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Mon Sep 5th, 2016 @ 10:43pm

Warrant Officer Awf

Name Awf

Position Chief Support Craft Pilot

Rank Warrant Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ocampa
Age 4

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 149 lb
Hair Color Golden brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Tresses of slightly wavy hair largely obscure the sharp elf-like ears that poke out of the sides of his mop. Depending on the lighting and the particular angle, it might seem as though his hazel irises are a bit lighter in hue at times. Awf almost always remains clean-shaven, which might be of some importance considering his career choices.

When off duty he usually tends to have a more casual fashion sense, and his choice in outfits may help to promote this idea. On duty he wears a standard uniform for his division when working, though prefers a pilot uniform for flight operations.


Spouse Unmarried
Children He has no children, but would like to have some in the future especially considering how short lived his species tends to be.
Father Nal
Mother Tinel
Brother(s) Zoh, Met, Leq
Sister(s) Tug, Sal
Other Family Ocampa tend to grow up in litters, perhaps as a result of their ability to only reproduce once in a single lifetime, which would explain the fairly large family he originated from. Awf was also very close to his maternal Aunt Pes and Uncle Wif.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Regardless of what might happen to him it doesn't seem like Awf is ready to loose his sense of adventure. He tends to be a fast learner with impressive technical abilities, and he certainly takes his job seriously, but he tends to consider every little thing to be just a little more exciting than most would.

At one point he was far more demure, but became a wild and free spirit later on once he realized just how limited and precious life is. He has a tendency to volunteer for anything and everything irrespective of any associated danger or mundaneness because he wants to have as many experiences as possible.

Despite having qualified as a warrant officer, Awf had originally enlisted and therefore doesn't have quite the same outlook on life that academy graduates do.
Strengths & Weaknesses Awf has an impressive ability to learn new skills very quickly, as do most Ocampa. This is a powerful strength when combined with his willingness to do any task. In addition his memory is eidetic and he can remember minute details that otherwise would pass people by.

On the other hand his diminutive size might be good for fitting into small cockpits, but it also means that he's very lightweight which can be a limiting factor in many situations. He hadn't gone through all of the same channels that many Starfleet officers do, which can mean he sometimes breaches protocol pretty badly.

Worst of all, from his perspective, living off of Ocampa V has kept his psionic abilities in check. While he does have somewhat heightened mental abilities, they are not nearly as strong as those exhibited by even Betazoids.
Ambitions More than anything Awf wants to be able to make the most out of his short lifespan; before he came into contact with other species he didn't realize it was so limited. Having gained a better appreciation of how short it really is he's come to want to experience everything possible. While some people might perceive him as reckless, Awf took the job of a support craft pilot with the hope of being able to test and work with experimental and unusual spacecraft since it meant he would be given a constant flood of new experiences.
Hobbies & Interests Having become something of an adrenaline jockey Awf will enjoy anything that gets his blood pumping. His favorite hobby so far when he's not on duty has become skateboarding in a holosuit, as a result of his exploring all the options available to him since coming into contact with so many other species. Awf has ended up with quite a collection of skate parts, albeit replicators produced all of them. He tends to enjoy sampling new music, and one could also say that his taste in literature tends to be eclectic.

Personal History For centuries the residents of Ocampa V had not realized that their world was one among many and had been content to live under the Caretaker's protection, but as history illustrates they were for better or worse dragged out of their innocent paradise and thrown into a larger universe by force. It was into the aftermath on this world that Awf was born.

To him growing up seemed to take forever, because relatively from his point of view it had. He had, like so many children, always wanted to get older so that he could do those things that only grown ups might. By this point, the Ocampa had been divided into two different groups, and his was of the group that continued to live in what was once the giant underground Ocampa city.

For the longest time he had no wish to go 'upstairs' as it was then called onto the planet's surface, as he recognized that very little water was there and was always being told that it was inhospitable. Unfortunately for him many of the young Ocampa were being called on to slowly help settle the planet's climate problems.

Having been raised in an environment where the old disused scientific and technical texts were again made available to make up for the Caretaker's absence, Awf and the other young ones had skills others didn't. They were considered very vital to the success of the re-colonization of the surface of Ocampa V. As a result of this he had ended up coming into contact with the Ogla Kazon groups that still lived on the surface.

In theory they were supposed to have made peace with the Kazon, but for whatever reason it seemed that he had butted heads with them too many times and was taken off world. Whether he was removed by the Kazon people, treated as a prisoner or taken by someone else seems lost to time, but eventually he ended up on a completely different civilian mining freighter with the galaxy before him.

Having never realized just how big the universe was, he lived in amazement. Perhaps more importantly, Awf had realized that most people lived much longer than he could be expected to. Before his lifespan seemed incredibly long, but now he had only a few years left to live from the new vantage point. He quickly vowed to spend the remaining years of his life living each and every day to the absolute fullest.

Eventually he made it to Starbase 900, where he figured opportunities for someone like him may lie. Technically he didn't actually attend the academy there appropriately in the matter of most, which is why he isn't a commissioned officer. That being said he studied with a few personal tutors he was able to have Starfleet assign to him.

Though he didn't end up with a college degree in the traditional sense, he has did qualify for the vaunted A7 Computer Expert Classification. Focusing primarily on professional certifications meant that he didn't have to take time for collegiate residency, which was important to him, as he wanted to avoid wasting too much. He also qualified for an esper rating of 110 and an aperception quotient of 21/116, though these figures are beneath those of other psionic species.

With his accelerated learning capabilities he ended up showing a ready ability to understand astronomy and navigation. He ultimately decided to volunteer for a support craft track because he figured it would have given him the widest variety of different opportunities to try.

This has, on occasion, caused him some problems but he doesn't necessarily understand the academic establishment. There's often a certain pecking order in the world of academics and it seems that he never quite grasped that particular informality of the research world.

Considering that his lifespan is so short, he's come to consider life especially dear and precious. While this might seem to go against his otherwise reckless demeanor, he doesn't like other people putting lives in jeopardy, as ironic as that might sound. As a result he's never quite liked the fact that people down below in the "pit" area make what he considers bad decisions.

On top of the other traits that he's shown since arriving at the Starbase, Awf has shown himself to be quite spiritual and as a result will often talk about the appropriate cultivation of his comra. This might help to illustrate and explain some of the deep concern he has over the choices that others make.
Service Record Enlisted in Starfleet:
= Assigned Crewman, Recruit

Assigned to Basic Training

Completed Basic Training
= Promotion to Crewman, Apprentice

Assigned to Starfleet Enlisted Flight Operations School

Graduation from Flight School
= Promotion to Full Crewman

Assigned to Flight Crew

Applies for Advanced Planetarium Docking and Control Training

Applies for E.V.A. Training Program
= Promoted to Petty Officer, 3rd Class
= Promoted to Petty Officer, 2nd Class

Applies for Warrant Officer Candidate School
= Promoted to Warrant Officer

Graduation from A7 Computer Expert Classification Training

2387: Assigned to Starbase 900, Chief Support Craft Pilot