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Sat Dec 19th, 2015 @ 12:59pm

Lieutenant Norval Tigan

Name Norval Tigan

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Joined Trill
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 146 lbs.
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Norval is of fairly average height with a slim build. His blond hair is often tousled, something he pays very little heed to despite being concerned with his appearance otherwise... that, or he spends hours in front of a mirror to achieve the perfect bed head. He refuses to say. He possesses the characteristic Trill spots from forehead to foot.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Bentha Jast
Mother Prennis Jast
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Naya Jast
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Norval is exceptionally easy-going and genial, smiling effortlessly and often. Before the joining he might have devoted all of his free time to studies, but now he seeks experience over anything else, choosing to be social whenever possible. To this end, he is a very engaging conversationalist and possesses no social inhibitions.

Previous Hosts:
Benzo Tigan - Celebrated Artist (Born 1991/Joined 2006/Died 2036)
Darius Tigan - Warp Test Pilot (Born 2012/Joined 2036/Died 2043)
Fyori Tigan - Medical Doctor (Born 2021/Joined 2043/Died 2125)
Whrea Tigan - Diplomat (Born 2106/Joined 2125/Died 2184)
Laylun Tigan - Field Docent (Born 2167/Joined 2184/Died 2256)
Coran Tigan - Legislator (Born 2235/Joined 2256/Died 2310)
Andam Tigan - Military Officer (Born 2287/Joined 2310/Died 2379)

Languages: Federation Standard, Vulcan (Whrea), Klingon (Coran)
Strengths & Weaknesses Norval possesses a wealth of experience thanks to the Tigan symbiont, giving him seven lifetimes of confidence and a jack-of-all-trades mentality. It also brings with it several shortcomings he might not otherwise possess, such as a tendency to panic during shuttle turbulence (a result of Darius's death) and a paralyzing fear of fire (due to Andam's bout with plasma burns).
Ambitions Norval's ambition is simply to live a life full of experience for the benefit of his symbiont. Since he is the first of the hosts to serve in Starfleet, he hopes to advance through the ranks and offer as many unique perspectives as possible.
Hobbies & Interests Norval still loves to work with computers, a result of his childhood passion and the reasoning for his career choice. He maintains several passions of his previous hosts as well, including painting (Benzo), flying (Darius), and martial arts (Andam).

Personal History Norval Jast was born in 2359 on the Trill homeworld as the second child to Bentha and Prennis Jast, a Starfleet Engineer and Homemaker respectively. Bentha was often away during Norval's childhood as required by his service to Starfleet, but when he was home he often allowed Norval to toy with various bits of machinery that he would bring back with him. Through this, Norval developed an affinity and love for computers at an early age. Ultimately this would lead him towards a career in Starfleet Operations, following in his father's footsteps while still blazing his own path.

Norval excelled academically from an early age, and was studying with the Trill Science Ministry by 2373 at the age of 14. In the Cybernetics program there he met a Vulcan named Sakkath who had already graduated from Starfleet Academy, intent on pursuing a career in Starfleet Operations. Norval felt that such pursuits might be a good fit for him as well and applied for Starfleet Academy immediately following his education on Trill. He was accepted, but before leaving his homeworld for Earth he had garnered the attention of the Symbiosis Commission for his academic ventures. In 2379, halfway through his Academy tenure, he was joined with the Tigan symbiont.

The joining produced a noticeable change in Norval, boosting his confidence and drive to extraordinary heights. He felt like, and in truth was, a whole new person. Seven new persons.

Benzo, the celebrated artist who struggled with addiction under the constant pressure to create and spiraled into self-destructive behavior. Darius, the warp test pilot who was killed in a shuttle accident despite exceptional skill. Fyori, the doctor who - despite the early deaths of the first two Tigans - was the longest lived of the hosts to date, and developed cures or participated in research for several terminal Trill diseases in her lifetime. Whrea, the diplomat who served as Ambassador to Vulcan and established the long-lasting collaboration between the Trill Science Ministry and Vulcan Science Academy. Laylun, who served the Symbiosis Commission as a Field Docent, overseeing dozens of prospective Trill for joining and developing a reputation for passing more initiates than any other. Coran, the legislator who represented Trill at the Khitomer Accords and helped to lead the planet into a new era of peace with the Klingon Empire. And finally Andam, the soldier with Trill Planetary Defense and recipient of the Purple Heart who, despite a high aptitude, experienced a rather unremarkable career until his performance in the Dominion War defending the home system. He lost an arm to the Jem'Hadar, a phantom feeling Norval still sometimes experiences, and also suffered severe plasma burns during the destruction of a planetary defense turret which contribute to a severe fear of flame for the host.

Upon graduating Starfleet Academy at the top of his class, Norval served as an Ensign in the Operations department of Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards orbiting Mars. With his promotion to Lieutenant (j.g.), he transferred to Starbase 900 to experience the Iconian portal and the Delta Quadrant. Now he hopes to further that goal, and the experiences of the Tigan symbiont, by traveling aboard the U.S.S. Berkeley, reuniting with Sakkath and serving as Assistant Chief of Operations.
Service Record 2377-2381 :: Cadet - Starfleet Academy, Earth
2381-2383 :: Ensign - Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars Orbit
2383-2386 :: Lieutenant (j.g.) - Starbase 900, Solaria Gateway, Delta Quadrant
2386- ---- :: Transferred to U.S.S. Berkeley as Assistant Chief of Operations