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Some Matters Of Diplomacy

Posted on Tue Apr 16th, 2013 @ 11:05am by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Admiral Wegener's Office

* * Rick’s Office * *

Rick walked into the waiting area of his office and spent a few moments chatting with Lt. Beckman, checking his appointments and seeing how she was doing. He hadn’t been able to talk much with her lately and felt a little out of touch with her. He made a mental note to take her to lunch in the next day or so, just to catch up on how she’d been.

As he stood there, Li arrived. They had both been summoned for a meeting with LCDR Kh’ali, no doubt about her meeting with the Dendrians. Rick had been expecting it at some point, especially since they hadn’t really had much doings with the Dendrians and their request to meet with representatives from Starfleet was quite a benchmark moment. Of course, any time they could make friends out here in the Delta Quadrant was a great opportunity that they had to look into.

“Li,” Rick said by way of greeting, adding a slight nod.

“Good afternoon Captain,” Hope said, smiling as usual.

Li smiled to Rick, then greeted Hope. “It seems like forever since I saw you last, Lt. Beckman.”

“It has been a long time, but you’ve been a bit busy.” The lieutenant couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m just glad you guys got back okay. I’m sure you and the Commander were happy to be back together as well. It’s hard to be away from someone you love like that. I’m just glad everything worked out.”

“As am I.” Li’s smile lingered as she neatly avoided addressing the more personal observations. “One of these days, I need to have Will clone you and my life would get far easier.” She looked to Rick then. “Shall we?”

He opened the doors to his office and the two walked in to get settled for the meeting. “That girl really is a blessing for me,” he said as he sat behind his desk, clearing a few things out of the way. “I think I’d forget to breathe if it weren’t for her. And sometimes she’s as bad as a mother hen!” He laughed. “But she’s just doing her job.”

Li stopped at the replicator to get a cup of Vulcan spice tea. “I wasn’t kidding about cloning her. However, I think I’ll settle for putting in a request to send someone to assist me if that’s alright? And what can I get for you?”

“Um, just some ice water,” he said after a beat. “And if you need someone, by all means. If you want to hand pick someone from the station that you think might work, have at it. Or I can send for someone from HQ if you want?”

She ordered the water with ice and some lemon and lime and carried it back over. “Will was harping on me about the possibility of picking up a bug after our strange trip and insisted I get some extra vitamin C so enjoy.” She grinned at Rick as she sat down. “I’ll review personnel. I’m sure there has to be someone here instead of shipping in from outside. 900 is a little insular as far as crew and I’d rather promote from within.”

Rick nodded. “Sounds like a plan, and thanks for the drink.” He downed a quarter of it on his first sip. “I can’t remember when I’ve just had plain ice water. And talk about being a mother hen, I think ol’ Harding may have Hope beat on that.” He looked her up and down. “You look okay. Are you not feeling well, then?”

“I’m fine. Even Will says so. He’s just hedging his bets I think. And part of it is that having both of us missing threw people for a loop and they’re in no hurry for a repeat.” She sipped her tea, then set the cup down. “Things are beginning to even out finally, though there’s a few things we need to go over before Kh’ali arrives.”

“Lay it on me,” he said, putting his feet up on the corner of his desk.

Li paused before she started with her mental list, knowing the first item on that list was a sore spot for Rick. “The first is Suresh.” She held up her hand before he could speak. “I have good news for you.”

His feet immediately came down as he sat straight up in his chair. “He’s dead? Who did it? I’ll give them a commendation medal.”

She cleared her throat and shook her head. “No. But Lt. Benson is meeting with the prosecutor and Suresh’s attorney. I have an assessment from Counselor Swift in which he has declared Suresh incompetent. That’s likely not much of a surprise. His attorney has indicated he’s willing to strike a deal that will get Suresh off this station without the time and stress of a trial.”

“Incompetent, as in he’s going to plead insanity? That’s complete bullshit, Li, and you know it. He’s no more insane than you or I and he did all of that on purpose.” His fists balled up but he tried to restrain himself. “He’s trying to get a lesser sentence, that’s all that’s good for. And no offense to Robin, but I don’t give two shits if he thinks Suresh is out of his mind. Every bit of what he did was cold and calculated while he was in full control of his faculties. I knew I should have killed him on the other side,” he grumbled.

“I thought so as well but Robin is convinced. His main concern is his over-the-top obsession. And he’s added paranoia and losing touch with reality to the list. Suresh claims to have seen...someone... that he’s in danger. From someone who doesn’t exist. They are planning to incarcerate him at the Elba II asylum. You know as well as I do that if he’s locked up there, he’s gone for good.”

“Now I know it’s bullshit, Li. Damn near everyone on the station has been seeing people that weren’t actually there! Doesn’t Robin know that? Hell, if that’s the case then half of 900 would be incompetent.” He shook his head, aggravated at the situation. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he’s going sooner than later, but this will reduce his sentence by years.”

Li shook her head, her expression thoughtful. She passed Rick a padd before she spoke. “Read that, it’s Robin’s impressions. He was more disturbed by how Suresh was then by what he said. I’ve got more than a dozen requests from Suresh for a meeting and now that I’ve seen this report, I am curious.” She paused a moment, turning her tea cup in her fingers. “He said he saw my daughter and that she was there to get revenge for all the hassles he caused for Sakkath and for me. What concerns me is that all the other sighting reports, those people seen seemed to be out of touch with our reality and had no idea they were out of time or place. This particular vision sounds very aware of both.”

“Well, if this one is different, then good luck to her. I’ll even lend her a hand, if she wants.” He was angry and venting, but he was also being honest. He scanned through the padd and placed it on the desk, not at all interested in what it had to say. Taking a moment to calm himself, he looked to Li. “You know exactly how I feel about this, Li. I know I’m supposed to be above it as the base commander, but this is personal. Not only did he try to hurt me, he tried to hurt you and I don’t take that sort of thing lightly. The only reason the bastard is still alive is because of you, so he should count himself extremely lucky for that.” With a long huff he closed his eyes a moment and then reopened them. “Whatever happens, happens. I won’t be able to change the outcome on this one. But thank you for keeping me updated.”

He could have bit through nails at this point but any further tirades or temper tantrums were put off by the doors opening and Kh’ali entering.

The interruption amused Li, sensing as she did Rick’s annoyance over their current subject being interrupted. She turned in her seat to greet Kh’ali.

“Good afternoon Admiral Wegener, Captain Hawke. Congratulations, Li.”

“Thanks.” Li smiled brightly. “Congratulations to you and Patrick as well. The news arrived among all the other things I’ve been catching up on since we returned.”

“Thank you. So far, everything’s going well, thanks to Dr. Harding.” Kh’ali remained standing and now turned her attention to Rick.

“Please, Kh’ali, have a seat,” Rick suggested. “It’s just the three of us in here. No need to stand on ceremony. Besides, can’t have my pregnant Chief Diplomat standing while I’m sitting, now, can I?”

Kh’ali laughed as she took a seat. “To use a human phrase, bless you Admiral. It’s already been an interesting month and there’s still five to go.”

Li listened to that, still amazed at how swiftly it would come to pass. She really rather envied the idea of such a short term. “You’ve had no trouble I hope?”

Kh’ali shook her head. “Aside from uniform issues, I’m being careful and so far so good. I’m glad, because things here are about to get really interesting.”

“So, tell us about our new friends, then,” Rick prompted, taking the cue from Kh’ali.

“Part of their reason for visiting was to meet us of course. We are a relatively new presence here in the quadrant, and the Dendrians are rather choosy about who they approach. So far, I’ve been impressed with Ambassador Chordata. Things are still a bit formal as yet, but going well. The diplomatic staff has done a lot of preparation for this, as has Cadet Vor, whose assistance has been invaluable.” Kh’ali paused to look from Rick to Li. “And I’m glad you’re both sitting down. The Order have made a formal request to Starfleet and 900 to build a colony in their territory.”
“A colony?” Rick asked. “For what purpose? Wouldn’t that be duplicating the purpose of 900?”

“Somewhat, yes, but it’s far enough out that it might be a more convenient waypoint for Fleet explorers and still within reach here as needed. The main thing, however, is to make a formal alliance out here as well as staking a claim, to put it bluntly. What they are offering is a very small, uninhabited planet that is a possession of the Order.” Kh’ali looked thoughtful as she delivered that news. “Now, I know that the old human saying is not to look a gift horse in the mouth but before we begin to consider this, we are going to study this planet inside out as well as everything around it. At the moment, Dobry and Cadet Vor have the information, but I will pull in science as well. Once they’ve had time to review it and give an opinion, I want intel to do their thing. Basically, I’m saying I don’t like surprises.”

Rick thought about what she had placed before him. “Are you getting any odd vibes from them? The reason I ask is that if we send our intel people in, sneaking around, that may be an easy way to crush this friendship before it even starts--if they get caught, that is. On the other hand, if we more or less demand total honesty and open access to all of their information, it may strengthen our friendship with them.”

“Chordata has given us extensive information on this planet, which they are reviewing now. I don’t want Intel going there physically but I think there is plenty they could gather from here, yes?” Kh’ali turned to Li with the question.

Li nodded. “There is and Ozum is close enough that there should be something in the regular sweeps, at least enough to tell us whether there’s something we should be concerned about. We have been actively monitoring the conflict in that sector as well, and that will have plenty of bearing on this proposal. Once you’re ready, coordinate with Commander Nalas. I’m curious as well. This seems to be an extremely generous offer. Like you I want to know why.”

“War,” Rick said. When the ladies turned to him, he continued. “It’s obvious. They’re still having problems with those rebels. Inviting the Federation to start an outpost in such close proximity to their home planet invites the rebels to think of us as a target as well, thus dragging us into the war on the side of the Dendrians. I guarantee that’s what this is about.” He steepled his fingers. “Of course, I have no proof, but I can’t think of another reason. So the question is, ladies, does the Federation want to get into a war in the Delta Quadrant?”

“So far, as you are aware, the fleet has refused,” Kh’ali answered. “For a whole host of reasons and I agree as things have been so far. I cannot predict what may happen in the future of course.”

“A bodyguard.” Li spoke now. “It may be that they are hoping our mere presence there will be enough to strike fear in these rebels and convince them they are on a foolish course. The threat of ‘this is what will drop on you should you continue this.”

Rick weighed the options in his head, wondering how he would handle this situation if he had been sitting at Starfleet Command and it had crossed his desk. “Well, I’m sure Command has a grip on the situation, what with our reports of the region. If they sign off on it then we have no other option than to suck it up and go with it.”

Kh’ali considered that then nodded. “I’ll keep you two up to date as things come in. I wanted your impressions before I drop this load on Starfleet Command. I’ve also included Admiral Hawke, Starfleet Intel is most interested in the situation. In the meantime, now that things are settling down for you, I have both of you scheduled for dinner with their delegation tomorrow evening, along with Admiral Hawke and Zee’Hrai. I’m not asking you to pry Li, but yours and your father’s impressions will be most welcome.”

Li smiled once again. “So noted.”

With a nod, Rick stated, “Okay, sounds good, Kh’ali. Let’s make the dinner a formal affair, all the trimmings and the like. Make sure we have quite a bit of their best cuisine programmed into the computer, but letting them sample some of our own foods would probably be nice as well. And it goes without saying, but get Oz in touch with their security to find out if they need anything more for the dinner, but I want all of my department heads there to show them that the entirety of the station is interested in these talks, not just the muckety-mucks.”

“I’ll send notices out to the department heads when I leave here, and call Security. Oz is still on vacation so I’ll get with the Assistant Chief. And if you two believe in luck, cross your fingers for me.”

“Will do.” Li glanced to Rick and sensing nothing else forthcoming, turned back to Kh’ali. “Call if you need either of us. Otherwise, dismissed. And take care, Kh’ali.”

Kh’ali rose once more. “I will and thanks. See you soon.” She turned and hurried out, already mentally reviewing the nest thing on her list.

Li turned to look at Rick now. “Alright, I have to ask, since it’s overflowing your head and this office. What’s got you so happy?”

“Well, I was excited as hell when I thought Suresh was dead,” he said. “But that was short lived.”

She raised one eyebrow in what she realized after the fact was a good imitation of Sakkath. “And?”

He sat forward in his chair and leaned on the desk with a small smile on his face. “Okay, Li. What are you getting at?”

“That was my question.” Her own smile was like a satisfied cat. “I’ll say one thing to give you a hint. Despite this station’s size, word travels faster than a small town. Well, about most things.”

“Hm,” was all he said. “Not as if I actually need to tell you, since you can probably pick it out of the air around us, but, yes, El’Shar and I went on a date. I have another one planned for this evening.” He chuckled. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”

“Ohh, so it’s true.” She leaned forward, watching his face. “So how was it? Was it good? Does she like you? Well, of course she would, what’s not to like?”

He smirked and pulled at his collar. “Yeah, I’ve got it going on like that,” he said with a laugh. “Li, it was...damn, it was amazing! I haven’t felt like that in ages! You know how I am with the public and with my people. I try to be fairly open and easygoing, but it’s never been that easy with women and dating. But with her? It was really like we were really in each other’s heads, like we’d been together for...I don’t know, years?” He looked at Li, as serious as he could be. “I haven’t felt this way about a woman in decades, Li. But I have to keep telling myself to take it slow. She likes me, she told me as much, but I’ve been out of the dating loop for so long that, to be honest, I’m not sure how to move on.”

Li was silent a moment, considering his words. It had been so different with her and Sakkath. They were both telepaths and the connection had been instant, deep, and complete. Rick didn’t have that advantage of knowing what was in El’Shar’s head unless she told him.

“ not the best one to ask perhaps. It’s very different for us. I don’t know how I would proceed if I didn’t know what Sakkath was thinking and feeling first hand. I will suggest, however, that your idea is good. There’s time, especially for you, to get to know everything about her. It may take the rest of your life, you know.” She smiled softly. “But do not be afraid.”

“Well, luckily she’s half-Vulcan, so we have even more time,” he said with another smile. “So, uh, just how far has this gotten around the station?”

“I heard it from a waiter at Lao’s at lunch just before I arrived here. He heard it from someone at the Wormhole, who is dating a waiter at the Nexus whose cousin is part of the kitchen staff where you had dinner. So basically....everywhere.”

He shook his head. “Wow. Well, I guess being the Admiral means I can’t get away with anything around here. No surprise, I guess. I don’t exactly stick out like a sore thumb, do I?” He laughed. “No need to keep it a secret, but it’ll have to be more low-key. I don’t want to scare her off with everyone talking about it.”

“There are ways. When was the last time you heard any gossip about Sakkath and I?”

“You’re married, Li. Not much to talk about. You’re supposed to go out and do things, they already know you guys have s--” he stopped himself, knowing her personal life wasn’t exactly something she cared to share with anyone. “Uh, that you do normal ‘married people things’. But me, the one guy that hasn’t been with a woman in ages--which, for some reason, seems to be known by all as well, it’s like finding out the scoop from those old Hollywood people before it hit the world news.”

He stood to refill his water. “But there’s two ways to deal with it, I guess. Try to play it down, which would probably just cause more suspicion, or just go do our thing and own it. I vote for the latter.”

“Me too. It will die down, once people get over their surprise. Don’t worry. and don’t let the box around your pips cage you, Ricky. It doesn’t seem to bother her, so go with it.” Li stood and carried her cup back to the replicator. “But for now, I need to go scare a cadet. Then the day will be complete.”

“You’re scaring cadets now? Do tell.”

“Assigning two more to some real-world duty. I’m going to have Chance take over as my assistant till I find one I like. I can’t wait to tell him.” Now Li laughed just a little.

“Well, good luck with that. Let me know how they enjoy their new training.” He sat back at his desk again and punched up an open video link, to send something to El’Shar. “Anything else? I have a date to confirm.”

“Not right now, no. Enjoy your evening.” She gave him a wink, then hurried out, requesting that the computer summon Chance as she went.

Once she was gone, and the door closed, he connected to El’Shar’s terminal.

Admiral Rick Wegener
One Happy Man

Captain Li Hawke

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Not Fond Of Surprises


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