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Thu Mar 1st, 2012 @ 3:41pm

Commander James Frost

Name James Ullyses Frost

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Second Position Commanding Officer - Hammond

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human (rescued borg)
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 190
Hair Color Blonde with some grey starting to show
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Has blonde hair and one grey eye. The other eye (his right eye) is replaced by a Borg cybernetic implant, which does the same job the normal eye does but also has is fitted with visual scanners. He also has his left hand replaced by a Borg synthetic. It looks like a hand in shape but not in color or feel.


Spouse Never married
Children Never had children
Father Jack Frost- deceased
Mother Amanda Frost- deceased
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none revealed at this time

Personality & Traits

General Overview James Frost is fairly pleasant considering his experience with the Borg. He is also extremely sarcastic and sometimes takes jokes too far. Nothing amuses him more than aggravating his immediate supervisor.
Strengths & Weaknesses James loves the people he works with. He will do everything to make sure that his crew is a happy crew. Unfortunately James can get very moody and more likely to make mistakes at any mention or sign of the Borg. And he tends to get cranky when his late parents are mentioned.
Ambitions James only ambition is to keep his sense of humor and to get back at the Borg for what they did to him.
Hobbies & Interests He likes tinkering,acting, dates (when he can get them), and playing pool. Some of the things he hates are, the borg first and foremost, Anything with cheese, Caitans (their fur makes him sneezy) and people who bring up his past in a negative manner

Speaks several languages- English, French, Klingon, Chinese. Also has the ability to interpret various different computerized languages.

Personal History James Frost had a happy childhood. He was raised by two wonderful parents, Amanda and Jack. His father was a stand up comedian and his mother was a famous Holofilm actor. James was taken to the best schools in Beverly Hills until he was discovered by Hollywood at the age of 12. He starred in several Holofilms throughout his high school years and even through his first year at the academy. Even though he was on the A list and had no problem getting dates, or fan mail, what he really wanted to do was work with computers and machines. So after high school he Joined Starfleet academy.
Service Record Starfleet Academy: His first year at the academy was chaotic at best. It didn't take long for the other students to realize they had a celebrity at the academy. At the end of the year, he was taken aside by his Instructor, Commander Geordi LaForge, who was instructing that year while the Enterprise underwent refits. The veteran engineer explained to James that he would have to give up one thing, the academy or acting, because he couldn't do both. Without hesitation James quit acting and passed his engineering course with honors, much to his teachers delight.

Post-Academy: His first assignment was as an ensign on board the USS Enterprise 1701-E. He worked on the warp core and other various systems with his former instructor Geordi. After helping commander LaForge stop a warp core breach, while the engineering department was filled with coolant, he was promoted to lieutenant.

The Borg: When it came time for shore leave, James decided it best to take his family out in their star yacht. Unfortunately they stumbled upon a damaged Borg scout vessel in the area and it didn’t take long for the famous family to be assimilated. James surprisingly was resistant to the Borg Collective's attempts to relieve him of his individuality and was able to get a distress call out from the Borg ship before he was found and put in stasis. The USS Achilles answered the distress call and found James in stasis, almost completely assimilated. He was beamed to safety and the Borg ship destroyed, along with his parents.

USS Ajax: James’ rehabilitation was fairly quick, he still goes to counseling every few weeks, but he kept his job, as an engineer. Because of his ingenuity and knowledge of Borg systems, he was promoted to lieutenant commander.

He has also opted on keeping his Borg eye and arm as a reminder of what he lost. Plus he finds the eye scanner to be extremely useful for engineering purposes.
USS Guinevere: He briefly served as first officer on board the USS Guinevere, but the ship was decommissioned when the captain stepped down.

USS Odin- Soon afterwords James was posted aboard the USS Odin, an Odin Class Starship (the first of her class), as XO and Chief Engineer. Soon after he was promoted to Commander, bizarrely by his own request. As the new XO he was sarcastic and moody and in a heated argument between an Admiral and Commodore Jack Walker, made a joke about wanting a promotion and to his surprise was given it!!

A few months into their assignment, the Odin is recalled and was refit. The newly designated Odin-A is launched a few months later. They are reassigned to patrol the Gamma Quadrant. During a mission to find missing supply ships James Frost was suddenly given command of the Odin with the rank of Captain as Jack Walker left for personal reasons.

Classified Mission
Commanded the USS Odin for two years until the Odin encountered the Borg. Frost was abducted and the USS Odin was damaged beyond repair. (Details of this mission are still highly classified by order of Starfleet Intelligence.) The USS Odin-A was deemed missing in action and James Frost was MIA as well up until recently, the reasons for which are still classified and was temporarily put in charge of the USS Odin B to investigate the disappearance of her namesake.

After the investigation he was posted aboard SB 911 for a year where he quickly got bored and after several drunken escapades and one run in with a Ferengi and a Klingon and a rubber chicken he was finally demoted and reassigned as Chief Engineer to a space station (which he was secretly happy about as the pressures of command were giving him grey hairs!!)

Service Record


2371: Starfleet Academy | Cadet |

2372: Starfleet Academy | Cadet |

2373: Starfleet Academy | Cadet |

2374: USS Enterprise-E NCC-1701-E | Cadet |

Mid 2374: Promoted to Ensign and assigned to the USS Enterprise 1701-E as his first assignment. He worked on the warp core and other various systems with his former instructor Commander Geordi LaForge.

2375: Meritoriously promoted to full Lieutenant in recognition of heroic actions. Against orders, he assisted Commander LaForge in stopping a dangerous warp core breach even though the engineering department was filled with coolant.

2377:When it came time for shore leave, James decided it best to take his family out in their star yacht. Unfortunately they stumbled upon a damaged Borg scout vessel in the area and it didn't take long for the famous family to be assimilated. James surprisingly was resistant to the Borg Collective's attempts to relieve him of his individuality and was able to get a distress call out from the Borg ship before he was found and put in stasis. The USS Achilles answered the distress call and found James in stasis, almost completely assimilated. He was beamed to safety and the Borg ship destroyed, along with his parents.

2377-2378: James' rehabilitation is fairly quick, but he still has to undergo counseling every few weeks. But he was able to keep his job as an Engineer.

"2378: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander, due to his ingenuity and keen knowledge of Borg systems. Despite the protestations of Starfleet doctors, Frost opted on keeping his Borg eye implant and arm as a reminder of everything he had lost; both his humanity and his parents. He finds the eye scanner to be extremely useful for engineering purposes.

Late 2378-Early 2380: Frost briefly served as First Officer aboard the USS Guinevere, but the ship was decommissioned when the Captain steps down.

2380-Early 2382: Frost briefly takes a hiatus from active status and is accepts a position as and Engineering instructor at Starfleet Academy.

2382:Reassigned as the Executive Officer and Chief Engineer to the newly commissioned U.S.S. Odin, an Odin Class Starship (the first of her class) Independent Squadron, Task Force 11 in Sierra Fleet. Soon after he was promoted to Commander, by his own request. As the new XO he was sarcastic and moody and in a heated argument between an Admiral and Commodore Jack Walker, made a joke about wanting a promotion and to his surprise was given it!!

Mid 2382: A few months later during a mission to find missing supply ships James Frost was suddenly given command of the Odin with the rank of Captain as Jack Walker leaves for personal reasons. Shortly thereafter, Frost is promoted to Admiral and is made Commander of Theta Division.

Late 2382: Due to some major restructuring, Theta Fleet merges with Starfleet Central Command. This leaves several positions vacant.

Early 2383: The U.S.S. Odin is once again reassigned by Starfleet, becoming a part of Bravofleet-Task Force 86, Task Group Paladin. Frost is demoted to Commodore to handle Task Group Paladins as the TGCO. The Odin undergoes a refit and is upgraded. The newly designated Odin-A is reassigned to patrol the Gamma Quadrant. Shortly after that, Task Group Paladin becomes Task Group Trident.

Mid 2383: Frost steps down as TGCO to focus on his duties as a line officer and his command of the USS Odin.

Sometime during 2383: The Odin undertakes a clandestine mission on behalf of Starfleet. During a mission where the USS Odin went rogue and disappeared into the Gamma quadrant after disabling a Federation ship in pursuit. ***MISSION CLASSIFIED BY ORDER OF STARFLEET INTELLIGENCE***

2384: Frost is demoted to Captain but retains command of the newly commissioned USS Odin-B due to classified reasons. The Odin is reassigned by Starfleet to Task Force 38, Task Group Sakar.

2386: Frost is promoted Commodore and put in charge of Task Force 38's Task Group Daystrom.