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Sat Jun 25th, 2016 @ 7:44pm

Commander Ehlana Winter

Name Ehlana Winter

Position Chief Temporal Affairs Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species El-Aurian/Vulcan
Age 50 (Apparent age 31)

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 115
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Ehlana is medium height and slender, her blonde hair worn about shoulder length. She moves with a self-possessed, unconscious grace, never awkward. She looks younger than her years, thanks to her part-Vulcan heritage.


Spouse Earl Crane
Children Julian Crane, M.D. (b. 2079)
Father Syrik
Mother Alita
Brother(s) Taran

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ehlana, at first glance, appears somewhat aloof but once she gets to know someone she can be relaxed and friendly. Her initial reserve is due mainly to the fact that she has spent most of her career moving from one place to another, one time to another, and thus is hesitant to put down roots and get too close to people she will soon leave. In general, she is calm and very self-possessed, confident in her duties and firm but fair with those under her direction.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Her strengths lie in her ability to think through even the strangest circumstances logically, to see beyond what appears on the surface in order to figure out what's really happening. She has a strong work ethic and doesn't give up until she's worked through the problem at hand.

Weaknesses: Ehlana doesn't have many she considered close friends because of her frequent travels and the classified nature of her work.
Ambitions Ehlana's ambitions lie in solving problems of the particularly strange sort that arise in Temporal Affairs and working through things that most people would never want to face. She has no intentions of having her own command as she likes the adventure inherent in life with Temporal Affairs and moving through time.
Hobbies & Interests Ehlana likes to read to relax as well as using Vulcan meditation as taught to her by her father. She hates the general gym-style workouts, so practices Tai Chi and runs to keep in shape. She has a weakness for pineapple flavored anything. She normally travels light, but always brings along her collection of keepsakes picked up in her travels.

Personal History Ehlana was born in 2588 on Angel One, the daughter of Alita, a government official, and Syrik, the Vulcan Ambassador. Syrik was stationed there for most of Ehlana's childhood and given that she was surrounded by the natives, and not Vulcans, logic teaching was delayed by several years. When she was 14, Syrik was recalled to Vulcan and Alita left her position in order to keep the family together and move to Vulcan. Once there, according to Syrik's wishes, Ehlana began her study of logic. Given her advanced age at the time of this undertaking, it was clear that for Ehlana, kolinahr would never be attained. Even so, the teachings still remain with her, affecting how she looks at situations and life around her. She credits this inclination for her success in what can at times be a bizarre career.

At the age of seventeen, she chose to bypass the Vulcan Science Academy and attended Starfleet instead. She was unsure of her specialty until she discovered Temporal Affairs and the complexities and the unusual nature of work in that field drew her like a magnet. UPon graduation, she remained in San Francisco, working as an assistant to the Temporal Affairs faculty. Two years later, she volunteered for a field assignment that was both sensitive and unusual - and one that was to have lasting effects on her life in a very personal way. Upon the successful completion of that mission, she was assigned to Temporal Affairs active duty.

It was in the course of her work that she met her husband, Dr. Earl Crane, though it would be decades before the two of them managed to be in the same place at the same time in order to be married. Their son, Julian, was born soon after, also under somewhat unusual circumstances.

In 2385, Ehlana crossed paths with Admiral Hawke on what would become one of her most difficult assignments. It required her intervention in the death of his younger son Nahi, a death that had to happen to maintain the correct time stream. Her contact with the Admiral was brief, and it was not until two years later that Admiral Hawke met her on a trip to DS15 and recognized her. To this day, it still haunts Ehlana, as it does Admiral Hawke, even though both of them understand the significance of the event.

Ehlana has spent her years in Temporal Affairs traveling, never staying one place too long but going as the missions required. It's a rather lonely life, and even means being apart from Earl for long stretches. She has few close friends as what she does is not usually something that can be discussed. Even Earl is largely in the dark about her various assignments, though given their union, his clearance level was raised to accommodate it. Ehlana will sometimes give in and tell him stories of her adventures, once the problem had been fixed and whatever needed her attention is finished. With the retirement of Captain Blackhorse, and the need for Temporal Affairs to have a presence in the Delta Quadrant, Ehlana had now been assigned to SB900 as her home base.
Service Record 2355-2359: Starfleet Academy, Temporal Affairs

2359-2361: Starfleet Academy, Temporal Affairs Departmental Assistant

2363 - Promoted to Lieutenant (jg)

2367 - Promoted to Lieutenant

2371 - Promoted to Lt. Commander

2377 - Promoted to Commander

2386 - Temporary assignment to DS15, Temporal Affairs Chief

2387 - Assigned to SB900 as Temporal Affairs Chief