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Administrative Send Off

Posted on Wed Nov 27th, 2013 @ 6:54am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & El'Shar Blackhorse & Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: SB900 - C&C
Timeline: Current

* * SB900 - Command & Control * *

Five minutes until the Hammond left Starbase 900 for a very big step for the Federation. Having the base in permanent orbit over one planet was a huge step of its own, of course, but being offered their very own planetoid for use as an outpost by an indigenous race of the Delta Quadrant, well, that had the potential to be something massive. The Federation didn’t want to take over the Delta Quadrant, by any means, but having a solid footing there would provide them with more and new supplies, ores, materials and even bringing in more knowledge from the various races who live here. On top of that, allies are always welcome as well as the potential to bring in their own personnel to serve in Starfleet.

There was no doubt about it--becoming a permanent presence in the Delta Quadrant was a monumental step for the Federation.

“Time to launch?”

“Three minutes, Admiral,” came the reply.

El’Shar touched his arm. “Stop asking, Rick,” she whispered. “You just asked two minutes ago.”

He shrugged and smiled. “Sorry. I’m pretty nervous about how this is going to turn out. I really hope that planetoid is what we’re looking for out here.”

Though Oralia was far enough from the Admiral that she couldn’t hear their whispered conversation, she could guess at the context of it. With her brother and some of her best officers along for the ride, she had to agree with any voiced concerns. She glanced at Li then checked the console in front of her: all systems were green on her end.

Li nodded then turned to look out the large portal before them. The concern and inner tension was thick in the room and she shared it completely. It seemed like no time at all had passed since she’d returned from the alternate universe and home to Sakkath. And now he was departing for what could be several weeks. It was a fact of life and she resisted counting up the many days apart they had suffered this year alone. She pushed the thought aside and managed a smile.

“They will be fine. All of them.” She spoke up for all to hear, but the second comment was mainly to reassure Oz concerning Chance.

The Security Chief nodded at Li, "From all the sensors reports, there doesn't seem to be anything to threaten any away teams."

“Dae’s checked it out as much as possible from here and so far so good.” Still, the boys were going and, like Oz, she felt rather protective of them. Maybe what she said was to reassure herself as well.

Leaning over one of the communications specialists, Rick tapped the controls and spoke. “USS Hammond, this is Admiral Wegener. I--,” he paused and turned to look at some of the concerned faces around him, “We all truly wish you a smooth ride and a safe return. This is a momentous occasion for not only our personnel but also the Federation as a whole. I’m sure you don’t need to be told that, should this work, your names will likely be in the history books. Good luck and godspeed. Wegener out.”

He took hold of El’Shar’s hand and she could easily tell that he was on edge. “Nice speech, Admiral,” she said with a wink. “But they’ll be fine. From what you’ve told me that ship has many of your absolute best people on it. So, no worries, okay? Besides, we have a vacation to get to.”

She always knew how to make him feel better. “You’re right. And there’s nothing I can do about it now anyway.” As Li and Oz approached he continued. “Sakkath is as good as they get and we’ve covered our bases on the other departments, so the only thing to do now is await word.”

“And get going on our vacation,” El’Shar added.

“And get going on our vacation,” Rick repeated with a smile. “Did we manage to snag a runabout for our trip, Li? I’d prefer that to a shuttle, but I’ll take what I can get.”

“It’s all arranged,” Li answered. “Waiting and ready when you two are. The base planetside has been informed of your arrival and that it’s not a state visit, so they should leave you alone. Any business they have can be handled when Oz and I are there in two days.There’s nothing else pressing except the Ptolemy’s arrival, but that’s not until after your return. So, have a good trip.”

Turning to face Oz, Rick winked at her. “I know you’re not a fan of being the acting XO, but I really need some time off. Besides, Li is here and you know how she likes to have her hands in everything, so it shouldn’t be as difficult this time. And barring another hole between alternate universes, this particular few weeks should be a cake-walk.”

Oz smiled and agreed, “Absolutely: a cake-walk. The most we should have to worry about is getting regular reports from the Hammond.”

“Fingers crossed,” he replied, holding up his own hand and making the gesture.

“I’m sure you don’t need to hear it from me,” El’Shar added, “but you’re really good at this, Oz. I think that Rick’s more satisfied that you’re covering than anyone else. If you or Sakkath hadn’t been here, we likely wouldn’t even be going on vacation. He’s pretty particular about who he leaves in charge of things.”

Rick rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay. You’ll give her the big head.”

“A well-deserved one. Now you two, go pack and hit the trail, as they say. Oz and I have things to do.” Like the Nexus, since my shift is over. She passed the thought on to Oz.

Acknowledging Li’s thought with a glance and a nod, Oz grinned at the two vacationers. “What Li said: go on, or, if you like I could have Security escort you along?”, she joked.

“See?” he said to El. “Big head.” With one last look around C&C, and finding everything to his satisfaction, he finally found the nerve to leave the station. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Li or Oz, quite the opposite, actually. He was just the kind of guy that liked to know what was going on all the time. “Okay, let’s go. And remember what I said, ladies: if the station’s not blowing up, don’t bother me.”

El’Shar followed him out the doors waving one more time to Li and Oz. She leaned close to him as they found themselves in the corridor. “Stop it, Rick. You’re going to give yourself fits if you don’t just let it go.”

Forcing a smile he took her hand. “I’ll get over it. Out of sight, out of mind.”

Once the doors closed after them, Li turned to Oz. “Well, that’s it. Beta shift is on, and things are quiet. Are you ready?”

“Let’s give them another couple of minutes, just to make sure they’re really on their way. Riding in the turbolift with them might be awkward just now.” Oz turned to look around C&C, much like Rick had. A half-second later, she nodded and addressed Li, “Okay, I’m ready.”

Li laughed out loud. “Lead on then.”

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Reluctant to Leave


Capt. El'Shar Blackhorse (ret.)
Beyond Ready to Leave


Captain Li Hawke
Send-Off Committee

Commander Oralia Zeferino
Big Headed Replacement


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