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Sun Sep 18th, 2016 @ 1:52am

Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Name Quentin Donal Harrison

Position Marine XO - 3d Marines XO

Rank Marine Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6"8" tall
Weight 265 lbs.
Hair Color reddish brown
Eye Color grey
Physical Description Quentin is a big bear of a man. His eyes and bulk warn most sensible beings away but occasionally he lets his guard down when he's with children or a beautiful lady.


Spouse None
Children Angus Doyle Harrison (adopted, deceased)
Father Argyle Harrison
Mother Angela
Brother(s) Frederick
Sister(s) Tabitha
Other Family Jackson Banning V (close friend)

Personality & Traits

General Overview There is little grey area when dealing with Quentin. He tends to see things as either right or wrong. His sense of loyalty is very well developed despite a few setbacks. If Quentin likes you, he is a kind benevolent teddy bear. If you are unfortunate enough to get on his bad side....Nice knowing you. His sense of fair play is finely honed and he does not play favorites. Harrison is one of the most loyal people in the Corps, valuing the friendships he has cultivated through the years.
Strengths & Weaknesses strengths

- physical strength
- keen situational awareness.
- above average mental and physical endurance.


- tends to view the world through his eyes only
- temper is difficult to control once provoked
- loves peppermint ice cream
Ambitions To keep his loved ones and charges safe from harm

Someday Quentin wants to get married, but to the right woman.

Upon his acceptance of a Marine commission, Quentin has aspirations of a larger component command.
Hobbies & Interests MMA, weapons collecting, musical composition, distilling fine whiskey, hunting, Scottish traditions and customs.

Personal History Quentin Harrison is the son of a working-class man from the rural Highlands of Scotland. A youth spent tilling the soil on Earth and later Volan III until the ceding of that territory to the Cardassians. The Harrison's permanently relocated to Bajor and became instrumental in aiding the Bajorans with the production of crops after the Dominion War

Quentin won an appointment to Starfleet Academy thanks to a paper he wrote calling for a need to fill a tactical vacancy in Starfleet's Marine Corps. Quentin declined a commission in the Starfleet Rangers and Marines, preferring to serve as a security officer and later martial arts instructor. when the war broke out, Quentin was assigned to Jupiter Station in order to protect the facility and its staff from capture. Harrison served with distinction during the Borg Incursion, helping to rescue trapped personnel and civilians from harm.

Harrison transferred to the USS Berkeley at the request of then-Captain Ricky Wegener as the chief of security. Despite his anti-social behavior, Quentin served with distinction aboard the Berkeley until personal issues forced him to take a leave of absence from the Fleet.

Quentin returned to Starfleet for a brief time, only to resign his commission and join Jim Holbridge as a combat instructor for the Nebula Gold Security Group. Improper behavior resulted his dismissal from NGSC. Quentin accepted a position as a security contractor with a rival organization only to have his reserve commission reactivated and transferred to the Marine Corps where he was assigned as Recon Platoon Leader.

During a mission to retrieve several Starfleet crewmates that had been assimilated by the Borg, the regimental executive officer, Thomas Franklin, was killed in action and Major Lorenz promoted Harrison to the XO's position,, where he is still serving as of this date.

Service Record 2380- Jupiter Station, security officer
2385- Chief of Security USS Berkeley.
2387- Starbase 900- Civilian combat instructor.
2388- Reactivated and transferred to Marine Corps as Recon Platoon leader.
2388- Executive Officer, 3rd Marine Regiment, Starbase 900