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Chain of Command / Attached Ships

Posted on Sun May 8th, 2011 @ 11:19pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener

Good morning, all. There have been some additions to the site by way the Chain of Command section and on the roster.

First, the Chain of Command is accessed from the Personnel page on the right side. It has been updated to show the order of personnel left in charge of the station should those above them be away or incapacitated. Wegener is the CO (obviously), qeraQ' will become a PC soon played by James/Wearing on the Berkeley and is the XO, and, unless he has any objections, CMDR Frost will be the 2XO. Now, you'll notice that Brooke has been placed after the 2XO. That is because, as the Command Master Chief, he does have the ability to be a CO should the need arise. And since he is normally in a command function he would be suited to follow Frost. After that, the list pretty much follows the same CoC list from the Berkeley.

Next is the addition of the attached ships to 900. If you'll take a look at this thread on the RSB forums,, you'll see that each station is allowed six points to choose from the listed ships. I have decided to go with the Diligent Class and the Wallace Class ships. They don't have names yet, but I will announce it when they do. Because of this, I have determined that we need to have officers who are primarily responsible for taking those ships out as needed, instead of the CO or XO always running off to it. I have listed CMDR Frost as OIC (Officer in Charge) and LCDR Sakkath as 2OIC (2nd Officer in Charge) and the two that would most likely be in command of one of the ships. Their rank doesn't determine which ship they would take, just that they would be the go-to person when the need arises.

If anyone has issue with the position I've placed them in (namely Frost or Sakkath), please let me know and I can put someone else in those positions.




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Category: Sim Announcement


Comments (1)

by Commander Sakkath on Tue May 10th, 2011 @ 10:51am

No complaints here. =)