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Wed Jun 22nd, 2016 @ 11:11pm

The Professor

Name The Professor

Position Chief Science Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Self-Aware Hologram Program

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight N/A
Hair Color Silver
Eye Color Blue-Green
Physical Description In an attempt to potentially downplay the uncanny valley effect that synthetic organisms push on biological ones, or potentially to make him look more like a Catullan, the Professor was designed with slate-colored eyes, soft skin and gossamer hair. He has a tendency to wear a green scarf with an orange jacket when off duty, though this is of little consequence since getting into his uniform is as easy as rearranging his photon particles.

While he tends to stay neat and trim, this is of course another aspect of his unnatural state. Since the Professor never grows a beard or has his hair grown long he never has to go to the barber.


Other Family Considering that he's a holographic entity who was originally programmed as a scientific hologram for a laboratory and then sent to the colony by way of a subspace email attachment, The Professor doesn't really have family so to speak. This is actually something of a source of good-natured contention, but it's assumed that he will eventually come to see the remainder of his work colleagues as more of family than anything due to a lack of anything biological in this department.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Having originally been designed to work with scientific experiments that might have been too dangerous to place organic officers in harm's way has certainly had a hand in molding the Professor's mannerisms. While he's supposed to be pleasant and agreeable, snide remarks have started to pop up into his vocabulary. Due to the fact that his personality matrix was 'slightly busted' as some people on his last assignment put it, the Professor was reassigned to the Valhalla Colony. His puckish demeanor, though, doesn't stand in the way of his usual dedication to the scientific field.

Interestingly enough he takes an interest in the traditional visual arts as well as artistic installations.
Strengths & Weaknesses On one hand the Professor lacks the normal biological necessities of eating, sleeping or breathing, which help him to avoid most of the problems that come with operating in hazardous conditions. On the other, however, he does require a mobile holo-emitter in order to leave areas that lack installed holographic capabilities. That means that he's often confined to certain areas.

His programming was originally designed to supplement the skills of Starfleet specialists, so he has an encyclopedic knowledge of geology, biology and history. These skills correspond to science division specialties.
Ambitions Perhaps more than anything else The Professor aspires to make everyone remember to turn off his program when they're done using him. He can't do it himself, and it's very annoying to have to sit there for hours on end with absolutely nothing to do. Naturally he can't really occupy himself with anything largely due to the fact that there isn't much that he actually needs at all. Sometimes the life of a hologram is really quite rough, and The Professor just wishes for once one of those organics would see that and make sure to treat him with a little more respect...not that he ever complained.
Hobbies & Interests Tri-dimensional chess is probably the current biggest obsession for the Professor, though like most even organic people his interests come in a series of fits and spurts that tend to change over time. Being a mechanized creature he feels that it isn't really that fair for him to play a hand of cards against anyone who is actually biological since his tie to the facilities' computers is a good way to count cards. It just kind of seems like cheating to him. He take anyone up on a good chess challenge, however.