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Thu Sep 15th, 2016 @ 2:20am

Commander Dae Nalas

Name Dae Nalas

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Risan / Betazoid
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 210
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Dae is tall and muscular, with dark hair that he keeps neatly trimmed, and an aura of 'don't bother' me surrounding him . At times his hair stands up on top, thanks to his habit of running his hands through it when he is agitated.


Father Cael Nalas
Mother Gitrani Nalas

Personality & Traits

General Overview He's one who will stand up for whatever he thinks, though at times he can be reserved to the point that reading him is impossible. Dae is completely uninhibited thanks to growing up on Risa - he works hard and plays harder. In his line of work, the ability to effectively blow off steam is essential. Some would consider him boisterous in his offtime.

Off duty, he has a great sense of humour, a high tolerance for alcohol, and no fear of a good bar fight. He also never hesitates to say what he thinks, and his language can be rough, given so much time ‘in the field’.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: He's lived through a lot in his time and this has resulted in a real lack of fear of most things. He also has an uncanny ability to move about without being heard, which is both handy, and a source of unending practical jokes on his crew mates. He possesses a gift for languages and speaks a surprisingly large number of them.

Weaknesses: His lack of fear at times gets him into some sticky situations that are not always easy to get out of.
Ambitions To do what he does best - plot and plan, and twist the knife once his target is in sight. Then to survive another day.
Hobbies & Interests He's a rabid baseball fan. His musical tastes run the gamut from native Risan music to Earth’s rock music. He practices often with various weapons, favoring knives and the Vulcan Ahn-woon. He loves to collect old star charts and is a fan of reading military history, considering it a great source for ideas.

Personal History Dae grew up on Risa, which meant a rather free-spirited life. His mother is Risan, his father Betazoid. According to the family story, his father came on vacation and never left. His heritage means he has the usual Betazoid telepathic abilities but because of his mother, he missed the Betazoid black eyes. Growing up as a telepath among a non-telepathic race had its challenges, and Dae learned strong mental and self control early on.

After his years at Starfleet Academy, he served onboard the Renaissance before being recalled by Starfleet Intelligence to serve in a covert capacity in the Neutral Zone. For all intents and purposes, he vanished from the public eye. He spent his time after that as one identity or another, never himself, as he assisted the Federation in whatever capacity was needed, wherever it was needed.

Dae has had a diverse and interesting life. He's traveled most of the quadrants exploring, making contacts, and avoiding trouble. It seems that no matter what his friends might need, Dae 'knows somebody' who is just the person to help out. His friends learned long ago not to look a gift horse in the mouth or ask questions. Anyone trying to trace his career, such as it is, would have difficulty, finding little more than vague references and blind alleys. He has now been summoned to SB900 to serve as CIO following Lt. Smith’s return to the Flight deck.
Service Record 2372-2376 Starfleet Academy - Covert & Special Ops

2376-2378 Special Operations Officer - USS Renaissance

2378-2387 Classified

2387 Interim Chief Intelligence Officer