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Bon Voyage

Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2013 @ 5:08pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Seyla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Harding's Quarters

* * * Will’s Quarters * * *

Will emerged from his bedroom, dressed casually now that the shift was over. It had been a hectic day. That in itself wasn’t unusual, but the last one had required some extensive work and by the time they were done both he and Ophelia were wrung out. He crossed to the bar and poured a double of his favorite scotch.

One sip brought a deep, satisfied sigh from him. That almost made up for the day. Almost. His quarters were quiet but the faint hint of Seyla’s perfume still lingered and he smiled. Things with her were both good and...unsettled. He still wasn’t quite sure what to make of her and their situation. He really needed to figure that out but was hesitant to broach the subject. There was no better way to screw things up than to bring up a serious subject with someone like Seyla. She was an escape for him, a great stress reliever, but there was so much still that he couldn’t say around her and that meant watching his tongue. It could get tiring, he suspected. So, best to let things go
for now just as they were. What was that old golfing phrase? Play it where it lies? That was Seyla to a T and if the current shot was in the rough, well so be it. He reached for the decanter to refill his glass just as the chime rang. He poured a generous helping of the scotch, then crossed to open the door.

Seyla’s motto was certainly to play a ball where it lay; it kept things easy. Tonight, though, she was nervous - why, she wasn’t entirely sure. Her time was her own and if she wanted to leave the station for a few days, then so be it; it wasn’t as if Harding had anyone he could complain to about it. As he opened the door, she glanced down the hall the way she’d come and slipped inside before anyone came along the corridor. “Will,” she addressed him, leaning into him to kiss his cheek and stole the glass of scotch from his hand. “Was your day exciting?”

“About as usual, so I am anticipating no emergencies. Besides, Mi is on duty. I have received word that another might be here soon too, at least temporarily. The station population has increased dramatically in the past year and extra hands are useful.” He paused to smile a moment as he touched her cheek. “But you’re not here for a discussion of the medical duty roster.”

In answer, she sipped his scotch then kissed him. “No, I’m not. But I do have something to tell you,” she whispered. “I’m going to head to the planet for a few days. Maybe a week.” Best to tell it all in one flew swoop, like ripping off an adhesive bandage.

“Business or pleasure?” He took the glass back and had a sip of his own. He was curious as to the purpose of her trip but a week without her might not be all bad. There were a few things he needed to do in his off hours and those things were such that he couldn’t explain to Seyla why he couldn’t see her for a night.

Unsure just how to answer that, she paused. His pleasure was her business, but would he take her pleasure as meaning business? “Ah... my pleasure,” she smiled and added, “Just a few days alone, is all. One of my employees commented that I seem to be burning the candle at both ends.”

“That employee is right.” He took her hand and drew her over to the sofa, settling down beside her. “And as your doctor, I can’t think of a better way to rejuvenate than a little time away, relaxing at the beach. I need to try it someday. Ophelia prods me about overwork as well.”

“Mm-hmm,” she nodded, shifting her position to take advantage of him on the couch. Discussing work, whether his or hers, wasn’t the reason he paid her to be here. “You’re burning that candle right along with me, sweety. Perhaps you should take time off, too.”

“It will have to wait I am afraid. With Kh’ali’s condition, I don’t want to be too far away. She is doing well but still watched very closely.” He shifted her to his lap and leaned forward to bury a kiss to her cleavage.

"Of course," she purred, pleased that he had taken the news of her vacation so easily. And that he wouldn't be going with her. Suddenly, she was giddy from the idea that she'd soon be completely alone. "Here or in the bed, Will?"

“Do I have to choose?” He looked up to study her face and he agreed with what her girl had said. Tiny lines of tension had etched themselves at the corners of her eyes and he’d noticed her overall tiredness. “How long before you leave?”

"I'll head out in the morning after you leave for work." Her giddiness came through in the twinkle of her eye and the curve of her smile. "So, no, you don't need to choose," she said, kissing him.

“Now that’s what I wanted to hear.” He smiled and laid her back on the sofa.

* * * Sometime Later * * *

Will rose carefully from the bed, leaving Seyla sleeping peacefully, her arms wrapped around a pillow. Returning to his living room, he reclaimed the scotch that sat forgotten on the coffee table and sipped it as he moved through to his terminal. A short text was entered and sent on its way before he strolled, still unclothed, to the kitchen.

Slight noises caused Seyla to stir, though she didn't want to. Instead, she hugged the pillow a little tighter and stayed where she was, knowing that Harding was in the kitchen, doing something. Whatever it was, it didn't have to do with her.

Will drained the glass and left it on the counter. Reaching into the fridge, he pulled out a large strawberry and munched on it as he ambled his way back to the living room. A week without Seyla left him with mixed emotions. It would make delivery a trifle more difficult, but he could manage, with a little help from the one who would be standing watch and making sure she stayed safe. There was a beep from his terminal and he checked the screen, nodded, and erased the message there. Just in case a certain green lovely got curious.

She did. The beep of the computer prodded her out of her pretend sleep. Keeping hold of the pillow, using it like a very large fig leaf, Seyla headed out to the kitchen. "Will? What are you up to?"

“A drink and just a check-in from staff is all. Am I that predictable that they know I usually wake up about this time?”

"Yes, you are. Want to give them a scare?" Mischief was evident in her tone.

He raised an eyebrow and smiled, then reached over to pluck away the pillow from her. “How so?”

"Go in late. I'm sure I can give you reason to do so." She let him take the pillow then pulled on his hand, drawing him toward the bedroom.

“You’ve twisted my arm Seyla.” He squeezed her hand and let her lead him back to the bedroom.

Lt. Commander William Harding, M.D.
Keeping Some Secrets Of His Own

Too Pooped to Notice


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