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How much for that spaceship in the window?

Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2013 @ 6:18am by Elijah "Eli" Samuels

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Deck 123-Impound shipyard
Timeline: current

180 days. It didn't seem so long until you spent is sitting in a detention center for kidnapping a freaking bug. Well, in all honesty, the actual charge had been "conspiracy to commit larceny". Eli thought that sounded slightly better than stealing a big ugly spider.

Oh well, such was life. He'd done what he could. Told the fleet chick as much as he could how to find guy who had Iggy. Maybe one day he'd find how if they'd recovered the bug. Right now,, he needed his ship back. 6 months in the clink had not helped his bank account.

Finally coming to the head of the line, he laid his claim ticket on the small slot under the window for the bored looking bolian female manning the desk behind it. With a bored glance at the ticket she punched a few keys obviously pulling the record.

"One romulan shuttle, 6 month storage comes to 63 strips of latnum. How would you like to pay?"


"Yes sir, 10 strips per month, pro rated for the partial month." Came the unenthusiastic reply.

Eli let out a stiff klingon curse under his breath before replying. "How long do I have to come up with the money?"

"We hold all items 15 days from a prisoner's release date then they will ship to Andor for auction processing.

"Crap! I'll be back."

Turning he stormed out. It was time to find a quick way to make creds.


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