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Tue Sep 15th, 2015 @ 9:41pm

Lieutenant Commander Gaelan Tor

Name Gaelan Tor

Position Chief Diplomatic Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Joined Trill
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 115
Hair Color Medium Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tor is medium height and slim with the grace of a dancer. Her medium brown hair is varies in style, depending on her current activity. She has a generous smile and it is seen often.


Father Salih Barros
Mother Faiza Barros

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tor is no-nonsense when it comes to duty. She knows her job and does it well, and expects the same from others around her. She has a keen sense of humour, is much more relaxed off-duty and happy to socialize with the crew, though she keeps things on a friendly level and doesn’t let it go beyond that.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Tor has an incredible depth of knowledge, thanks to the varied experiences of her previous hosts, as well as an eidetic memory. She is strong-willed and it takes a lot to get her down. She is blessed with the ability to think outside the box and this has proven invaluable to her at times.

Weaknesses: She has a temper, and her unorthodox thinking has, on occasion, been a source of contention with those who think more linearly and ’by the book’. While she always has everything together in the line of duty, emotionally, she’s had some rough times and this leads to moments of personal self-doubt.
Ambitions It is thanks to hard work and determination that she worked her way up to Second Officer of her previous ship at the age of 28. A tragic ambush put her in the XO’s seat and she served there to the best of her ability. She is not averse to her own command one day, but wants some time to gain more experience.
Hobbies & Interests Tor loves poker with a passion, thanks to a previous host, and it had been a regular activity with her. She enjoys rock climbing on the holodeck, as well as mechanical puzzles to test her wits and keep her sharp on engineering-type matters. She plays billiards well, and is an accomplished dancer in the classical ballet style, a talent encouraged by another previous host.

Personal History Gaelan Barros was born in 2358 to a Starfleet family. Her father was an Engineer, her mother a surgeon. At the time, they were en route to the Trill homeworld for furlough after a long run by the Neutral Zone. She jokes that being in space is in her blood, and that had proven to be true.

Thanks to her father, she discovered her love of all things mechanical at an early age and delighted in disassembling and reassembling things in the family quarters. She left the ship in her teens to study on the homeworld at the Trill Science Academy, a decision that would change the course of her life. A report was sent regarding Gaelan to the Symbiosis Commission who kept watch on her as she progressed.

Starfleet Academy came and went, where she studied Engineering with a specialty in warp theory, along with Diplomacy. Upon her graduation in 2379, she returned to the Trill homeworld for evaluation and joining with the Tor symbiont. After the usual adjustment period, she was assigned to the USS Valiant as a Diplomatic officer who assisted engineering when needed. She served there for four years, achieving the position of Lieutenant. She then transferred to the USS Armstrong as its Second Officer.

The ambush of the Armstrong, and the loss of so many of its crew meant time off-duty as the ship was repaired and the new Commanding Officer appointed. She was promoted to Executive Officer. Desiring to return to the Diplomatic arena, and following an unusual turn in her personal life, when the sudden call came from DS15, she immediately accepted. The similarities between the Armstrong’s ambush and the damage and loss of crew on DS15 struck a chord with her and she is determined to help see them through.

Her time on DS15 took a harrowing turn when she became the target of Commodore Caine Marsh's obsession. His attempts to remove her from DS15 were thwarted by Lt. Commander Antos Lev. Marsh’s sudden and untimely death, which was determined to be the result of a heart attack, ultimately saved Tor’s life. Following these events, Tor had to get away from DS15. She left behind her fiancé, the station’s CO, and accepted a transfer offered by her friend, Commander Adara Gunnar, who would be taking the helm of the new Valhalla Colony in the Delta Quadrant. Her current assignment is listed as classified to all outside inquiries.

Previous Hosts:

Ixia Tor: Famous dancer (born 2125 joined 2143, died 2163)

Lanzo Tor: Professor of Linguistics (born 2143, Joined 2163, died 2199)

Rhian Tor: Shuttle Pilot (Born 2178, joined 2199. died 2239)

Jhulan Tor: Priest (born 2217, joined 2239, died 2319)

Sakahr Tor: Diplomat (born 2299, Joined 2319, died 2379)

Service Record 2376-2379: Starfleet Academy

2379: Joined with the Tor Symbiont

2380-2384: USS Valiant; Diplomatic Officer, Promotion to Lieutenant

2384-2386: USS Armstrong; Warp Propulsion Specialist, Second Officer

2386-2387: USS Armstrong; Executive Officer, promoted to Lt. Commander

2387: Deep Space 15 ; Chief Diplomatic Officer

2388: Valhalla Colony; Chief Diplomatic Officer