
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Tue Apr 7th, 2015 @ 9:14pm

Ensign Aleksandra Levkova

Name Aleksandra Levkova

Position Security Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 155 lbs
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Bright blue
Physical Description Tall, athletic and fit. Bright blue eyes and blond hair. Many a head turns at her passing ;-)


Spouse None
Children None
Father Boris Levkov
Mother Elena Levkova

Personality & Traits

General Overview Level-headed but somewhat headstrong.
"the reliable Security Officer you would like to have at your side anytime, until she gets smitten with you, that is" (Quote attributed to LtCmdr Leroy)

A fiery temper leads her to some outbursts but generally only with friends and lovers. She hasn't accrued any demerit or reprimand because of this... So far.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strength: Skilled and capable in her job
Weakness: Stubborn and possessive when it comes to friends or sentimental affairs

Personal History Born on earth (St. Petersburg [Russia]) joined Starfleet Academy as soon as she's been of age. Encouraged by her parents (who worried about their only daughter) she applied to Security branch for, as her father was used to say, she would have been to travel the outer space that she seemed to crave so much and at the same time she would have learned the skills to defend herself anywhere, anytime.

A thing she seems able to do well until her body and her hands are put into play but her defending skill greatly decreases, leaving her somewhat vulnerable, when her heart and mind are involved in the subtle 'romantic contests'.