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Sun Oct 9th, 2016 @ 1:42am

Lieutenant Riley Sukotav

Name Riley Sukotav

Position Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 185
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Riley is tall, and his figure is trim, somewhat muscular and graceful, reflecting his habit of swimming as a form of exercise. His hair is kept short and neat, though a lock in front had a tendency to drop down over his forehead. He has a warm smile that is often seen.


Spouse Reva Madhava
Father Hyam Sukotav
Mother Blythe Sukotav
Brother(s) Jaegar Sukotav

Personality & Traits

General Overview Riley has perfect manners, thanks to his mother, who is a daughter of the Third House. He is intelligent, efficient, and organized. He has a way with words that can put anyone at ease, when on duty. Off duty he is a relaxed, friendly sort, though he gets tongue-tied around women he finds attractive.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Riley is extremely capable and good at his job. He can handle a seemingly infinite number of details and projects and juggles them all effortlessly without missing a thing. His manner is polished and he always seems to say just the right thing on duty or when dealing with fellow crewmates on the job.

Weaknesses: Riley’s personal life is not so smooth and organized, however. He can be shy around women, and doesn’t always know how to approach them without appearing to be a clumsy teenager. While supremely confident in his job, this confidence doesn’t carry over to himself.
Ambitions To move up the ranks, and see as much of the universe as possible.
Hobbies & Interests He swims long-distance for exercise, as well as doing yoga. He loves to read, primarily mystery novels. To relax, he plays the piano like a master.

Riley had a working knowledge of a wide variety of languages, most learned ‘on the job’.

Personal History Riley was born 2357 on Betazed. He was a thoughtful child, the one his friends came to for decisions when there was any sort of dispute. He was extremely well-spoken at a young age and while he had lots of friends, he was never the wild sort. When he went on to Starfleet Academy, he discovered that science was a natural choice, given his curiosity about the universe. He served on the Student Council, becoming President of it his senior year. He was also on the Academy swim team and one of its stars, though the popularity seemed to affect him very little. He always remained down to earth and friendly.

Upon graduation, he was assigned to the USS Oppenheimer as a science officer. His specialty is plasma dynamics. It was also on the Oppenheimer that he met Layla, the Andorian bartender. In typical Riley fashion, Layla overwhelmed him. He grew attached to her but it was not to be. They remained friends, however, despite her eventual mating with the chief of his department. A few months later, Layla and her new husband departed for Vulcan, and while he missed Layla, he was somewhat relieved.

Riley remained on the Oppenheimer, and served well, assisting in some important discoveries in his field. He was eventually promoted first to Lieutenant (jg.), then to Lieutenant when he became the Assistant Chief Science Officer. He served aboard the USS Berkeley, then had a short stint on the USS Evariste, where he once again worked with his former department Chief. He has now been recruited, an opportunity that he’s quite excited about, to serve as Chief Science Officer aboard the Hammond, attached to SB900.
Service Record 2375-2379 Starfleet Academy; Plasma Dynamics

2379-2384 USS Oppenheimer; Science Officer, then Assistant Chief Science Officer

2384-2385 USS Berkeley Science Officer

2386 – USS Evariste; Assistant Chief Science Officer

2387 – Chief Science Officer; USS Hammond, attached to SB900