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Sun Sep 18th, 2016 @ 8:34pm

Mamu B'yaga

Name Mamu B'yaga

Position Shop Owner

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Unknown
Age Unknown

Physical Appearance

Height 3'9"
Weight 160
Hair Color Mixed: Grey, Brown, Blonde
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Mamu changes, depending upon whom she is speaking with. Sometimes, she's very short, small and hunched; other times, she's taller, straighter or bigger. She has a forked tongue, pointy teeth and clawed fingers.

She's been called an angel and a witch and many things in between.


Children She has had her babies.

Personality & Traits

Personal History At one point in time, she was Earl D. Crane's housekeeper, cook, general all-around helpmate. She was Earl's son's nanny.

She was on Bajor when Nico was prisoner of the Cardassians; she told Bajun Julisa that she needed to get Nico out because he was being tortured. She slipped Nico a worry stone while he was in the prison.

How Mamu knows things or gets things is unknown, but she is a very strong telepath.