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Thu Dec 6th, 2012 @ 4:45am

Brigadier Akima

Name Akima

Position Klingon Intelligence & Research

Rank Brigadier

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klingon
Age 55

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 154 lbs
Hair Color Black, sometimes worn in a long, single braid
Eye Color Emerald Green
Physical Description Slim but very muscular. Her size and stature are very misleading. She is still highly trained in combat and is lethal.

Tattoo of Klingon Symbol on left shoulder and a tattoo of a D'tahg blade on her left butt cheek. Scar across back shoulders from a Klingon Kolar Beast she defeated during a rite of ascension.


Father Commander Wilhelm VonHelzer (Deceased)
Mother Lieutenant Commander Heidi VonHelzer, Starfleet Medical (Deceased)
Brother(s) Ja'rod, whereabouts unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Akima is a very aggressive traditional Klingon woman. Though she was raised by a human family, she was taught the Klingon way of life from the start. Her adoptive parents didn't want her or her brother to lose any of their Klingon heritage. They received tutoring from Klingon instructors through each formative stage in a Klingons life. They were taught all Klingon principles and practices. The VonHelzers treated the children as their own, giving them the love and support that a human family would give their offspring but always tried to keep in mind that their children were to be Honorable Klingon warriors.

Personal History Akima was orphaned as a toddler at 3 yrs. of age in 2343. The VonHelzers
found Akima, and her brother, Ja'rod, on a rescue/humanitarian relief mission
and decided to adopt the both of them. After finally getting through the
bureaucratic red tape on both the Klingon and Starfleet sides, the adoption
went through. Eight year old Ja'rod and three year old Akima were then
citizens of Earth.

The VonHelzers retired after that mission, leaving them to be able to give
all of their time to raising two wild Klingon children. But at 16 years of
age, Ja'rod left, on his own, on a search for his Klingon brethren. He
hasn't been heard from since.

Akima and her crew are aboard SB900 as an initiative by the Klingons working with the Federation to have a Klingon presence in the Delta Quadrant but allowing the UFP to do the bulk of the work. She receives reports from all of the SB900 departments on any findings in the DQ and sends them, monthly, back to her own defense forces. Akima's rank is equivalent to that of a Starfleet Commodore.