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Mon Sep 12th, 2016 @ 7:07pm

Lieutenant Commander Solis

Name Solis

Position Chief Surgeon

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 185
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Solis is tall, his figure trim and toned. He is in good physical shape but leans more towards lean muscle as opposed to bulky. His movements are smooth and graceful, and when he’s on the job, very precise. He wears his hair very long, tied back when on duty, and wears a small silver ring on the right side of his nose.


Spouse Lt. Bajun Julisa
Father Virlan
Mother T'lin

Personality & Traits

General Overview Solis is an oddity as Vulcans go, since he never underwent the disciplined teachings of Kohlinar. He is friendly and outgoing, laughs often, smiles even more frequently, and loves a good joke. He had been known to play pranks on his friends at times. Living life with passion and at full-speed has always been his way, and whatever he thinks tends to come right out of his mouth.
Strengths & Weaknesses Solis is not afraid of hard work and is more than willing to do what it takes to achieve what he wants. He has a deep empathy for patients, which always surprises them, given that he is Vulcan. While he does not espouse the traditional views of logic, there are times when traces of it appear, causing inner conflict with his free nature and moments of self-doubt. At such times he wonders if, perhaps, he might have achieved more at this stage of his life if he had been more traditional. He has also dealt with some instances of ‘mistaken identity’. His unreserved personality has caused him to be thought a Romulan on a few occasions, which led to conflict and mistrust.
Ambitions Solis is satisfied with the progression of his career at this point. He has no ambitions for command, but wants to further his medical career, perhaps eventually returning to the Academy to teach once his love of action and exploration has been sated.
Hobbies & Interests He reads voraciously in his down time, and no subject is out of his area of interest. When his curiosity is aroused, he will read all he can on a particular subject until satisfied, then move on to the next. He loves being out on the water and spent much time there in a small boat, rowing for exercise on Archadia or the holodeck. He draws and is quite talented, and raises all manner of plants such that his quarters with Julisa resemble a jungle.

During his years at the Academy in San Francisco, he discovered the city’s still-thriving Chinatown and developed a love of Chinese food. He made friends with a restaurant owner there, and convinced the man to teach him to cook it. He is also addicted to peaches.

Personal History Solis was born in 2355, on Vulcan. In 2358, when he was three, plans for the first colonization of Vesta became a reality and his parents and he pulled up stakes and shipped out. He has spent his entire life there, and as such had no memories at all of Vulcan. Life in a newly-established colony was rough at times, and always interesting. Life could change from day to day, given the colony’s location. The surrounding area held a mix of cultures, from friendly to outlaw to downright hostile.

It made for a very non-traditional upbringing, and given the mix of the colonists as well, the age-old teachings that were an accepted, normal way of life just didn’t seem to fit in a place where every day meant hard work and constant adapting to a way of life so foreign to the life his parents led back on Vulcan. The rigid adherence to logic just didn’t work anymore, at least for them, and so Solis was raised right along with all the other colonial children – school, farming, building, playing, blending in.

In such a free atmosphere, Solis became an active, passionate young man who embraced life and enjoyed it to the fullest. He learned quite a bit of ‘frontier medicine’ as he grew and it whetted his appetite to move into the medical field. He arrived at the Academy with a clear idea of what he wanted to do. His lack of a logical background drew attention and his fun-loving nature made him a popular cadet. After graduation, he remained at the Academy, working in the medical department as an assistant with the xenobiological specialists. As he intended to eventually return home to the colony, it was the perfect step for him to learn more about the medical aspects of varied races.

He remained there for five years, taking on some teaching duties as well. At the age of twenty-six, he returned home to Vesta and joined the medical team there. As the old saying goes, every day was an adventure and it was never dull. In addition to his medical duties to the colonists, he also shuttled to outlying areas when help was needed. When Julisa was transferred to SB900, he was also granted reassignment there as the Chief Surgeon.
Service Record 2373-2377: Starfleet Academy

2377-2382: Starfleet academy Medical – departmental researcher; Instructor

2383: Vesta Colony – Assistant Chief Medical Officer

2387: SB900 – Chief Surgeon