited to your studies as well. Think of it as an internship if you will.”

Intrigued, Vor stepped forward and took the seat he had been offered. As Kh'ali went on a subtle but noticeable shift in the coloration of his facial scales took place, his cranial ridges becoming more gold to reflect his curiosity.

"I am already several lessons ahead in my engineering lectures," he replied with no small amount of pride, "so I do not imagine that will be a problem. What is this... project, Commander?"

“I am aware that diplomacy isn't your specialty but I think you are uniquely qualified to assist me here.” Kh’ali paused to take a drink of her water before she continued. “We have a an upcoming visit from the Chief Diplomat of Ozum and two of his staff regarding the opening of diplomatic ties. It’s a rather sensitive area as they are peripherally involved in the Tunisian War, a war that Starfleet has thus far refused to enter. As you are aware, the Dendrians are a reptilian species and I think that you will be a valuable asset in assisting me during this endeavor. I’m sure you can appreciate our position here as well.”

“Another saurian species?” Vor asked, delighted. “Wonderful. I don’t believe the Voth have had any contact with them, it should be interesting to see how they react to mammalian lifeforms.” He silently hoped it would be better than the thinly-veiled superiority complex of his own people... even if he often reflected that same superiority himself, here among the peoples of the Federation.

“I would be happy to assist in any way I can, of course,” he replied, grateful for the opportunity. “I may even be able to get some anthropology credit for the endeavor.”

“That was my thought as well, so it will tie into your studies focus. As of this point, consider yourself bound by the usual confidentiality limits for diplomacy, and you’ll find those on your padd as well as all that I know of the Dendrians and the war so far. Starfleet’s position regarding it is there as well. The padd will open to your code, so you may input that now, then look it over. They will be here in two hours. Any questions?” It wasn’t much notice for the cadet but Kh’ali hadn’t had much time herself. Besides, she knew this one was much advanced and it was also a chance to see how he performed under pressure, something Kh’ali had been requested to report back to the Academy director when she filed her final summary of Vor’s performance.

Lifting the PADD from her desk, Vor began entering his code. His very long code, some twenty-four digits, and proceeded to peruse the file directory quickly. “Two hours should be adequate,” he said, nodding, the gold in his scales fading to neutral coloring as he set his mind on the task before him. He enjoyed history, and though humanity was his subject of choice another saurian species would prove equally fascinating, or so he hoped. That should make the reading simpler, and he was already quite adept with memorization, having absorbed a wealth of engineering knowledge from the Voth prior to his departure from the city ship.

Grinning he looked up from the PADD and back at Kh’ali. “Only one question,” the Cadet replied, having seen some of the crew coming and going in Archadian garb while visiting the planet below. “Will we be greeting them in uniform?” he asked.

“Their initial request stated that they preferred us to be in something that would make them feel more at east. In short, Dendrian dress. I’ve had Aure’l replicate something for you, she’ll get you ready once you’ve finished with the reading. It will be simpler for you than me, trust me. There was some initial hesitancy when they learned I am a woman, but upon the revelation that I am Klingon, they were more at ease. Imagine that.” Kh’ali stopped and smiled, reaching for her water.

If Vor were possessed of eyebrows, he might have raised one questioningly. "Interesting. That would appear to suggest they value either the ability to wage war or else a stringent code of honor, if my impressions of your culture are to be trusted, Commander."

“And you’ve gotten right to the heart of the matter, Cadet. It’s both, as I learned.” She checked the time and nodded to Vor. “Time’s running short,you need to get to your reading and then get ready. I need to do the same. Tempus fugit.”

Uneducated in Latin, Vor chose simply to nod. "Indeed I do. I shall acquire my garb from the Ensign on my way out." He stood, accepting that as a dismissal, and turned before looking back. "And thank you for this opportunity, Commander!"

“My pleasure. Met me back here in one hour, forty-five minutes. Dismissed.” She waited for Vor to leave and the doors to close, then immediately went to the replicator and began to order. She felt as if she could eat a full-grown targ, roasted with a little barbecue sauce.

* * * Docking Ring - Two Hours Later * * *

His vertical pupil slits focused on the officer before him as his parietal eye recorded lighting adjusting to the new conditions of the locale. The shiny black raiment he wore, composed of thousands photosensitive cells, swished slightly as he stepped down from the pad followed by his retinue.

“Would you please inform Commander Kh’ali that the Dendrian delegation has arrived?” He asked politely nodding to the young man at the controls. “I’m ambassador Chordata of Purple Moon Hatching from planet of Ozum and these are my Aide, Squamata, and my personal guard: Varanus.”

“Right away, Sir. And Welcome aboard.” The ensign responded typing a message to Diplomatic Bureau. “The Commander was waiting for you, she will be here in a minute.”

The Ambassador’s aide silently watched the ensign. She wanted to pace, but had been schooled that doing so, as a diplomatic aide, wasn’t appropriate. Instead, she waited, just as patient as Chordata.

There arose some murmurs in those milling around on the docking bay and moments later, Kh’ali appeared with Vor at her side. As requested, Vor was in dress similar to that worn by Chordata’s assistants and Kh’ali wore a one-shouldered dress in gold that bore an ornate overlay. The Dendrians certainly didn’t dress demurely. They reached the Dendrian delegation and Kh’ali spoke, greeting them in their own language, a greeting she’d spent the morning practicing in and around all the other activities. Once the official welcome was done, she reverted back to speaking through the translator.

“Welcome to Starbase 900, Ambassador Chordata, Envoy Squamata, Captain Varanus. I am Lt. Commander Kh’ali, Chief Diplomatic Officer. It is our pleasure to have you here.”

“The pleasure is ours Commander. Having the possibility to visit a marvel of technology like this starbase is a great honour indeed and I hope our encounter will turn out to be proficuous for both our cultures.” The ambassador responded with a slight bow of the head. He nodded to his Aide then as an agreed signal.

Squamata caught the nod and stepped forward, holding a box in the palm of a hand. In front of Kh’ali, she pulled it open, revealing a large, highly-polished, ovoid-shaped stone. Colors swirled across the stone’s surface, combining and forming new colors and swirls. She tried for an explanation in Federation Standard, which she’d practiced numerous times, “The egg, a symbol of fertility, we gift this to you, as the representative of the Station, to celebrate the birth of our hopes.”

Kh’ali took the box carefully in her hands and smiled brightly. It took her a moment to quell the laughter that bubbled up within her as she watched the colors of the egg. How utterly ironic this gift was. Finally she spoke.

“It’s lovely, and we are honoured by such a gift. The’s mesmerizing. Thank you.” Kh’ali closed the box, then indicated Vor. “This is Cadet Second Class Tenahn Vor. He will be assisting me during your visit, as will Former Speaker Zee’Hrai of the Divitian Republic. He sends his respects, Ambassador Chordata, and will join us later.”

Vor had been quietly observing, and scenting, the room and its occupants, his scales taking on a slightly iridescent quality as he caught the rush of amusement from Commander Kh'ali on the air. He bowed deeply upon being introduced, the Dendrian garment reflecting both the sterile white light of the transporter room and the colors of his scales with his movements. "An honor to meet you all," he said, standing tall once more. "I look forward to the opportunity to learn from this exchange."

“I’m sure it will turn out a good experience for you Cadet Vor. One hour in the field is worth many spent in a lesson at school.” Chordata encouraged the Voth then turned to Kh’ali again “Is the Divitian Republic interested in our talks?” He asked, his expression unchanged, a slight waving of the tail the only hint of nervousness.

"That is my hope as well, Ambassador," Vor affirmed with a grin and slight bow of his crested head.

“Not in any official capacity, no.” Kh’ali shook her head. “Zee’Hrai has retired from the government and is here only as a friend of this station. He is currently working on developing an independent colony on another planet to provide shelter for those who wish it. You are aware of their planetary situation?”

“News about catastrophes like these can’t remain hidden for long. The Dendrian people hope for the better as Divitians are not seen like enemies. But their Republic is a force to be reckoned with in this sector, despite their situation, and their involvement has to be taken into serious account.” Chordata replied gravely.“Being he your honoured guest, he does not present any trouble for us.”

“Thank you.” Kh’ali bowed her head for a moment. “We will, of course, conduct any business you wish privately and I look forward to whatever that may be. In the meantime, we will show you to your quarters so that you may get settled in, and we will meet you for dinner tonight, if that is agreeable.”

“We do gladly accept your invitation,” Chordata responded bowing his head to Kh’ali “A leisure evening will help us all to shed weariness and be more relaxed for the matters to be discussed tomorrow.”

“Indeed. If you will come this way, I’ll get you through check-in and show you to your quarters.” Kh’ali tucked the box containing the egg under her arm where it would be safe and led them away to the VIP check point.

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Enjoying The Irony

Ambassador Chordata
Curious About The Neighbors

Envoy Squamata
Presenter of an Egg


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