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Thu Jan 7th, 2016 @ 2:44pm

Lieutenant Dara Sahli

Name Dara Sahli

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Risan

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 105
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Dara is small and light, her movements quick and precise. Her dark brown hair is long and curly and style varies according to the situation. The deep green of her eyes can shift to dark grey and while there appears to be no real reason for it, years ago she determined it is related to body temperature. Her slight size, instead of being a hindrance, has often been a distinct advantage for missions when she needs to go unnoticed. The mark that all Risans bear on their foreheads has been removed to avoid detection in the field.


Father Corin Sahli
Mother Joia Sahli
Brother(s) Kellen Sahli

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dara is strong and determined, dedicated to her position. She is the consummate professional when on duty, but much more relaxed during her down time. She never hesitates to pitch in when necessary, whatever the need may be. She is open and friendly when meeting new people. Those she considers friends receive her solid loyalty and soul-deep caring. She has a love of research in her field and an insatiable curiosity where her research is concerned.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Determination and the willingness to go the extra mile whenever necessary are her primary strengths. She believes in her ideals and will uphold them no matter what. What her ideals are, however, is sometimes situation-dependent.

Weaknesses: Sometimes she can care too deeply for her patients, letting their condition affect her emotionally. She also wonders at times if her ability to switch from caring doctor mode to an operative who can take out a target without a second thought is a problem.
Ambitions She believes in the purpose of her work – finding new ways to heal, to preserve her crew and others who need what she might discover. She makes sure she stays one step ahead when out in the field in order to accomplish the objective. Given her past working in Facility X-942, a secret research facility, her main ambition is to stay alive and keep those around her alive as well.
Hobbies & Interests Dara does yoga to stay centered and flexible; tai chi to relieve stress. She reads any and everything in her free time. She has a talent for plants and flowers, and has transformed her quarters into a veritable garden. Dara also has a bit of a sweet tooth, favoring dark chocolate and cheesecake.

Personal History Dara was born in 2358 on Risa. Life on a resort planet, for the permanent residents, was much the same as life anywhere. School, jobs, family. Granted, it came with perks other places didn’t have, and the natural beauty and relaxed, laissez-faire attitude were borne out in the social customs and open-minded attitudes of the natives. Dara flourished like a hothouse orchid on the tropical planet but it was clear early on that her intelligence outstripped her age.

She always had deep caring for others, including the many pets that always seemed to overrun the house. From childhood, she had hopes of becoming a doctor. She never doubted for a minute that she would succeed. At the age of sixteen, she entered Starfleet Academy, one of the first from her planet to do so. Feeling as if she had a lot to prove, she studied hard and following her graduation, delayed assignment for two years to stay and specialize in cellular research.

She was then assigned to a classified research facility in the Beta Quadrant, known only as X-942. Her focus there was research and experimentation in cellular regeneration. In the following years, she continued her research, but at times, a call would come in requesting her services and she would have to depart on a moment’s notice. She never discussed her trips with her colleagues and they never asked. The nature of these trips varied from simple transport of classified-level patients that needed medical oversight en route, to infiltration into some very dangerous situations where her services were needed to either heal or stabilize someone till they could be extracted.

A recent call bore orders of a different sort – she would be shipping out of the research facility and joining the crew of the USS Ptolemy in the Delta Quadrant under the command of Captain James Warrington. Their priority was to be exploration of the new area and it was an offer Dara couldn’t pass up.
Service Record 2374-2377: Starfleet Academy; Medical

2377-2379: Starfleet Medical; Cellular Research Specialty

2379-2384: Starfleet Medical - Classified Research Facility X-942 – Beta Quadrant; Cellular Regeneration research

2384-2387: Alternated between the research facility and missions in the field where patient recovery was needed or medical issues were involved.

2387: Assigned to the USS Ptolemy as Chief Medical Officer