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Sat Apr 2nd, 2016 @ 2:06pm

Lieutenant Bryce Kendrick

Name Bryce Kendrick

Position Master-at-Arms

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El-Aurian
Age 135

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft. 2 in.
Weight 255
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Bryce takes quite a bit of pleasure in maintaining his physique. Despite most being content with being toned and fit Bryce takes it further to cut quite an imposing figure. However, he does not sacrifice agility due to his bulk--he is surprisingly quick, agile and flexible despite his size.

Bryce normally keeps a flattop styled haircut. He also has several tattoos on both arms and back. Few people have actually seen them.


Father Major General Bryson Tevis Kendrick, Starfleet Marine Corps, Deceased (was 347 years of age)
Mother Captain Guinevere Isolde Kendrick, Starfleet Corps of Engineers (Deceased, was 303 years of age)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Bryce has no problem following orders and will do so without question. He is, however, a sarcastic prick and can be very standoffish to new personnel, even in his own department. He isn't a very talkative soul but if you push the right buttons he will chew you up and spit you out.

Despite all outward appearances of looking like a great big neanderthal, Bryce is very well read and educated and can speak very eloquently when needed. He enjoys the whole "looks can be deceiving" mantra because it applies to him.

Languages: Federation Standard, El-Aurian, old Earth German, Vulcan, Klingon, Orion, passable Nausicaan.

Counselor's Profile

Bryce can be a brooding soul at times. He gives the impression that he’d rather be by himself, and usually is because of his ‘loner’ attitude, but when it comes down to it, he wants another shot at having a family. He had a relationship with an Admiral that could have easily turned to marriage had she not retired and called off the relationship. It was an amicable break and they remained close despite Bryce's long times away and being incommunicado.

He has the tendency to mistrust people. He'll stand in a room and not say a word, but will instead watch everyone to see their reactions to various stimuli. You could call him a "people watcher", but it's only for his own benefit. He'll use the knowledge he's gained from watching and listening to everyone in the room to his advantage, either in a combative situation or simply in everyday conversation. Being part El-Aurian, he's grown accustomed to being a good listener, but the Human side of him allows him to use it to his advantage in his position in Starfleet.

It is guaranteed that upon your first meeting with him, he will not be open--at least not in a personal nature. He will study you until he figures you out. He will always be cordial, but no more than that. Once you gain his respect, however, you've got it forever.

-- Lt. Commander. Eyah Bren, Ship's Counselor, USS Merchinau

Quarters: Deck 15
Office: Deck 312
Strengths & Weaknesses It's obvious that his physical strength is a boon to his work, but the variety of training he has obtained throughout his 134 years has helped him become a very lethal opponent as well as a skillful tactician.
Ambitions He only wants to succeed at any task, personal or professional. He has done very well professionally over the years, and, for the most part, in the personal area. One personal failure that he aspires to triumphing over is having a long lasting and healthy relationship with a woman.
Hobbies & Interests Bryce enjoys studying tactics from old wars dating back to the 1700's on Earth. He is very physically fit. He keeps himself this way by means of a holodeck training program. He also employs the holodeck as a means to keep his martial arts, CQB (close quarters battle) and hand-to-hand skills "up-to-snuff". During real-life scenario training exercises, missions and in his quarters, or anywhere else he can get away with it, Kendrick enjoys smoking cigars. This is something that every man in his family has enjoyed for many years. He also enjoys gourmet cooking, something that he picked up while a General's Aide at Starfleet Marine Headquarters. Major General Kara Ravenwood took then-First Lieutenant, Kendrick under her wing and taught him many social skills that he apparently did not have on his own.

Personal History Bryce Kendrick was born on July 27th, 2252 to Bryson and Guinevere Kendrick. At the time, both Bryson and Guinevere were in Starfleet, but Bryson laterally transferred to the Starfleet Marine Corps. Ten years after Bryce's birth, Bryson and Guinevere divorced due to the time that Bryson devoted to the Marines instead of devoting that time to his family. Even though his parents were divorced, Bryce along with his siblings, kept in touch with their father on a regular basis.

Bryce always thought that Guinevere being El-Aurian made Bryson uncomfortable when they began having children together, children that would long outlive him barring any unforeseen incidents. Bryson never let on that this may have been true and went out of his way to make sure his children knew that he loved them...when he actually made it home.

Guinevere used all of her gained knowledge throughout the years to make sure her children were well educated. She constantly quizzed them in the sciences, mathematics, theory and languages. She was happy to have picked up the German language while she and Bryson were stationed in Stuttgart, Germany on Earth and made sure that she passed the language on to her children.

By age fifteen, Bryce wanted to spend more time with his father, who was now permanently stationed at Starfleet Marine Corps Headquarters in San Francisco, Earth. His two younger siblings followed suit as well. The influence of the Marines in their lives led them all to the desire to join the Marines themselves. Instead of joining the enlisted ranks, though, Bryce opted to go to Starfleet Academy, to become an officer, and then transfer to the Marines.

Bryce started the Academy in 2269 and, due to his high scores in the preparatory academy classes, he was eligible to study Intelligence courses. After graduation from the Academy, Bryce immediately enrolled in the Starfleet Marine Corps' Officer Transfer Orientation School, a five month school that taught graduates of Starfleet Academy the history, ideas, physical fitness and leadership tactics of the Starfleet Marines. During this course, Bryce received a letter of commendation from Lieutenant General William Parker on his outstanding accomplishments during the school.

After completion of O.T.O.S., Bryce embarked on his first leadership role as Alpha Squad commander of the 223d Marine Company, Force RECON, USS Merchinau. After two years, Kendrick was sent off for Advanced Intelligence Training, and then sent back to the Merchinau with as Charlie Squad leader.

In 2278, Kendrick received a promotion to 1st Lieutenant and a transfer to Starfleet Marine Corps Headquarters as a General's Aide. He served five years under Major General Kara Ravenwood, one of the youngest Marine Corps generals in the history of Starfleet. During those five years, Lieutenant Kendrick and General Ravenwood slowly fell in love with each other. This relationship was one that would never work out, due to their ranks and positions in the Corps. But despite this certain doom for their relationship, the two kept on with the 'affair'. Kara taught Bryce many things, from tactics and leadership secrets to domestic things such as gourmet cooking and love.

In the latter part of 2283, General Ravenwood planned to retire as the youngest General in the Corps. But she knew that Bryce had a long time to go before he would retire. The two took a vacation together before Kara called off their relationship, had Bryce promoted to Marine Captain and transferred to the USS Cherokee as the Executive Officer of the marine contingent on board. She kept tabs on him after their breakup and enjoyed the fact that he made steady advancements in the intelligence field.

In 2290 Bryce was given the opportunity to instruct Intelligence at Starfleet Academy. It was a three year assignment and he received a promotion to Major. While he missed actually being on assignment, he did enjoy being able to instruct the basic principles of Intelligence to up-and-coming cadets. He taught the S.E.R.E. (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) course, Survival Medicine course and Advanced Weapons & Tactics course.

When his three years of Academy instruction were over, Bryce was unsure what he was going to do next. He was given his choice of assignments and decided on a posting on a frontier outpost, Valhalla. The position offered him the chance to get back out in the field as an operative, doing what he loved. Ten years later, he retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

He headed back to Earth to try and find Kara. He knew she would have aged quite a bit and he, to her, would still look the same. His love for her was strong enough to look past her outward appearance. Sadly, when he found her, she was six feet under in the New Arlington Cemetery, having died three years prior from a home invasion. She had left everything she owned to him, but his position at Valhalla left him incapable of being contacted unless high-priority, and her home and other items had been sealed until he could come to accept it.

Bryce couldn't bear to live in the home she had left for him. He was distraught that he had missed her passing, that he had missed his time with her, period. And he was distraught that she had died in the house where he was standing. After gathering some of the items that he wanted to keep, and catching up on her life after they had split by reading her personal journal, he sold everything. It was bittersweet, but the few odds and ends he had of her was enough and he simply didn't need to be encumbered with an enormous house to take care of.

In 2303, Bryce found himself back in Stuttgart. Having seen many different beautiful places in the galaxy, it felt odd, but comforting at the same time, to come back "home". His mother still lived in the area along with his uncle, Ricky Wegener.

For a few years, he simply schlepped around the city from his house and to his mother's or uncle's. Or he would actually take vacations that he had missed while in the service of the Corps. After ten years of doing nothing, he became listless and bored with life. He stuck his shingle out in the black ops arena and was quickly snatched up by private individuals, corporations and, on occasion, the United Federation of Planets. Those jobs were more like the ones he performed in the Corps. Real intelligence-gathering, skirting the edge of danger and an assassination here or there.

Finally, after thirty years, he wanted a break. Had had amassed a fortune, had made numerous high-powered contacts and friends and had helped change the course of several governments many times. But in 2343, he decided that seclusion was what he needed. Only keeping in touch with his family, Bryce kept to himself in Stuttgart only going out to take more classes in the culinary arts, learning more self-defense techniques, extreme camping for weeks at a time and keeping his sniping and camouflage skills up to snuff.

In 2382, he had a visitor: Master Chief Petty Officer Julian Foley, another El-Aurian uncle. He had been in Starfleet and the Corps for many decades and knew many of the "big wigs" there. One of those "big wigs" had contacted Julian about a problem that needed fixing, and fast. Wegener and Foley kept in touch quite a bit and the former had mentioned Bryce's exploits to Julian. Bryce was quickly recommended to take care of the problem and Julian was ordered to try his best to bring him in. He was to be offered any amount of payment he needed to carry out the mission. Surprisingly, the only thing Bryce wanted was to get back into a uniform, this time for Starfleet. Upon completing the mission, he would take any updated training required to become up to date with current Starfleet policies and would be commissioned as an officer.

In less than three months, he had completed his mission and, true to their word, Starfleet commissioned him as a Lieutenant (j.g.). He was stationed on Starbase 171 at the request of MCPO Foley and, while he missed the prestige of his old rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Corps, he missed being in uniform even more and was happy to bide his time rising through the ranks again.

Always looking for that special assignment, he heard that another starbase promised the opportunity for excitement for someone in his position, this time in the Delta Quadrant and this particular base was run by his uncle.
Service Record Starfleet Academy | Cadet | 2269

Starfleet Academy | Cadet | 2270

Starfleet Academy | Cadet | 2271

USS Voltaire | Cadet | 2272

2nd LT, Starfleet Marine Corps O.T.O.S. (Officer Transfer Orientation School) | 2273

2nd LT, USS Merchinau, 223d Marine Company, Force RECON, Alpha Squad Commander | 2274

Advanced Intelligence Training, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Earth | 2 / 2276

USS Merchinau, 223d Marine Company, Force RECON, Charlie Squad Commander | 6 / 2276

1st LT, Starfleet Marine Headquarters, Aide to MGEN Ravenwood | 2278

Captain, USS Cherokee, Marine XO | 2283

Major, Starfleet Academy, Instructor | 2290

Major, Outpost Valhalla -- Classified Posting | 2293

Lt. Colonel, Outpost Eimur -- Classified Posting | 5 / 2303

Separation from Starfleet Marines - Lt. Colonel (retired) | 11 / 2303

Reinstatement to Starfleet - Lt. (j.g.), SB 171, Intelligence Corps | 2382

Lieutenant, Infiltration Specialist, Deep Space 14 | 2385

Lieutenant, Chief Security Officer, USS Hammond--attached to SB900 | 2387