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Sun Jul 1st, 2012 @ 4:38pm

Lieutenant James Cohen

Name James Robert Cohen III

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Denevan
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 183
Hair Color Jet Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description James has a scar that runs across his neck and down over his left shoulder. He has a muscular build from constant working out, and his left arm is aproximately a half inch shorter then his right though he is left handed. James has a thick black beard though sometimes he is clean shaven.


Spouse Rosalyn
Children Jack (4), Sarah (4), James IV (2)
Father CAPT(Ret.) James II
Mother Stephanie
Brother(s) Jack, Robert, Jacob, Ryan
Sister(s) Karen, Victoria
Other Family RADM(Ret.) James (Grandfather), CAPT Kelsey Cohen Jacobson (Great Aunt)

Personality & Traits

General Overview James grew up in a very large family which meant that he had to do whatever he could in order to gain attention this trait has remained with him. He is highly intelligent gained due to his constant need to learn new things. James has a powerful ego though since marriage that ego has been somewhat tamed. He is driven to succeed to make his family proud, and those who are above him proud which is another trait gained from being in a large family. The Cohen family has a long line of service in Academy this is a very important quality in the Cohen family. James has also revived the jewish tradition that can be traced all the way back to early times in the family line.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - Early mornings, Propulsion systems for multiple ships, Love for family and tradition, loyal

Weaknesses - Coffee, his children's safety, his ego, Non-Federation Basic languages
Ambitions James only hopes that someday his children will grow up and follow their own path. And, if that is a career in Starfleet like the rest of the family then he hopes that they are successful. He hopes to remain in engineering forever it's his one true passion to stay as far away from the Captain's chair as possible. He hopes to invent something that brings fame to his name at least past what it has become.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies - Baseball on the holodeck with his children, spending time with his family in general, inventing

Interests - Engineering (obviously), Vulcan Historical data, family history

Personal History =/\=Childhood=/\=

James Cohen the third was born to James Cohen the second and Stephanie Cohen as the first of several children they would have. He was born on the planet Deneva in the year 2350. James' father was a Lieutenant and a pilot in Starfleet at the time of his birth. The family would have several more children after James all of whom grew up on Deneva. Jack, Robert, Victoria, and Jacob were all born during the time their father was in the service. Karen and Ryan would be born shortly after James the second retired from active service at the rank of Captain and Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Winchester. Life in the large Cohen family was easier said then done. With so many brothers and two sisters it was difficult for the parents to care for them all, but they managed.

When James the third was ten years old he was involved in an accident on board a shuttle with his grandfather. The injuries sustained left him with a life long scar on his neck and shoulder. The doctors determined that he was lucky to be alive in fact the doctors determined that both of them were lucky to be alive. Regardless James learned from the tragedy and managed to overcome that along with many other obstacles in his early life. Throughout High School James had dreamed of becoming an engineer for Starfleet.

James studied hard getting the best grades he could throughout his entire high school career. He gained high marks in science and math two very important things. His senior year he'd even taken a higher education course in quantum physics and managed to get a better grade then most of the college level students in his class. Upon graduation he was the very top of his class receiving hardly lower then an 'A' average for his entire high school career. He took the test and was accepted into Starfleet Academy on his first attempt a rare quality. And, decided on engineering which was his dream to begin with.

=/\=Starfleet Career=/\=

James joined Starfleet academy in the fall of 2368 in the engineering track. He took several classes throughout his four year tenure mostly in starfleet propulsion theory and the different engine systems for different classes. James was one of the few engineering students to take courses for multiple propulsion systems and completed each with high marks. Many of his professors determined that he had a bright future ahead of him so long as he continued to apply himself. The entire four years he rarely slept nearly losing his mind in the process. After completing some counselling with a doctor to keep his sanity he managed to graduate in the spring of 2372 from Starfleet Academy.

His first assignment was on board the USS Carson where he served as the propulsion specialist on board. The USS Carson was a Galaxy Class starship that one year after he was on board went to war with the Dominion and Cardassian Union. James only seen combat once when the starship was boarded he engaged the hostile forces and managed to repel them. His courage and efforts to protect engineering ultimately saved the ship and possibly the crew. The Commanding Officer Captain Danielle Juro gave him multiple awards and promoted him to Lieutenant Junior Grade for his efforts. He would remain on board the Carson until the end of the war. The Carson was reassigned to help Cardassia Prime in rebuilding and James oversaw many supplies and helped on many engineering projects and built a couple houses.

And, these efforts led to his transfer to serve on board the USS Weytahn a nebula class starship in 2377. He was assigned as the Assistant Chief Engineering Officer. Three years later during an away mission to a planet near the Romulan border something with the away team went very wrong and the Chief Engineering Officer was killed in action. James was quickly given a field commission to to serve as the Acting Chief Engineer on board. He led a new away team of engineers to the surface of the planet in an effort to construct a shielding system to protect the civilians on the surface from further blasts that had killed the Chief Engineer in the first place. This shield gave the away team enough time to rescue most of the people from the surface. For his efforts he was promoted to Lieutenant and made the full time Chief Engineering Officer. He served onb arod the Weytahn for another six years before he was up for transfer orders once more. And, elected to serve on a Starbase in the Delta Quadrant.


James Cohen the third met his wife Rosalyn in 2375 during shoreleave that was granted before reconstruction efforts on the planet began. He married her in 2378 three years after they met on board the USS Weytahn. In 2382 they had twins Jack and Sarah having named his first son after one of his younger brothers and Sarah after his great grandmother. Two years later their third child was born and named James Robert Cohen the fourth to honor the long line of family members carrying the name James. After the birth of their second child it was decided that they needed to serve some time on a starbase having spent a majority of their marriage on a ship.

James' brothers Jack and Robert both joined Starfleet in a similar fashion though they serve as Medical Officers. His Brother Jacob is a journalist for the Federation News Network while his youngest brother Ryan is going to school. His sisters Karen and Victoria are also currently attending school on Earth both going to Law School at Harvard University. This while Ryan is studying to become an instructor for high school back on Deneva.
Service Record 2368-2372 [Starfleet Academy] Engineering Track
2372-2374 [USS Carson] Propulsion Specialist; ENS
2374-2377 [USS Carson] Propulsion Specialist; LTJG
2377-2380 [USS Weytahn] Assistant Chief Engineering Officer; LTJG
2380-2386 [USS Weytahn] Chief Engineering Officer; LT
2387-Present [SB-900] Chief Engineering Officer; LT