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Posted on Sun Mar 10th, 2013 @ 9:38am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Patrick & Kh'ali's quarters

* * * Patrick & Kh’ali’s Quarters * * *

Kh’ali didn’t think she’d ever been so happy to see the doors to her quarters. The walk from the turbolift to home had come at a rapidly decreasing pace. She was utterly exhausted. Reaching out with her free hand, she entered the code and stepped inside. Her right hand held a small plate with two of the Betazoid chocolates on it - one for her, one for Patrick. The irony of her situation reached her as she placed it on the coffee table and collapsed to the sofa. Even if they did have the rumoured effect, she was too damned tired to do a thing about it. She closed her eyes for a moment, then reality hit. Patrick’s parents were supposed to drop in for a visit. His father had called her earlier when Patrick was busy and said they would come tonight after dinner for a late drink. She groaned aloud, then called out.


His head popped up from the doorway to the bedroom “What?”

Without waiting for an answer he was instantly beside the sofa taking her hand.

“Everything fine?” he asked with more than usual concern recognizable in his tone. “Do you need something?”

“A clone?” She smiled as she reached up to touch his face. “Or two? That could take care of my job while I sleep? I brought us something, it’s there on the table. And your parents are coming. Your father called me earlier when he couldn’t reach you. An after dinner drink, he said.”

“No.” Patrick exclaimed, frowning even if relieved to find that Kh’ali wasn’t ill or something. “After all that is happening with the Hammond departure and your commitment to the Dendrian delegation I was really hoping for a quiet evening for the two of us,” he added furrowing his brows. He stood then “Perhaps is not too late. I can tell them we have an unexpected...Something.”

His hand went for the badge and the door chime sounded.

“Seems it is too late. It’s okay, we needed to give them the news anyway.” She held up a hand to delay him while she sat up, fluffed up her hair, then stood and carried the plate of chocolates to the kitchen. “Okay, I’m ready.”

“Come in.” Patrick said in resignation.

“Sonny!” Jeffrey greeted him as the doors opened. “You’ve been scarce as of lately. Is this the way to behave with your parents?”

“Well, It’s been... Busy times.” Patrick responded in a half tone.
“C’mon Jeffrey.” Amanda said, nudging her husband right in the side, rising a slight groan of protest. “They’re not here on vacation like us.”

“So dears, how’ve been you doing lately?” She added smiling to both of them.

“Come in.” Kh’ali returned the smile as she reached Patrick’s side. “To be honest, we’ve been busy enough for three of us.” Her choice of words struck her as humorous as soon as she said them. “Please have a seat.”

“But we’re four.” Patrick’s father smiled broadly letting himself fall on the sofa.

“Shut up Jeffrey.” Amanda froze him graciously, sitting at his side a strange smile on her lips.

The cleaning crew was somewhat faulty on SB900. A thing Patrick made a mental note for that. Deposits of dust were in every corner of portals and... Well, wasn’t that embarrassment? He looked anywhere but in his parents’ direction.

Kh’ali squeezed Patrick’s hand and with a whispered ‘patience my darling’ at his ear, she sat down and sighed happily, glad to be off her feet again. She had noticed Amanda cutting off Jeffrey and was curious. “Something wrong?”

“I see you’re glowing tonight my dear. Your eyes have that enchanted quality,” Amanda replied in a soft tone. “Did some of you boys get some gratification? A promotion or something...” She paused then her eyes going over Kh’ali.

“A promotion? No, not that I know of. This is the first time I’ve been home all day and same for Patrick. Our missing crewmen did return today however, and that’s reason to celebrate.” Kh’ali looked across at Patrick, wondering if he was going to break the news or if she should.

“Yes. The return of the Hammond has been a great relief, we have ours back. I forced my hand a little with commander Sakkath on this mission undertaking and I can’t think what would I have done if it went wrong.” Patrick explained

“And also...” he started, his voice trailing off for some heartbeats while Amanda’s eyes scanned him with that strange canny look of hers. “Well it’s a wonderful evening then. What can we offer to drink?” Patrick ended clapping his hands.

“Risian Sunset, sonny.” Jeffrey responded eagerly, earning a sharp look from Amanda.

“Chocolate milk,” Kh’ali answered. She sensed Amanda’s curiosity and decided it was time to take the plunge and it would be easier for her than Patrick. “And we have some news.”

“Ah...” Amanda replied.

“Huh?” Jeffrey replied.

Patrick issued the orders to the replicator inwardly bracing for impact.

Come on Kh’ali, you’re a Klingon, act like it.

“We’re having a baby.” She said it all in a matter-of-fact tone, then smiled. Then she looked across to see ot Patrick was still standing.

Time froze in the room and even the usual soft humming revealing the beating heart of the base faded into nothingness. Jeffrey’s mouth agape, more than usual and Amanda’s eyes wide with the news.

The silence stretched out for several seconds and now Kh’ali looked helplessly at Patrick, hoping he’d say something.

Patrick came back from the replicator with the requested orders, the chocolate cup he gave to Kh’ali as he passed and the Glass with the Risian Sunrise he put on the table in front of his father.

Emotion. An uncommon view on Patrick’s face and totally unknown to those outside his family circle, he swallowed and breathed deeply searching for the right words: “Surprising news for tonight isn’t it? It was for me in the moment I was told and only in that moment I realized it was a long-desired thing.” He paused then to let his words sink in. “Kh’ali’s the one.” he stated. “And this is the best gift we can be blessed with.”

Amanda cocked her head slightly regarding his son then her eyes moved to Kh’ali, a smile definitely lining her lips.

“This is the thing that definitely makes a man complete, is it not?” Patrick continued looking directly at his father. “Is it not?” he asked again.

Jeffrey shifted on he sofa with his son’s question then looked up into his eyes “Yes it is.”

The ice suddenly melted as Jeffrey stood and gestured both Patrick and Kh’ali to come closer. Amanda stood too a slight mist in her eyes.

Kh’ali rose and moved over to stand before them as Jeffrey had requested and held her hand out for Patrick. She certainly hoped it was something good. After the day she’d had, and her see-sawing hormones she wasn’t sure what might happen if it wasn’t.

Much to Patrick surprise Jeffrey hugged them both, tightly.
“This is happy news indeed.” Amanda said coming closer and taking Kh’ali’s hand in hers.

Kh’ali was surprised, given their initial reaction to their son being involved with a Klingon, but the surprise was well-hidden. Instead she smiled and squeezed Amanda’s hand once Jeffrey released her.

“Thank you. We couldn’t be happier and while I was surprised at first, given how unlikely it was to happen, Patrick was ecstatic.” She let go of Amanda and slipped her hand into Patrick’s. “It’s going to be an interesting ride.”

“Yes it will.” Patrick added taking on Kh’ali’s thread. “Everything else is second order now.” he ended casting an eloquent glance to his father.

“Well, career is not so important after all. What’s happening here requires definitely a full-time commitment as both of you will find out soon.” Jeffrey smiled “So... I think a toast is in order here don’t you think?”

“I wouldn’t have believed to see the day hearing such a thing from your father.” Amanda ironized with a chuckle. “”And I’m not referring to the toast.”

Kh’ali silently agreed with Amanda. Letting go of Patrick’s hand, she handed Amanda her drink, then got her glass of chocolate milk.

“To the family.” Kh’ali’s words were spoken like a true diplomat. And in truth, that’s what his parents had suddenly become, for her and her for them.


Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Many Changes

Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Living The True Achievement

Amanda and Jeffrey Leroy
Very Surprised (Grand)Parents


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