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Sat Oct 17th, 2015 @ 12:51am

Niall Sala

Name Niall Sala Ph.D.

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan/Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 185
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Niall is tall and somewhat muscular. He is always impeccably dressed and neat. His are classic good looks and his trim hair is just starting to go grey at the temples. His eyes are a deep blue-grey. He has enough Vulcan in him to give that 'completely private in the midst of a crowd air' and is always the quintessential professional.


Sister(s) Kellyn

Personality & Traits

General Overview Niall is an intensely private person and his personal life is virtually unknown to those with whom he works, including his ever-present assistants. His activities are often the subject of speculation among his staff, however. When on the job, he prefers to stick to titles with his colleagues. In general, he is a touch formal, but still polite and friendly. When he's off the clock, he likes nothing better than to relax and spend time with close friends who see a more open, less reserved side of Niall. He has a keen sense of humour that shows in unexpected moments, often coming as a surprise to those around him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Niall has a strong work ethic and expects the same of his colleagues. His Vulcan side gives him endurance so that he often foregoes sleep when a big project is in the works. His intelligence is very high, leading him to juggle a lot mentally on a daily basis.

Weaknesses: His strong work ethic and endurance means that he expects his staff to operate at the same level, sometimes forgetting that their need for downtime comes sooner than it does for him. His tendency to ponder so many things in his head causes him to jump from one idea to the next with lightning rapidity, expecting those around him to follow his many trains of thought. This leads, at times, to confusion on the part of others.
Ambitions After his retirement from the Fleet, Niall's ambitions turned to his business life. As the CEO of CoronaTech, he intends to see the company continue to expand and prosper. His personal ambitions include getting better at relaxing and enjoying his free time.
Hobbies & Interests Niall enjoys fencing and swimming, using both as a means to stay in shape. He likes outdoors activities such as hiking and sleeping under the stars, the more rugged the country, the better in his opinion. Getting out and away from it all is his way of staying centered in a job that is high-stress, moves fast, and requires constant travel.

Personal History Niall was born in 2348 on Vulcan, the son of a Vulcan mother and Human father. His childhood was rather peaceful. His inclination to disassemble the household appliances, and computers was often an inconvenience to the family, even though he always put them back together. When Niall was seven, his father was assigned to Research Station 75 and the family left Vulcan. Niall grew up at his father's side, spending much of his time in the various labs, which served as his means of education.

At the age of seventeen, he applied to the Vulcan Science Academy. His entrance testing revealed an extremely high IQ and a strong mechanical talent. He spent a year there, but much like Spock, did not like the prejudice against his human side. He transferred to Starfleet Academy, where he remained until 2371, receiving his Ph.D. in structural dynamics.

In 2371, he was sent to Betazed to lend his expertise to the rebuilding after the Dominion War. He remained there for two years, overseeing various phases of the rebuilding, where he worked with Lucius Hawke. In 2373, Niall became a traveling consultant, moving about from one Federation colony project to another to oversee design and construction of new facilities on a myriad of planets. He remained in this position until 2379.

Six years 'on the road' took their toll on Niall. When he reached the point where he had to check his schedule to remember where he was that day, he knew it was time for a change. He finally took a short vacation on Pacifica and it was there, as he was stretched out on the beach, that a message arrived which would change the course of his life. It came from CoronaTech. The company was a well-known Starfleet contractor, based on Betazed, that Niall had worked with on many occasions in his time with colony construction. It was an offer to join the company as the new vice-president. The rest of his vacation was spent considering that offer and when his vacation ended, so too did his time in Starfleet.

Niall retired and in 2379 made the move to Corona. While he still traveled quite a bit, it was nowhere near the grueling life he'd had with the Fleet. He now had a home base on Betazed that kept him grounded. In 2383, the CEO of Corona retired and Niall was promoted. His Starfleet ties have helped the company expand considerably since Niall became CEO. One of Corona's new consulting projects is the Valhalla Colony which is to open in the Delta Quadrant.
Service Record Vulcan Science Academy: 2365-2366

Starfleet Academy: 2366-2371; Ph.D. Structural Dynamics

2371-2373: Betazed; rebuilding after the Dominion War

2373-2379: Starfleet; traveled to various colony locations to oversee design and construction

2379: recruited by CoronaTech as Vice-president

2383 - Promoted to CEO, CoronaTech