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Thu Sep 20th, 2012 @ 5:49pm

Jasper Crayton

Name Jasper Crayton

Position Shop Owner

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 185 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Hazel Brown/Green
Physical Description Long limbed with a short thick torso, not fat but not in shape either, scruffy.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Martin Crayton
Mother Alicia Luna
Brother(s) Marty Crayton
Sister(s) Emilie Crayton-Winthrop, Vicki Crayton

Personality & Traits

General Overview Appears confident, friendly, personable and helpful but always with an eye toward what may be in it for him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Pretense, elaborate deception, cowardice under threat of severe physical pain or loss, sometimes delusional.
Ambitions To gain wealth, power, profit, self gratification.
Hobbies & Interests wealth, power, profit, self gratification

Personal History From the time in grade 2 when Jasper realized that having something someone wanted, like his chocolate pudding, gave him power over that someone, he has been obsessed with profit and the acquisition of wealth. Over the years he went through the motions of being the "good boy" for his parents and to keep up appearances but all the while his obsession continued. There were ups and downs of course; from the time he swindled a fellow "entrepreneur" out of everything he had (including his girl) to the time he had everything taken away from him by a stupid ape with an axe who decided to "renegotiate" their deal at the last minute.
Eventually he became very good at what he did and in time acquired just enough wealth to buy a ship. Earth was a good training ground, he surmised, but what heights of power might he scale to if prospects from across the galaxy were his for the picking? And so, with a comparatively passing goodbye to his few true friends and family, he set out to begin his long, adventurous rise to glory.
Service Record none