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Setting the Stage

Posted on Mon Nov 4th, 2013 @ 8:07pm by Commander Sakkath & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: XO's Office / Ops

* * * Li’s Office * * *

Li eyed the PADDs on her desk and sighed aloud. Chance was turning out to be quite good as her assistant but thanks to the notice that just came down, he was taking off with the away team for Charu. He’d been indispensable in handling a lot of the day to day things and she was pleased. At least the trip shouldn’t take too long and she’d manage for then. The list of away team members was a good one, even though she was concerned over the inclusion of Kh’ali.

It was necessary, however, as was placing Sakkath in command of the team. She couldn’t argue with that, even though it seemed like yesterday that she’d returned from the other dimension and home to Sakkath. And now he was departing for several days. Such was life in Starfleet. For a moment, and much to her surprise, she understood how her constant absences way back when had affected Rhys - at least in the days before he was lured into much darker ways.

She grumbled and shook her head to clear it. This wasn’t the time for such remembrances. Considering Rhys was involved in them, no time was the time. She had work to do and it involved a briefing with the leader of the away team. She rose and left her office, on her way to find Sakkath.

* * * Ops * * *

Sakkath, as was unsurprising, was in Operations. Command and Control might be the brain, anatomically speaking, of 900, but his department was the heart. Nothing worked without the support of Ops, just as the body would fail without the support of life-giving blood. Oxygenated blood, in most cases, which he supposed was an analogue for Engineering supplying power as the lungs did vital gases.

He was several thoughts deep in his organic analogue when the hiss of his department's entryway and the nova-flare of his wife's psychic proximity sparked in his mind, causing him to turn and regard her with a tilt of his head. He had expected her since the away mission orders had come down from Admiral Wegener.

And so, he motioned wordlessly to his office, entering and taking a seat behind his sparsely appointed desk.

Li waited till the doors closed, then came around to perch on the corner of the desk beside him. She regarded him a moment, then reached out to touch his hand. “Forty-eight hours. I know it’s short notice but we need to move on this. And as much as I personally might not want you to go, since I got back so recently, you are the one this away team needs. As Kh’ali says, we are making history here.”

“It is the logical choice,” Sakkath agreed, touching his hand to hers. “And I am reasonably confident that you will still be here upon my return.” He said reasonably, knowing full well that some things were beyond the control of anyone on this station. One never did know when a tear in the fabric of reality might manifest... but he hoped that in this case, lightning would not strike twice.

“I will be working closely with Engineering on construction of the outpost, but in terms of the broader mission command, do you have anything for me?”

“I do.” Li paused to gather her thoughts before continuing. “While I think the Order’s offer is far beyond generous, I spent too many years in Intel not to be just a little suspicious. Call it looking the gift horse in the mouth, but I just want to be sure everything’s as it should be. Nick and Leto are going with you and they can sniff out anything that might be lurking and can be seen. It’s what might be unseen that I want you to look for. There will be several telepaths with you: Ensign Madhava, Eli, Chance, and Lt. Sukotav. Get together with them on the way there and inform them of this. I want you all on alert.”

Sakkath nodded along with her line of thinking. "Mr. Conradi and I may not be of particular use in that regard, but I will nevertheless impress upon everyone the importance of vigilance," the Commander promised. "The universe would be a far simpler place if everyone adopted the Vulcan proclivity for honesty," he mused. "This constant intrigue must wear on you."

She met his gaze and nodded. “At times, it does, though less so now than in years past. To be honest, I hope that things are quiet while you all are away. I am taking a couple of days off once you’re underway. I plan to do as little as possible other than relax, read, and eat out so I don’t have to cook.”

"The replicators could just as soon absolve you of that duty, though I know they are no substitute for Lao's. At least with Suresh gone and Oralia present I can rest assured of your safety." He touched the back of his palm to her cheek as he regarded her. "Would that our duty did not separate us, Imzadi."

A warm smile lit her face as she leaned into his hand. “In an ideal world, that would be so. However, we knew how it would be going into this. Rhys once informed me that in the first year of our engagement he saw me a grand total of thirty-six days. Life has definitely changed for the better.”

"It has indeed," Sakkath replied, choosing to gloss over the reference to Rhys. Vulcan or no, he still bristled where the late Commander was concerned. They had suffered far too much at his hands. "We have been fortunate enough to be parted only so long."

“The universe owes us, big time.” She turned her head to kiss his hand, her lips a soft brush against his skin. “Let us hope that your trip and what you find is agreeable.”

"I expect quite the opposite," Sakkath admitted, and were he anything other than what he was he might have smiled. "That is why I shall be prepared for whatever it is we find."

His comment brought forth a laugh from Li. “As usual we are thinking alike. Is there anything I can do for you before you leave? The Hammond is already being prepared as we speak.”

"The thought is appreciated, Captain Hawke," he said, making purposeful use of her rank, "but if the Chief of Operations cannot provide for his own needs, he is a poor officer. I am quite sure we will be adequately outfitted for the journey, in all regards but one." Sakkath paused to regard her. "I would have requisitioned our most talented telepath and espionage specialist... Though I suppose I shall make do with the many others you've assigned."

Her expression turned thoughtful as she nodded. “Rick’s put his foot down, and besides, there’s still a lot he and I need to catch up on from our unexpected absence. I think Oz would revolt if she had to man my office again so soon.”

Sakkath was similarly pensive following her momentary reverie. He reclined in his chair, pressing steepled fingers to his lips before speaking. "She performed your duties admirably, though the stress was evident. I was fortunate to have her, as she was fortunate to know the demands were temporary. In time, she will handle them with greater ease, though she may not ever wish to pursue them... and such is her prerogative; such is Starfleet's loss."

“Agreed. Besides, she and Jackson are newly married, they need a little stress free time.” She paused to laugh for a moment. “Or as stress-free as it can get around here. Perhaps you and I will find out what that’s like eventually.” She rose, but stopped to rest her hand on his shoulder. “Be careful.”

“I intend to be,” he replied matter-of-factly before watching her go, the pang of loss already evident in his mind, and suffocated just as swiftly by decades of Vulcan discipline.

Captain Li Hawke
Putting Things In Order

Commander Sakkath
Placing The Pieces


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