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Wed Sep 21st, 2016 @ 8:00pm

Commander Worth Maxwell VIII

Name Worth Xavier Maxwell VIII

Position Executive Officer - Ptolemy

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid/Human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 185
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Worth is tall with short black hair and Betazoid black eyes. He is muscular but not bulky, and his movements are noticeably graceful.


Father Worth X. Maxwell VII
Mother Celina
Sister(s) Anara

Personality & Traits

General Overview Worth at first meeting seems somewhat aloof and on duty, he remains so. His manner is self-possessed and direct and he expects the best effort from those under his direction. He has a wicked sense of humour that is often seen off-duty, rarely when on-duty. He can be rather intimidating but he's always fair and will not expect the crew to do anything he's not willing to do himself.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Worth is forthright in manner and determined, never backing down until a project or mission is completed. He's not one to back down in the face of a challenge and refuses to let fear get the better of him.

Weaknesses: His aloofness contributes to a certain degree of loneliness in his personal life. It can sometimes make subordinates a little ill-at-ease for fear of making a misstep and incurring his displeasure. Their fear of this is exaggerated, of course, but present nonetheless.
Ambitions Worth does have the desire for command someday and would prefer a station over a ship. In his position as First Officer, his ambition now is to have the best crew possible, one that is tight and works well together.
Hobbies & Interests He collects old maritime maps and has some near-priceless antiques passed down through his family. These can be seen on the walls of his quarters along with other antique sailing and navigation instruments. He loves plants and had plenty in his quarters, along with a large saltwater aquarium full of fish. To relax, he swims and runs. He also reads voraciously and his tastes in reading material vary widely. He has a love of single malt scotch and mangoes, but never together.

Personal History Worth was born in 2352 in Cornwall, England. His father and mother married three years earlier on Betazed where they met during an ambassadorial tour of his father's. He was recalled to Earth in 2351 and it was there in Cornwall at the family's ancestral home that Worth VIII entered the world.

Worth developed his love of the water and sailing at a young age, but it could be argued that it was in his blood and he had no choice. He came from a long line of Maxwell Royal Navy men, though it should be noted that Worth was the first in that line with telepathic ability.

At the age of seventeen, he entered Britannia Royal Navy College just as all the previous Worths had done. It was an accepted fact of life that this would happen before he joined Starfleet. He remained there for three years before entering Starfleet Academy in 2372.

Given his previous work with the Royal Navy college, he finished the Academy in three years, graduating in 2375 with a specialty in Intelligence. Upon graduation, he volunteered for a mission to Betazed, joining the Resistance. Because of his heritage, he felt he owed them any help he could in throwing off the Dominion.

At the end of the war, he was promoted to Lieutenant in 2378 and assigned to the USS Horizon as Intel staff. He remained there for three years, eventually taking over as Chief of Intel and Second Officer. In 2381 he was reassigned to the USS Ingo as Chief of Intell. The Ingo was charged with cruising the Demilitarized Zone and he spent quite a bit of time in the field, both in the colonies along the border and Cardassia Prime itself. This move was what effectively ended his relationship with Sharna, the woman he'd fallen in love with on Betazed. He knew his life for the foreseeable future would leave no room for personal ties and it was with regret and heartbreak that he said goodbye and departed for the DMZ.

In 2383 he was promoted to Lt. Commander, recalled and sent to DS9, spending quite a bit of time in the Gamma quadrant undercover. In 2385 when time came for him to rotate off active fieldwork, he was promoted to Commander and placed as the XO of the USS Kalispell in the Delta Quadrant. It was this experience that saw him assigned to the USS Ptolemy in 2387 as it's XO.
Service Record 2369-2372: Britannia Royal Navy College

2372-2375: Starfleet Academy, Intelligence

2375-2378: Betazed, Resistance during the Dominion War

2378-2381: USS Horizon, Intelligence Officer

2381-2383: USS Ingo, Chief Of Intelligence

2383-2385: DS9, Black Ops

2385-2387: USS Kalispell, Executive Officer

2387: USS Ptolemy, Executive Officer