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Late Night Advice

Posted on Thu Apr 4th, 2013 @ 7:08pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Lieutenant Norval Tigan

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Norval's Quarters

* * * Norval’s Quarters * * *

Once he left his quarters, Eli was in a hurry. He was sure that at first, Chance would wander, trying to get a grip on his chaotic emotions. He’d go look for Chance after but first he needed some advice and he knew where to go. He began to hurry as he moved along the corridor to the Chief of Ops quarters and rang the bell. He hoped the lateness of the hour wouldn’t be a huge problem for Norval but right now, Eli was worried....very worried.

Norval barely heard the sound of the chime through his otherwise overloaded senses. He had been in his own head since Eric asked for his kar’takin and phased polaron pistol, taken from a Jem’Hadar during the Dominion War, relics of Andam’s past. As a result he had been blasting a Klingon opera, Aktuh and Melota, through his room’s speakers, attempting to practice Coran’s language skills. He had also been painting, a particularly bloody looking canvas the testament to both Benzo’s painting and Andam’s warfare... which meant it wasn’t working at all.

“Come in!” he shouted over the din, looking at the canvas with distaste before reaching for his gin, which he realized was empty only after smudging red paint on the glass. Sighing, he set it back down on the endtable, tossed his brush at the image he had created and sank back into the couch.

The doors opened and the music rolled out in a tidal wave, seeming to suck Eli in like a black hole. The doors closed behind him and the music seemed to grow louder in the enclosed space. He greeted Norval but when his voice was lost to too many decibels, he resorted to more direct means.

Hi Norval. I’m sorry to interrupt but I need your help. It’s Chance.

Norval's expression went from one of exasperation to surprise at seeing Eli and then to concern when the cadet's thoughts rang in his mind. Reaching the nearest control panel, he silenced the music.

"Sorry about that," the Trill offered. "Wasn't really expecting anyone." He began gathering up some of his distractions to recycle in the replicator, wiping his hands down in the process, and gestured Eli towards a seat. "What can I do for you?"

Eli glanced at the painting, then stopped to study it. “Rough day?” He smiled, but then it faded. “There’s something wrong. Chance is...not himself I guess is the best way to put it. To be honest, Eric had been concerned about this, even though he didn’t say so.”

Norval furrowed his brow. Eric hadn't mentioned anything to him either, which sparked a flash of completely irrational annoyance. Of course he hadn't, they'd barely had a chance to speak since the Hammond's return. Shaking it off, he redirected his thoughts to Eli and Chance.

"Well, that was expected, yeah?" he wondered aloud, looking for affirmation. "Sakkath said it was going to take a while for Chance's head to sort itself out."

“He did but this...” Eli sat, then stood again, unable to sit still. “He does odd things, reacts strangely, and jealous to the point of being repressive. Tonight was sort of the last straw. I stopped by after work to drop off some dinner to the new hostess. When I got there, there was shouting in her quarters and she was really distressed. I ran in and she had had one of those weirdo visions that are happening here. I stayed a few minutes to try and settle her down, then sent her to bed and went home. When I got there, Chance said he smelled her on me and accused me of all sorts of things. Then he hauled me forcibly to the bedroom to prove the point that I was his. That’s when I put my foot down and refused and he stormed out.”

Scowling, the Trill replied. “That seems fairly... adolescent,” he said, which coming from a person who had experienced a few centuries of life was telling. He liked to believe most Starfleet cadets were more mature than that, being the first of the Tigans to go through the academy.

“Are you sure he’s not just stuck in his youth? I mean, trust isn’t going to come immediately to people you can’t immediately remember... and here he is, sharing your quarters, being told he loves you. Maybe some space is a good idea. But the idea of him forcing you into the bedroom concerns me. Would concern anyone,” he quickly added, scowling. “I mean, that borders on some unsavory business if you weren’t strong enough to stop it.”

“That’s just the thing. The love...he feels that. I see it in him so clearly. It’s as if he had to hold on too tight so he doesn’t lose it and with that comes such irrational anger. Tonight, he was afraid he might harm me.” Eli ran his hand over his face. “And there are times that what I sense in him doesn't feel like Chance at all.”

“So, where is he now?” Norval had to wonder. For someone with all sorts of experience dealing with memories that weren’t his own, this managed to be very unfamiliar footing. He was still thinking of ways to advise Eli while he turned the conversation towards Chance’s actions and location.

“I don’t know yet. I’m going to find him when I leave here. It’s time, I think, that I took a stand. I’m not his toy, Norval, nor am I some precious possession that he has to keep away from others.”

“Of course not,” the Trill shook his head, “but you’re assuming you can deal with this like two rational adults. Can you? More importantly, can he?” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking around the room. “Look, when I have an identity crisis, I can turn inward. I rely on my symbiont to sort out one host from another from me. Chance, almost any non-joined Trill, has zero experience dealing with that, and even the joined Trill have a fully developed, adult psyche backing up their efforts. Chance’s thoughts are still a jumble if what you’re telling me is true. Sometimes it’s him, sometimes it isn’t. Now, maybe Sakkath screwed up. Maybe he couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again...” he paused, realizing Eli might have no idea what that meant, but then continued. “Or maybe Chance just needs time and space to figure things out. I’m pretty sure Captain Spock spent months reeducating himself and even then he barely recalled his personal interactions with his friends. You’ve got to give him time. And you can’t punish him for needing that time -- which is not to say you shouldn’t stand up for your rights. He can’t use you, but neither should you hold his tumult of emotions against him. This is when he needs his friends the most.”

Eli nodded. “I know, and I’m doing all I can to help him. But there are times that he...” Eli stopped, recalling Chance’s parting words. Don’t you get that? I’m not me! I’m not who you grieved,” he hissed. “I’m someone who would hurt you.... “Tonight he said...he was afraid he would hurt me, then he ran out. I think he was afraid too.” Eli covered his mouth as the memory made his stomach roil.

Frowning, Norval placed a hand on Eli's shoulder. "Then at least you know he cares about you enough to fight the urge, and to fear it. He'll work this out... But he may not be able to do it alone. Has he seen Counselor Swift?"

“He is supposed to, yes, but not yet. He’s been more interested in checking out the station, seeing what memories he can stir up, and getting settled back in at home.” He reached up to touch Norval’s hand for a moment. “Thanks. I figured if anyone would have some insight into dealing with more than one person in his head, it would be you.”

The Trill smiled in response. "We deal with it by facing our former selves. Unfortunately, in Chance's case, that isn't really an option. The Hazari is dead, and Chance - the real Chance - is still locked inside his head, struggling to break free. Time, Eli, is the only thing that will fix this. But he should see someone."

Eli nodded and stood. “I’ll see that he does. But first I have to find him.” He smiled and moved to the doors. “Thanks, Norval. Sorry it’s so late.”

"Nah," Norval dismissed it, "I wasn't sleeping anyway. Happy to help. If you need anything else, I'm here."

As Eli left, the Lieutenant locked the doors. If anything was going to dismiss Andam's PTSD from his mind, that had certainly done it.

Cadet 2nd Class Eli Ziyad
Reaching Out

Lieutenant Norval Tigan
Resident Headcase


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