Posted on Wed Dec 21st, 2011 @ 11:27pm by Brigadier Akima
I am sure many of you have noticed by now that I have gotten behind on my posting though I have been working slowly on a few jps that are yet unposted due to procrastination on my part and not that of the other wonderful writers I have begun them with. I humbling beg your forgivness as fellow writers especially the ones I have been doing the jp's with as well as your esteemed leader and my real life spouse.
I currently write for Dr Robin Swift and his colorful pateint with a secret checked past Janus Heyerdahl. Also I have been trying to revive and old favorite of mine the rather small for her heritage Klingon liasan, Akima. (I'm sure I missspelled. )
I understand that this laspse has caused a few delays and other issues among crew and it really is in-excusable as I have held others to higher standards in the past when I used to be a sim CO (not here though). Though I have many 'what i hope to be interesting story arcs in the work both save on my pc, in my head and scribbled on a note pad beside me. I feel I have placed my sweet husband in a very awkward position as he has to keep after all to keep post comming in on a regular basis and should never be placed in the postion to have to let the rules slide as his own wife has been remiss in her duty to the sim. I appreciate that he loves me and has granted a reprive to me more times than he should have to but I should not have placed him in the postion to appear to show favortism. Please do not fault him if you are ones that he's had to 'remind that post are due" and take subsequent actions. When I have been literarily slumbering. He has only done it because he has a duty to the sim to maintain the rules and keep it alive. On my part the slack he allowed out of love as he knows I have been dealing with physical issues with my health and recent surgies. Along with that comes a bit of depression. Honestly I beleive that is one of his main comcerns for his 'cutting me slack."
I realize that I have been making it hard to run the sim as he should because of me. Here is what I propose. I really want to fix this and stay in writing and get motivated to get the many ideas from my head and into this pc and contributing to the sim. However of any of you object and feel that this isn't fair I will bow out gracefully with no hard feelings.
I also hope that my husband will forgive me for putting this out there like this. But I felt that I owed all of you the curtosy of an explaination and that you will not fault my husband and his leadership skills for letting me get so far behind by not insisting more that I get a post out or move on. I have put him in an unfair postion. I feel I owe him an appolgy for making his task more difficult. Rules are rules and all must follow.
Please let him know "kindly" if I should continue or make way for another writer. Again I will in time understand. Thanks for your understanding on this issue. What ever the outcome I wish all of you and your families joyest holidays and a blessed new year with many more to come,
Category: Out of Character