
  • 8 Mission Posts

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Tue Jan 22nd, 2013 @ 3:28pm

Zoudin Veist

Name Zoudin Veist

Position Prime Minister's Staff

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid, masquerading as Archadian
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 0"
Weight 160
Hair Color Originally Light Brown, now black
Eye Color Originally black, now hazel
Physical Description Well built, muscular and physically fit.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Driven to lead, Zoudin Veist, which is not his real name, has an excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solutions--even solutions that end in bloodshed. Intelligent and well-informed, he values knowledge and competence and has little patience with inefficiency or disorganization.
Strengths & Weaknesses Wants to be in control but often finds himself working for others to fulfill a certain goal. He is at odds with this as he feels that he could easily topple governments and take over, but it is simply not in the plans for most of his schemes. While he has worked with many women he sees them as little more than playthings for his sexual fantasies. He wants to control everything and everyone.
Ambitions Other than fulfilling his masochistic and murderous tendencies, he is as of yet undecided on ambitions. He usually sees his future self ruling a planet with a massive army.
Hobbies & Interests Poisons, assassination techniques, toppling governments, sadomasochism.

Personal History Zoudin Veist, or whatever his real name is, was born on Betazed in 2352. Very little is known of his upbringing or how he became the person he is. He is currently a gun-for-hire but that is only part of his cover for the Archadians. He has his own agenda that he has not shared with anyone.