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Next Stop: Divitia Prime

Posted on Thu Jul 7th, 2011 @ 1:57pm by Captain qeraQ' & Major Maxim Kamarov & Commander Sakkath & Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Starbase 900 / USS Hammond / USS Takei
Timeline: Current

qeraQ' headed towards the Hammond's docking port with a purposeful stride. At his side a small bag containing the essentials for an away mission, even if it didn't feel much like one with two ships under his command. He smirked as he pondered whether that was justification for a promotion to flag rank - two ships was a relative Federation fleet in this quadrant after all. He passed a turbolift just as the doors opened and was greeted by his Commanding Officer.

He hadn't had much time to get to know Wegener since coming on board. The Divitian arrival had turned many things upside down, but he had gained a respect for the man during the negotiations. He stopped as the Commanding Officer of the Federation forces in this quadrant approached him.

"I see you're ready to go, Commander," Ricky said as he began walking with his XO. "I hope this works out to the Federation's advantage, and that we are actually able to help the Divitians."

"As do I Admiral. I have to admit some... hesitance... from what I have read about these people they do not seem to be ideal allies."

"We shall see, Commander," Rick replied as the approached the airlock. "If I recall, it wasn't long ago that we thought the same about the Klingons. And despite our differences, then and now, we have made many serious strides with your people and have come to accept most of your customs. Many Klingons served proudly within the Federation now," he nudged qeraQ' on the shoulder, "one in particular I have quite a bit of respect for. However, I do share your concerns and I have the utmost faith in your abilities to figure out if the Divitians are actually worth being associated with."

qeraQ' turned and looked at his CO. "I hope your trust is well placed. I've had dealings with many races in my time Admiral, and with most of them I had an idea what the outcome would be before we started negotiations. Sometimes an agreement and sometimes blood. This time... well it doesn't feel as simple as that. I will send you a full report once we arrive in orbit of Divitia Prime."

Ricky smiled as his XO turned and entered the airlock and soon disappeared. He began walking back to his office feeling that qeraQ's thoughts on this ordeal mirrored his own, but he, of all people, had to at least try. But gods help them if the Divitians were going to mess with the Federation.

* * * U.S.S. Takei * * *

Sakkath strode onto the Bridge having bid Li farewell and seen her safely to the Transporter Room, a short trip aboard the Wallace-class vessel. The buzz of activity had abated slightly since he had ordered the Takei made ready for her maiden voyage... at least, under his command.

He settled into the center seat, arms resting on the sides of the command chair as he took a moment to compose his thoughts and center himself. Every fiber of his being was bent towards the task of this command, all emotion gone from his face and his thoughts.

"Status," he ordered, as everyone around him settled into their duty stations.

"All decks report ready," the Ensign at the helm answered. Sakkath knew he had only two officers aboard, the Ensign sitting just fore of him, and the Lieutenant a deck below responsible for Engineering. He would rely on them heavily as a Captain on a starship would rely on his First and Second Officers, though the dozen enlisted aboard were certainly experts in their fields and warranted no doubts - they were also unlikely to step out of line with the Senior Chief at Tactical.

The Vulcan reached out to the command console at his right side and opened a channel.

"This is the Takei," he announced to the Hammond and Commander qeraQ'. "We are prepared to depart at your convenience, Captain.

* * * U.S.S. Takei - Science labs* * *

Leroy'd cast a glance at the officers in the main laboratory. Having them grouped all together, formal crew of the ship and his staff brought form SB900, made the locale appear even more cramped than it really was compared to the starbase facilities.

"Well gentlemen. It seems we'll have to work rubbing elbows together in this small space for the next few weeks. The mission we're undertaking is of the utmost importance as many lives are at stake. Much is expected of us as a department and we're bound to find a solution, one way or the other, to the divitian crisis." He paused to let his word sink in with the audience.
"A meeting will be held tomorrow at 0600 to have a general overview of the situation. Then tasks will be split evenly among the organic in a way to avoid overlapping and misinterpretation. I will be always available for advice no matter how busy I will seem. The time until our arrival to destination has to be put to full use... A great burden is placed on our shoulders and failure is not an option."

He regarded them studying their reaction, no one spoke or commented but their expressions seemed resolute enough.

"If there are no questions you're dismissed. Enjoy a little free time for days of hard work are before us."

* * *

The transporter pad on the Hammond glowed to life once more as Lt. Dobry beamed aboard. The greetings were passed briefly with the transporter chief, then Dobry and his bag departed - the bag to be stored and Quentin to get to work. He tapped his comm badge as he moved along the corridor.

"Lt. Dobry reporting in to Commander qeraQ'. I am aboard sir and ready to depart."


qeraQ' looked around the bridge from the center seat, his belongings stowed below in the Captain's Cabin. It felt odd to be commanding a ship, it was something that had come rarely to him during his career, but command was command, no matter what sat in front of you.

"Sir, the Takei reports that they are ready to depart"

"Very well. Plot a course to Divitia prime and communicate it to the Takei."

"Takei reports ready."

"Helm, Warp 4, Engage."

The stars blurred and the Hammond was away into the near unknown. It was a wonderful feeling!


A joint post by:

CMDR qeraQ'
SB900 XO
USS Hammond, CO


LCDR Sakkath
SB900 Chief of Ops
USS Takei, CO


LCDR Leroy
SB900 Chief of Science


Lt (j.g.) Dobry
SB900 Diplomatic Attache
(written by LCDR Kh'ali)


RADM Ricky Wegener
SB900, CO
TF38, CO


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Comments (2)

By Major Maxim Kamarov on Fri Jul 8th, 2011 @ 11:43am

where is Kamarovs input??

By Admiral Ricky Wegener on Sat Jul 9th, 2011 @ 3:44am

Sorry, Shawn. I missed it. However, the post had been waiting up there almost a week and nothing from your end. We needed to get it moving.

If you want to post something retro with Kamarov's company of marines getting on board, you may want to do so soon. :-)

RADM Wegener