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Wed Feb 10th, 2016 @ 11:44am

Commander Sakkath

Name Sakkath

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 171 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Sakkath is of average height and weight for a Vulcan, possessing the characteristically arched and upswept eyebrows and distinguished external ear structure of his people. His hair is a straight, glossy dark brown and his skin fair. His green eyes mirror the alien blood that flows in his veins.

When on duty, Sakkath often foregoes a standard duty tunic for the vest uniform variant. Off duty, he is most often seen in the long, flowing robes characteristically worn on Vulcan.


Spouse Li Hawke: Commander, Executive Officer, Starbase 900
Children None
Father Sokar
Mother T'Len
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None of consequence

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sakkath's personality could be described, by some, as being nonexistent. It would, however, be more appropriate to say that his personality lies beneath a carefully maintained Vulcan facade. Those close to Sakkath will understand the deeper individual that lies beneath.

First and foremost, Sakkath values his work. He will always strive to achieve greatness within its boundaries, and this desire for excellence shines through in nearly everything he does. He has been criticized before for possessing a strong sense of pride, a comment which usually merits a reminder that pride is an emotion, and that Sakkath would not dream of ever giving in to such a thing.

Sakkath is always willing to speak his mind, but will not hesitate to act on an order. He provides careful consideration to all things, and is above all else loyal to the ideals of the Federation.

Languages: Federation Standard, Vulcan, Some Romulan
Strengths & Weaknesses Sakkath’s ability to rationally analyze a situation and take action is one of his greatest strengths, a testament to his logical upbringing. This is, in some regards, a double-edged sword – the same logic that gives him an insightful clarity can be seen as cold, uncaring and aloof, distancing those that Sakkath works alongside to accomplish his tasks.
Ambitions Sakkath would claim that he possesses no ambition; that it is a purely emotional impetus. He does, however, seek a measure of perfection in all of his work, be it the efficient operation of his department or complete detail in his reports. He seeks to one day attain the rank of Lieutenant Commander and complete the Bridge Officer's Examination.
Hobbies & Interests Sakkath is an avid player of kal-toh, often using its strategic play to clear and order his mind. He also plays the Vulcan lute, but never in the presence of others.

Personal History Sakkath was born in 2344 on his homeworld of Vulcan. His father, Sokar, was a diplomat who traveled frequently to Earth and other major worlds in the Federation, negotiating several treaties throughout his illustrious career. T'Len, his mother, was his primary caretaker, though she too led a busy life. As a professor at the Vulcan Science Academy, she was often away from home for several days at a time, attending various conferences across the Quadrant.

This is where Sakkath's scientific training first began. As the conferences rarely required intense toil on T'Len's part, Sakkath was permitted to accompany her on a regular basis. From an early age, he was exposed to some of the greatest minds in the Federation and Starfleet sciences.

At the age of 21, he was admitted into the Vulcan Science Academy and studied there for four years, completing a program focusing on Quantum and Probability Mechanics prior to graduating. Intent on pursuing his fortunes in space, Sakkath set off for Starfleet Academy. He continued to excel there, expanding his curriculum to include Mathematics and Engineering. Rather than request immediate assignment to a starship, however, the young Vulcan furthered his education at the Science Ministry on the Trill homeworld, devoting another period of time to the disciplines of Astrophysics and Cybernetics. After a total twelve years of learning, a period justified by the lengthy Vulcan lifespan, Sakkath received a commission of Ensign and was placed in his first assignment. A relatively obscure science station near the neutral zone, Sakkath performed his duties admirably and had the opportunity to learn some of the Romulan dialect while stationed there. He also developed a taste for Romulan ale.

After three years, Sakkath was transferred from the Science Station Heywood to the U.S.S. Scarab with a promotion to Lieutenant (junior grade). He served there as an officer in the Operations department for six years, assisting in the Science and Engineering divisions as required during that time. It was in 2386, however, that Sakkath's career truly took shape. Transferred to the 38th Task Force of Bravo Fleet, Sakkath was named the Chief Operations Officer of the U.S.S. Berkeley under Commander Marcus O'Connell where he was provided with the opportunity to explore uncharted regions of the galaxy...

* * *

During the Berkeley's first mission, 'Mysteries of the Past', Sakkath uncovered a plot by Commander Rhys Balasz to allegedly murder his fiancée, Li Hawke -- the fortuitous but accidental result of a telepathic bond created between the Vulcan and Betazoid Lieutenants. With Rhys accepting a voluntary demotion to Lieutenant Commander to join the Berkeley's crew for their second mission, 'Breadcrumbs', the situation has taken on some urgency. Even amid that veiled threat, however, is the celebratory note of both Sakkath and Li's promotion to full Lieutenant, along with their colleague Patrick Leroy.

Over the course of 'Breadcrumbs' a series of murders rocked the Berkeley, and not as a result of Rhys's appearance. It swiftly became evident that someone did not wish for the mystery of the crew found in stasis to be solved. Amid the investigation, Rhys Balasz was ultimately killed, a victim of his own poison, and Sakkath and Li were formally wed by Captain Marcus O'Connell. The questions surrounding the crew in stasis would have to be answered by another crew, however, as Admiral Wegener extended a personal invitation to many of the Berkeley's personnel to join him on Starbase 900 as command staff for the Task Force's base of operations, which both Sakkath and Li accepted.
Service Record 2365-2369 :: Vulcan Science Academy, Vulcan
2369-2373 :: Starfleet Academy, Earth
2373-2377 :: Trill Science Ministry, Trill
2377-2380 :: Assigned as an Ensign to the Science Station Heywood, Neutral Zone
2380-2386 :: Transferred to U.S.S. Scarab as Operations Officer with a Promotion to Lt. (j.g.)
2386-2386 :: Transferred to U.S.S. Berkeley as Chief of Operations; Promoted to Lieutenant
2386 - ---- :: Transferred to Starbase 900 as Chief of Operations; Promoted to Lieutenant Commander