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A Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress

Posted on Tue Mar 5th, 2013 @ 6:22pm by Seyla & Commander Dae Nalas & Marla

Mission: The Struggle Within

* * *The Wormhole* * *

“You haven’t the credits for the likes of me,” Marla silkenly purred at the man whose hand was on her thigh - too high on her thigh. She reached back and removed it. “Stick to what’s free for now, like this paw,” she said, putting his hand in his lap, where it belonged. Despite her sweet smile, all she got was a glower in return, which was fine by her. The fool could glower at her all night long for free; if he wanted to do more, he needed to fork over some credits.

She moved on through the bar’s clientele. There was a new face at the bar, one that Jono apparently approved of, judging by the way he’d signaled to her and drew her attention to the man. Sidling up and taking the seat next to the man, Marla said to Jono, “Just the usual, please.”

Jono, a man who knew his own business as well as Seyla’s, poured Marla a glass of something thick and red then laced it with a shot from a second bottle before stirring the two liquids together and placing it in front of her. While he’d worked, Marla had turned slightly towards the newbie and looked him over. She liked what she saw.

The man turned his head just slightly and gave her a nod. He had piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through her and those eyes remained on her as he raised his glass of whiskey and had a sip.

Unamused by how dismissive he seemed of her, Marla turned her attention elsewhere. Two could play the ‘I’m ignoring you’ game. Only... it wasn’t her job to play that game. Mentally, she sighed and searched for an opening line. It wasn’t easy, since she had to navigate around the tiredness that came with having to open yet another conversation with yet another man who might just turn out to be yet another creep. Still, professional that she was, she turned a dazzling smile on the man and very wittily stated, “You’re new in town.”

“I am.” His blue eyes held hers again now that she was facing him again. “I noticed you when I came in. Jono was kind enough to give me your name. Marla. It’s lovely.”

“That Jono, such a great guy,” she said, even as she thought, My what beautiful eyes you have. “Did he tell you, then, that I’m a compensated companion?”

“He did. I will confess to some notable disappointment upon hearing that news.” Dae smiled finally and it was a big, bright one. He reached for his glass and took a drink.

“Notable disappointment?” She arched a brow and sipped her tomato juice. “Most men would be pleased, they’d see it as meaning that they have a chance at dating me... and doing other things with me.”

“I am not most men,” he informed her. “And while I’m not saying I have an issue with your profession, and that I don’t enjoy those in your profession, you have no idea where I’m coming from.”

“You’re right, I don’t know where you’re coming from,” she turned her full attention on him and put a hand on his thigh. “So tell me, stranger, what’s your name and where are you coming from?”

“Dae.” He looked down at her hand and then covered it with his own, moving it a bit higher. “I’m coming from a year in hell, to be blunt. No contact with anyone I know or care about, living among people that would kill me for one wrong word, one slight misstep. Not enough sleep or food or sanity or comfort of any sort. Does that help?”

“Perhaps the question should be: do you want help, Dae?” Marla leaned in closer and lowered her volume so that their conversation would be between them. “I can give you comfort, perhaps sanity, too. With me, you could dine and sleep, without concern that someone would harm you. Payment means that you’re safe. Whereas a woman you simply meet, who will fawn over you for free? Take you to bed without stating upfront what she wants from you? You should worry about that sort of woman.”

“A very convincing argument, indeed.” His gaze as it swept over her was speculative now. “And if I like it?”

“Then we can arrange something more regular.” The hand on his thigh squeezed slightly and she smiled. “Let me help you, Dae.”

“And what if you like it is a more appropriate question.” He took hold of her hand and raised it to his lips.

Over confident, much?, Marla thought to herself cynically. "If I like it, Dae, then we'll cross that bridge. You need another drink or could I show you my quarters?"

He caught her last thought and had to smile. “Hope you like bridges.” He stood and, still holding her hand, led her out of the Wormhole.

* * * Seyla’s Quarters * * *

A few hours later, the doors to Seyla’s quarters slid open and Marla stepped inside. When they closed behind her, she leaned back against them, uncharacteristically silent but with a smile on her face.

Looking up, a brow arched, Seyla smiled. "It's uncommon for you to have a look or a sigh like that, Marla. Whom have you been seeing?"

“A pick-up, he wasn’t on the books.” Marla left the doors and made a beeline for the bar, where she poured a glass of cognac. After a sip, she actually twirled around before dropping down onto the sofa. “His name’s Dae, if you want to make a record of it. It was...ummmm....four hours?” A note of surprise laced her voice as she checked the time.

"Four hours?" Seyla made a moue of her mouth and nodded. "Nice stamina." Moving across the room to her safe, she pulled a PADD out, one that did not connect to the station's computers and started an entry on it. Pausing, she looked up at Marla and asked, "Dae? That wouldn't have been one Lieutenant Commander Dae Nalas, was it?"

“He didn’t say. All I know is that he’s just arrived after being off somewhere terrible for at least the past year. First time he’s had a woman in all this time and I could tell he’s gone without for far too long.” Marla’s eyes widened for a moment and she actually blushed, something you rarely saw a paid lover do. “Why?”

"Ah, well, then he needed some recovery time," she laughed shortly. "And just curious, Marla. You should know better by now than to bed a fellow without determining who he is. Think of the information you could have gleaned from him." Shaking her head, Seyla ignored Marla's weird blush; she was certain Marla was too professional for something like a man's quickness to make her blush.

“What he needed was some civil, genteel company and someone who could keep up. You should see him, he’s gorgeous.” Marla’s smile lingered. “So who’s Dae Nalas? And do you have a picture?”

"I'll have to take your word for it; I don't have an image of him," Seyla finished inputting the record into her PADD and accepted the credit chip from Marla for it. "Dae Nalas is, apparently, the interim CIO. Next time, see what information he'll pass on."

“Interesting. I’m having dinner with him tonight as a matter of fact. At the Nexus, so I’d better block out the whole evening if you’re cool with that?”

"Is it a paid date, Marla?"

Marla looked back at Seyla evenly. “Really? Do people like us ever have real dates?” She doubted the deflection would be enough for Sey. It was paid but Marla found herself suddenly pondering bridges...and crossing them.

Seyla thought of Suresh and Darwin. Granted, she charged Suresh... But not Darwin. "Either he pays in credits or in information, I don't care which so long as the information is useful to us. With that in mind, of course you can block out the whole evening. If you have to cancel some clients, get with Marabeth and Bella to see who could cover them, if they'll accept a replacement."

“He’ll be credits. He is exceptionally vague with personal questions, which fits if this guy is the incoming CIO.” Marla swirled her glass for a few moments. “Out of curiosity, Sey, what happens if I ever do find someone I want on a personal level, not business?”

"What do you mean?" Sey blinked at Marla. "What happens? Nothing happens." A shadow crossed her face and she frowned. "He could purchase you: pay me for the remainder of your usefulness. Or you could continue working, while going home to him. If you get pregnant," one green shoulder lifted in a shrug, "I have clients who would pay twice your normal rate once you start showing."

“I didn’t mean him, I was just curious.” Marla shrugged. “Not that I think Suresh would really allow any of us to quit. The other you don’t have to worry about, that is not going to happen. Ever.” She kept her tone casual, however. She didn’t want Seyla looking too closely at anything concerning Dae. Not that it mattered, it was likely nothing anyhow. “Besides, men never look to us when they want to settle down, do they?”

"You never know. One might." She had watched Marla closely and briefly, ever so briefly, regretted that her obligation to Harding prevented her from taking Marla's place with this Dae. Marla didn't know that, though. "Perhaps I should service Mr. Nalas tonight, instead of you."

“Why’s that? Don’t you have the mystery regular customer tonight?”

"Oh, I do, but I could cancel."

“No need, yours seems rather demanding. You can’t disappoint, especially as much as he’s paying.” And there was no way she was going to miss an evening at the Nexus, especially with a man like Dae. There was something about the man that seemed to want company, a connection, instead of just a quick, generic round of sex before showing her out the door.

"Very well," Seyla noted Marla's quick assurance. "Speaking of my mystery man, I've just gotten in from his place, so I'm going to shower and nap." Harding must be taking in tons of caffeine or other stimulant to keep himself up; for Seyla, the long night wore her out.

Marla smiled. “Wearing you out is he? I can relate. You enjoy your nap.” She watched as Seyla left the room and once Marla heard the shower, she drained her glass and hurried out of the quarters. A few doors down was a public comm panel and she sent a message out that simply said ‘See you tonight.’ Once it had been sent, she returned to Seyla’s. A nap sounded very good indeed.



Dae Nalas
Jumping Back In The Pool

Burning the Candle at Both Ends


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