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Hey Big Man How About A Credit?

Posted on Wed Jan 1st, 2014 @ 9:23am by Elijah "Eli" Samuels & Suresh & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Nexus Club / Saturnalia
Timeline: Immediately after How Much is that Starship in the Window

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Eli ambled to the bar. Eight creds to his name, the JR in impound, and a rumbling stomach were just the beginning of his issues. He needed money and soon. A smuggler without a ship didn't have many options.

The barman eyed him suspiciously gauging his evident lack of money. It wasn't the first time a 'bum' entered the locale dragging himself to the counter to beg for some drink and food and, as all the other, he would have been turned down.

"Give him something to eat and drink, these are on me".

Eli recognized the voice, soft and grating like stone, even before seeing the golden glint of his earring.

The Bajoran.

Tohr leaned on the counter beside him as the peevish barman busied himself with the order.

"It's been quite a time." He greeted the smuggler. "How did you enjoy the reward for our last trip together? Ran out of money already?"


The voice brought back memories for Eli, mostly bad ones.

Turning slightly in his chair he eyed the assassin.

"As it turns out Starfleet seems to take a keen liking to what they call ill gotten gains. They like them so much they tend to keep them. That is until you can produce evidence that you actually earned said gains legal like.

Recon you wouldn't be willing to write me a receipt, would ya?"

He gave the other man a sardonic grin.

"So, how's the killing, maiming and kidnapping business these days?"

"It's running better than your line of work." The voice was soft and husky, hard to distinguish accent, and came from a robed and hooded figure a few seats over. "For some that is." The figure shifted a bit, the robed head turning in the direction of Eli and Eldren. The hood was deep enough that the face was not visible.

Eli looked over at the hooded figure.

"Didn't realize the Star Wars cosplay convention was in town. What's your name friend? "

"Star Wars?" The man's voice sounded honestly puzzled and he shrugged. "Whatever that is, I know nothing of it. My a bit more complicated, especially here. Let's go with 'someone who isn't supposed to exist here' for now."

"But now is the right time to make clear desires and intentions." Tohr replied narrowing his eyes to the newcomer "Just to avoid 'the man who isn't supposed to exist' to become a quickly fixed issue."

"Then perhaps somewhere less public? And we can address Eli's lack of funds."

Eli 's brow rose at the mention of credits. He knew Tohr was a killer and knew nothing of the stranger. That being said, he doubted Tohr needed a partner to do him harm and he certainly needed a payday. Flipping his hair back, he slipped his old cowboy hat on.

"You had me at the word word credits. Lead the way, sir. "

"Yes let's get out of here." Eldren Tohr added. "Saturnalia should be by far a better place."

Saturnalia - The Cherry Pit * * *

As the three entered the bar, the buzz of conversation quieted for an instant. The faces of Eli and Eldren were very familiar and even in a place with few rules a hint of caution rose in the air. As they moved forward, however, the chatter resumed. Even here, staring was not always the best idea.

"This way." The robed figure led them towards the back to an out-of-the-way corner booth and motioned the two men to have a seat.

Eli followed to a table in back. Flopping down, he gave a air of nonchalance, even though he kept his hand close to the disruptor at his belt.

"Now, you said something about credits earlier? " The smuggler raised his brows.

A pair of hands emerged from the robe sleeves and reached up lowering the hood. In the dim light at the table, Suresh's face was revealed.

"So tell me, Eli, how deep are you in?"

Eli looked at the other man, letting his astonishment register for a second.

"Heard a lot of different rumors 'bout you. Heard you died. Heard you were running from the Orions and were hiding somewhere in the Beta Quadrant. Even heard you'd sold out to the Feds and were giving info to Starfleet intelligence back in Sector 001.

Guess those where all wrong, huh? Explains the get up, a bit, I recon."

Sitting back a bit more, Eli rubbed his beard, then decided to shoot ahead, full steam.

"The Joliett's Revenge is in impound. I need 60 slips to get 'er out. In other words....I need a job that pays decent and fast."

Suresh studied Eli's face as he considered, then nodded. "It can be done and perhaps for the price of you owing me a few favors in the coming days? I'd hate to intrude on your free time or your business with Tohr." He now turned to Eldren and smiled. "Let's call it occasional work, shall we?"

Eli had been indebted to crooks with worse reputations than Suresh in the past. That being said, he was in no hurry to put himself back in the debt of anyone. That being said, he saw little other choice. He needed credits and he needed steady work. Suresh represented an opportunity for both. And, it was said he stuck to a deal. He figured he'd be finding out soon about how well he honored a deal.

"I'm sure I could clear my schedule to make some runs for you. And, you ain't gonna find a faster ship than the JR outside a full blown ship of the line."

"Very well, I'll have Lazan see to it within the hour." Suresh turned to Eldren now, curious. "And just where do you fit into all this?"

"I was about to offer a job to Eli too. I need a run, occasionally, as a passenger or for goods... And I know him to be reliable." Eldren responded observing intently the Romulan.

Eli looked from the crime lord to the assassin. What have I gotten myself into?

"Well, I'm sure I we can all work together. You get my ship out of impound, Suresh, I'll be happy to make runs for both you guys."


Eldren Tohr
Chore Bringer

Back To Business

Eli Samuels


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