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Sat Oct 22nd, 2016 @ 12:44pm

Camille Ross

Name Camille Saffron Ross

Position The Nexus Club Employee

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 3"
Weight 128
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Her petite yet curvaceous frame has never seemed to hold her back from her work, although it has raised a few eyebrows in past jobs where men have made rude remarks to her. She always has a smile on her face, which gives her a quirky look with her slightly rotund face.


Spouse Liam Baker (divorced)
Children none
Father Douglas Ross
Mother Wilma Ross
Brother(s) half brother, Fergus, from father's 1st marriage.
Sister(s) half sister, Genevieve, from father 1st marriage.
Other Family n/a

Personality & Traits

General Overview Following the meaning of her name, Camille has put others before her and been helpful and caring to those around her, often putting their own needs before her own.Her Scottish brogue catches the attention of new clients, often making her very chatty and sociable.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She knows a job worth doing is worth doing right, first time round, which makes her take her work seriously. She finds it very easy to strike up a conversation.

Weaknesses: She is eager to keep everyone around her happy, sometimes at her own expense. She is a worrier that she hasn't done something as best as she could have, even when she has tried her best. Almost a bit too chatty.
Ambitions Whilst not her first occupational thought, Camille now aspires to one day owning her own restaurant or bar or entertaining establishment, where she can manage her own staff to the high standards that she has been used to working in.
Hobbies & Interests Writing poetry, reading 19th-21st century novels, and "proper" baking.

Personal History Growing up in a small village in scotland, the starbase wasn’t on Camille’s mind growing up. She’d heard stories of her half-siblings friends travelling the universe and staying in wonders called starbases. But as she was only around 5 at the time, as she grew up, they just seemed like the old-fashioned fairy tales her mum used to tell her.

A messy relationship, where she went against her parents wishes and married her rebel boyfriend saw her move away from her family and started at a local training college learning beauty therapy. After realising she had married too young, and the wrong person, she moved back home and got in contact with her half-siblings again. Fergus introduced her to one of his friends who worked on Starbase 52 and whisked her away as a pick me up. This later turned into a relationship that only ended when Camille applied for a job on Starbase 900.

Her relationship with Marty opened up her eyes to a new way of living and it was with him on Starbase 52 that she applied for her first hospitality job in a club. She stayed there a year before moving to a newly opened club, that took in dodgy clientele that made her leave and apply for the position on Starbase 900. After realising that she hadn’t considered Marty’s opinion on the move, she realised their relationship was over and ended it with him, the morning before she left for 900.
Service Record Served on Starbase 52 before moving to Starbase 900.