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Nightmares Don't Always Require Sleep

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2013 @ 10:19am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Patrick/Khali's Quarters
Timeline: Following 'the Talks Begin'

* * * Kh’ali/Patrick’s Quarters * * *

After the morning session with the Dendrians, Kh’ali was both ravenous and more than a little tired. The trip to their quarters seemed to take forever but she was finally there. She realized she was due in to Sickbay for a checkup and made a note to ask Will if such fatigue was normal. Realistically, shes could see it since her body only had six months to bake the little bun she had in the oven. Make that five now, by the doctor’s calendar. Just this morning, she’d noticed that her uniform pants were unbearably tight and had replicated a new size. It was a massive undertaking for her body, even without the mixed species issues. Even so, she was Klingon, dammit, and this should be easier for her.

Upon reaching her quarters, she keyed in her code and stepped in. The rooms were quiet and already she we unfastening her uniform tunic. Patrick had the day off and she was careful to tread softly as she entered the bedroom in case he was still asleep. She found the bed and the bathroom empty. He must have gone out. She slipped out of the uniform with a sigh of relief and stood before the mirror in her bra and underwear, turning to examine her profile.

Her pants weren;t the only thing getting too small. She realized now, and this seemed to be a new development since the morning, that her bra was fighting a losing battle as well.It was like having someone else body altogether. So, the bra was removed and tossed aside as well and she donned a big, soft, comfy t-shirt that Patrick had brought her. Across the front, in big letters, it read ‘Mobius Always Does It On The Same Side’. This shirt had always made her laugh and it still amused her that people who didn’t really know Patrick thought he had no sense of humour. They also thought he had no emotions, and she knew this pregnancy had surprised a lot of people as it had proven otherwise without a doubt.

The thought made her laugh out loud but it was cut off by rough hands that circled her throat and squeezed slightly.

“”I hope the joke was a good one, but the last laugh is going to be mine.”

The voice was deep and rough as it growled at her ears. Not Patrick. And how had anyone gotten in? She locked the door behind her out of habit. Hot, sour breath washed over Kh’ali and her stomach churned. It was a blessing it was empty or whatever was there would’ve come right up. It took her panicked mind a few beats to settle and recognize the voice. The realization didn’t settle her any. The voice belonged to someone who had been dead for a while. Thumb. How? Had she fallen asleep and had the old nightmare return? No, she was sure she was still awake. Belatedly, she noticed, with that clarity that so often comes when danger looms, that the comm panel on the wall was blinking, indicating a message.

“Thumb...what do you want?”

“Only what I was denied last time. Your life. This time, there’s no one to stop me.” He gave a low, evil chuckle. “Judging by what I saw when you stripped down, looks like I’m getting two for one this time. Oh well, I’ll remove you and prevent another Klingon from entering this world. It’s a win-win for me.”

His words made Kh’ali dizzy and for a second the room seemed to blank out. It slowly returned but now bright spots of light danced before her eyes. Lack of oxygen. She Had to do something and fast. As if reading her thoughts, his grip around her throat tightened. The room began to recede once more. It was now or never. She shot her elbow back, catching Thumb square in the gut. He coughed as the air rushed out of him and bent forward. Taking advantage of that, she hooked her foot around his ankle and bent forward. He was off balance enough that he rolled to the side and hit the floor.

Kh’ali took in several, deep, desperate breaths and her vision began to clear. The panel. She had to get to the panel. One step....then two....and a hand closed around her ankle and gave a mighty yank, pulling her leg out from underneath her and she was down. A low growl escaped her as she kicked back with her free foot and connected with his face. the crunch of bone was a satisfying sound. She didn’t stop to congratulate herself, however, but began to pull herself forward across the carpet. The grip on her ankle tightened and she gave a mighty roar of rage now. She had no idea how Thumb could be here and now wasn’t the time to try and figure it out. It was survival time now and that was all that mattered.

She roared again and pulled to try and free her ankle from his grip but it changed to a scream as a white hot pain shot across her lower leg. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the glint of the knife and smelled her own blood.

“Computer! Security to the Leroy quarters! NOW!” she yelled. The sound of the doors sliding open was lost beneath her voice, but then she heard footsteps. Wow, Security was fast was her only thought before a familiar set of feet and legs appeared in the bedroom door.

“What the...” Patrick exclaimed seeing Kh’ali lying on the floor. Without even caring to finish the sentence he knelt beside her slipping a hand under her cheek to lift her face from the floor.

“What happened? Are you alright?” he asked in a tone full of concern. Then his eyes spotted the blood blotches and and the open wound on her ankle “Damn!”He cursed as his other hand darted for the badge “Leroy to Sickbay! Emergency to my quarters. Wounded person.”

“Is he gone?” Kh’ali mumbled. The cut across her ankle was throbbing now but Patrick was here. That was what mattered.

“Who is he?” He asked noting the bruises on her neck “Don’t think of it now. The medical team is coming, it’s only me here.” He ended gently stroking her.

“Thumb. He was this room. He came to finish what he couldn’t last time.” She coughed and her throat felt as it had been bathed with fire.

Patrick face froze in horror. “But he... He’s dead. I’ve read the reports. It happened when he phased right in a wall during the fight with Commander Zeferino...”

“I know, I was there. I saw it Patrick. But this....was real. The blood, the bruises real. How??” Slowly she rolled from her stomach to her side. The thought that her now-expanding boobs had cushioned her fall was suddenly amusing and she smiled but another cough killed the smile.

“Easy...” Patrick urged her “Don’t strain yourself. We’ll get to the bottom of this. I promise you.”

“He couldn’t be here.” And yet he was. Now another thought rose in her mind. “You came in through the doors, and he was holding onto my leg the instant before I saw your feet. He couldn’t have gone out by the doors and there was no transport. How did you not see him?”

A shiver ran down his spine “Because he vanished.”

“He...vanished....” Kh’ali repeated slowly. “You mean he phased out?” She clutched at Patrick desperately. “You mean he could still be in this room?”

“I don’t think so. He would have gotten his chance by now.” Patrick answered as he rested her head in his lap. He dearly hoped his words to have sounded convincing for her... For he was not.

“Not possible. Maybe it was someone related...or someone dressed up...” But Kh’ali knew it wasn’t. Finally she sighed. “It was him.”

The doors opened once more and Security and Medical personnel dashed in together.

The young doctor knelt beside him assessing the situation with a cursory look and passing a quick tricorder scan over her. “She’s in no danger. Mild effects from asphyxia and superficial wound to the left ankle. Edged weapon.” He then turned a reassuring smile to Patrick resting a hand on his shoulder “We’ll take care of her now.”

Patrick stood, still dazed from the fear, as the doctor and the nurse administered medical care to her wound.

“Would you care to answer some questions Commander Leroy?” The Security officer asked him as the rest of his team scanned the quarters phasers in hand.

“Yes. Of course.” Patrick responded wiping some pearls of sweat from his forehead with the back of the hand.

Kh’ali looked from Patrick to the security officer. “I will as well, soon as they are done with the patching.” The medic finished and with Patrick’s help, Kh’ali sat up. “Besides, we need to warn Oz.”

The officer nodded and began to ask his questions.

Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Dead Scared

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Visions Of Nightmares

All Part Of the Dream


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