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Sun Feb 14th, 2016 @ 1:03am

Lieutenant Commander Antos Lev

Name Antos Lev

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 195
Hair Color Dark Blonde
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Antos Lev is tall and leanly muscled. He’s made it a mission to stay in shape, especially as the years creep by. His hair is dark blonde, kept short and neat, and his eyes are dark brown. On the inside of his left wrist is tattooed a Cardassian prison number. Given his somewhat angular features and strong jaw, he can sometimes appear stern despite a very generous mouth. At least until his surprising smile breaks through – it’s wide, bright, and sunny, able to put anyone at ease.


Spouse Nirali (Divorced 2372)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lev is a determined individual who expects full effort from those he works with but won’t ask them to do anything he’s not willing to do himself. He can be the consummate professional or relaxed and casual, depending on the situation. He also has a surprisingly philosophical soul, and a great source for advice.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Lev has the strength of character to stand up for a cause, no matter the risks. His time with the Bajoran Resistance taught him how to manage his fear and get the job done. He has seen what total disregard for life can do and as a result, is determined to live life to the fullest.

Weaknesses: He can sometimes be careful with his emotions, making it hard to know what he’s thinking. He also came out of the Occupation with a profound dislike of Cardassians, though he keeps that to himself.
Ambitions Besides the adventure of life in the fleet, he would like to eventually settle in one place for more than a few months, perhaps a command. He intends, however, to work to make sure that killing and torture on the scale of the Bajoran Occupation never happen again.
Hobbies & Interests He is an avid reader and dips in to all genres. He has a great singing voice, though he never did anything with it beyond the occasional open mic night and his shower. He is a wine aficionado and usually has several cases of rare ones on hand to enjoy at the end of the day. He has a Vulcan kal-toh sphere that he works on now and then to relax, saying that it helps him order his thoughts as he tries to bring order to the sphere. He also enjoys hiking and rock climbing.

Personal History Antos Lev was born in 2347 on Bajor. His childhood was more or less uneventful, aside from an early interest in science. During his early teens in school, he corrected his teacher on the man’s observations about string theory, and ended up explaining to the class at length where the teacher’s opinions had veered off the path of reason. While he was suspended from school for a week, they had him tested and discovered his IQ was stellar. After discussion with the headmaster of his school, they offered to let him attempt the exams required to graduate. He passed with flying colors.

His family kept his abilities closely guarded, however. It was the time of the occupation and anything to keep off the Cardassian radar was a good thing. Lev himself planned to become part of the Resistance as soon as he was old enough. Given his gift for science, he was allowed to enroll early at Starfleet Academy and finished in three years.

He returned home and became part of the resistance movement in 2365. A vast knowledge of science is great for making weapons and explosives to use against one’s enemies, especially an enemy that had so little regard for those whose planet they had taken over. He lost his closest friend to a knife wielded by a Cardassian who killed the man simply because he could. For years, Lev would hear that Cardassian’s laugh in his dreams. In 2368, he was briefly held prisoner in a camp on Bajor and became far too familiar with the famed Cardassian interrogation techniques before being rescued three weeks later.

When the occupation ended in 2369, he returned to Starfleet aboard the USS Logan as a science officer. They spent some time along the DMZ, and while it was emotionally tough for Lev, his deep knowledge of their tactics and mindset was immensely useful. Following the end of the occupation, he married Nirali in 2370 on Bajor. The constant separation took its toll, however, and they divorced in 2372. With his usual philosophical manner, Lev realized that his lifestyle wasn’t really suited to any sort of permanent attachment. They still keep in contact, however, and the relationship is friendly.

In 2375 he transferred to the USS Santa Fe, serving as Chief Science Officer. The Santa Fe was assigned as an Intel ship investigating unusual events and they saw some strange things in their time that they attempted to explain rationally. Sometimes they could, others they had to accept that the universe was a wild and wacky place. The work was fascinating, however, and the time was up all too soon.

He was offered the XO spot on Starbase 942 and remained there for four years. In 2384, in recognition of his service on the Santa Fe, he was recalled to Starfleet HQ, where he was given the position of Special Investigator, once again delving into the unexplainable, the unusual, and the downright weird. While the work was endlessly absorbing, it meant constant travel. After three years, Lev had enough of life on the road.

He accepted the position of XO on DS15, located down next to Tholian space. It was an eventful time, one marked by a series of spatial rifts that destroyed much of the station, an away team’s accidental side trip to 1989, and a Commodore’s crazy obsession that almost led to the loss of their Chief Diplomatic Officer, Lt. Commander Gaelan Tor. It was Lev’s efforts that prevented what amounted to the Commodore’s official kidnapping in the form of a forced transfer for Tor.

When Adara was promoted and chosen to command the new Valhalla colony in the Delta Quadrant, she offered him the XO spot. He accepted immediately, happy to be working with her as well as some of his other former colleagues.
Service Record 2362-2365: Starfleet Academy; Astrophysics, Operations

2365-2369: Bajoran Resistance

2370-2374: USS Logan - Science Officer; promoted to Lieutenant (jg)

2375-2379: USS Santa Fe - Chief Science Officer; promoted to Lieutenant

2380-2384: Starbase 942 - Executive officer; promoted to Lt. Commander

2384-2387: Starfleet Headquarters – Special Investigator

2387: DS15 - Executive Officer

2388: Valhalla Colony – Executive Officer