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When You Hear Footsteps Behind You...Part One

Posted on Sun Dec 29th, 2013 @ 10:07am by Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Senior Chief Petty Officer Chelsea May

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Holodeck Three

“Come on, Chel,” Ray urged his law clerk over the comm. “After the last couple of weeks, we need some down time and besides, it’s Christmas. You know, sleighs, jingle bells, snow,’ll love it.”

"Great. What? Over the river and through the woods? Are we off to your Grannie's house?" Chelsea drolly challenged him. "Is this a me and you alone thing?" It didn't sound like she really wanted that. "Or could we drag the newbie along?"

“Hey, it’s not like that. You’re a friend and you need a break. I know I sure as hell do. As for her, well she’s not the most sociable thing and I suspect if we interrupt her welcome home to what’s-his-name, she will kill us both with her bare hands.” Ray laughed a moment. “Go get ready. Dress for cold weather.”

“Ah, yes, the mysterious Vulcan you told me about. At least he should be easier to deal with - what with Vulcan standards of etiquette.” Chelsea didn’t know how wrong she was. “Fine, I’ll meet you at the holosuite,” she sighed, almost making her eye roll audible.

* * * Holosuite 35 * * *

Just inside the holosuite doors, Chelsea stood, starting to sweat under a layer of surprisingly bulky cold weather gear. The puffy sleeves of her jacket made her arms stick out stiffly. “Okay, cold weather, dressed for. Where’s the cold weather?”, she asked Ray as he entered the holosuite.

“Coming right up.” Ray turned to the control panel on the arch and gave the command. Immediately, a snow-covered foothill covered with evergreens, which gave onto an increasing slope in the distance, appeared. Silent flakes of snow fell around them as the arch disappeared and the temperature grew cooler. “Better?”

"Oh, jeez! That's freezing!" Chelsea shivered as the draft of cold air ran right along her nearly bare legs and up her skirt. She'd thought that fleece tights would be enough... Now she was doubting they would be. "Are we walking in a winter wonderland or will we find reindeer pulling a sleigh?"

“Hiking.” Ray handed her a small, electronic device. “Clip that on, it’s an avalanche beacon. Computer, raise temperature five degrees.” The edge of the chill eased and he motioned to the start of the trail through the trees. “Follow me.”

"Ah," she sighed and followed him, glad she'd paired her tights and skirt with chunky-soled boots. "Avalanche beacon? We are in a holosuite, Ray." Nevertheless, she clipped it on and they started off into the snowy landscape. Chelsea lifted her face to the sky and let snowflakes gather on her cheeks. The tops of the evergreens disappeared into a cloud above them. "Imagine growing up on a planet like this!"

“I did. Northern Montana, remember?” They began to ascend the trail, the trees bring a hush to the air around them. The trail itself was relatively smooth despite the exquisitely powdered snow. “I thought, after all the craziness with Ivor and Suresh, we could use a break and really get away from it all. Besides, I know how much you like dark and creepy.” Even as he spoke, the light began to slowly dim, as with a sunset.

"Dark and creepy? Oh, I just love dark and creepy." She stopped suddenly, eyes gone wide, hands spread to each side of her. "Hey... You didn't... You know... Add that freaky little creature Ignatius to this, did you? I'm not going one more step until you say no."

“I can promise you that Iggy is nowhere near this holodeck.” He prodded her shoulder. “Come on, the view from the top is incredible.”

"Okay, but if anything spider-like jumps out at me, Ray... you'll be the one paying for it!" She warned, only half-kidding. The two continued on up the hilly path.

As they neared the top, another trail crossed the main one, moving up through the trees. Ray helped her over a boulder and then they were finally at the peak. The sun was setting and the valley stretched out below them, fading into the distance, the snow fogging the horizon.

“Here we are.” Ray’s voice was hushed in the quiet of their surroundings.

"It's beautiful." Like Ray, Chelsea spoke in a hushed tone. "Where are the sleighs and jingle bells? That's all we're missing."

“Down below." Ray pointed and as the moon rose and the light faded out, distant lights began to wink on in the valley, blurred behind the snowflakes. The faint jingle of bells reached them, then faded.

"Nice," she said appreciatively. "Lead the way, Mon Capitan."

Ray started to speak, but before the words came out, they heard the shush of footsteps in the snow. Ray was instantly alert and turned his head, standing stock still as he listened. He placed his finger to his lips as a warning to Chelsea.

She caught his alarm and stared back down the path. "Little heavy of a footfall for a spider, huh?", she breathed at Ray, barely speaking above a whisper. The footsteps stopped then there was a sound like a tree branch snapping, loud and sharp. Chelsea jumped and grabbed Ray's arm.

He lowered his head, his lips to her ear. “Not part of the plan, Chel. Don’t worry.” He stood up and spoke in a normal tone. “Computer, arch.” They waited but no arch appeared. Down below, they could hear heavy breathing now.

"Ray?" Fear laced her voice. "Animal or humanoid?"

“Hard to say.” He listened another moment. “Heavy whatever it is. This way.” Taking Chelsea’s hand, he led her back down and to the cross trail. Without a word, he pulled her into the trees. As they moved, Ray tapped his comm badge but it seemed to be blocked. “Dammit!”

She mimicked him, trying her commbadge. It, too, dully chirped, denoting it didn't have a connection. From somewhere down the path came the sound of more footsteps and the creak of leather on leather. She looked up at Ray, hoping he was just kidding about this not being part of the plan. "Okay, we can go home now."

“Nothing I’d like better,” he grumbled. The path grew steeper and he gave Chelsea a lift over a fallen tree. After he climbed over, he took her hand and they began to jog as fast as they could through the snow. Behind them, the sounds grew louder and now there was a growl. “There’s a cave just up ahead.”

"Oh good," she huffed and picked up her pace. "You're not kidding, are you? This really isn't part of the plan?"

“No. Someone’s monkeyed with the programming and blocked the comm badges as well --” The sound of an energy beam split the quiet, scorching the tree just to their left. Without a second thought, Ray dove to the right, dragging Chel with him. “The cave’s just through there. GO!”

She scrambled ahead, thinking only about finding the cave. If she thought about how that energy beam had hit the tree, she'd freeze up with fear. "Cave, cave, cavecavecave, be here!", she fervently whispered, wishing the cave into existence. It was where Ray said and she slid into the entrance, ignoring the bite of tiny pebbles and small rocks into her knees and palms. A few feet into the cave, she cowered behind a larger rock.

"Shouldn't the weapon discharge alarms have gone off?"

“Nothing else is working right.” Ray dove into the cave and turned, pulling branches in with him. “Here. Use these for cover. I need to figure out who or what the hell is out there.”

She nearly shrieked: "You're not going back out there! You're nuts!" Fortunately, she did manage to keep her voice down to a hoarse whisper.

Ray studied her face for a moment, his expression grim. “And I can’t sit here and let him come find you either.”

"Fine, let whatever or whoever this is come find us. We'll fight him together." She was delusional: she had no fighting skills. "Ugh... Where's Darwin when we need him?"

“Out of comm range. Get covered and give me five minutes. I’ll be back, I promise.” He scooted out of the cave and was then out of sight, leaving Chelsea in the dim silence.

To Be Continued


Lt. Ray Benson
CPO Chelsea May


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