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Fri Sep 18th, 2015 @ 9:12pm

Lieutenant Isi Nighthawk

Name Isi Nighthawk

Position Chief Medical Officer/Psychiatrist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Amerind
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 190
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description His skin is a deep bronze, his black hair worn long in a braid when on duty, loose when he is relaxing. He is tall and somewhat muscular, very graceful in his movements, never hurried.


Father Shikoba Nighthawk
Mother Nizhoni Nighthawk

Personality & Traits

General Overview A serene aura surrounds Isi. A fellow officer once described him as ‘a peaceful meadow’ and any who know him would agree. Much of this is a result of his upbringing and his following of his family’s traditional ways. It is also comes from his unusual time on Enara Prime and the effects it had on him emotionally. His voice is mellow, his words thoughtful. His advice is always right on target.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: He has an uncanny ability to read people through body language, without the need for his recently inherited telepathy. He has a knack for seeing the heart of a problem and coming up with solutions, often a non-traditional approach that just happens to work.

Weaknesses: He is still adjusting to the change in his own mental abilities. Reading thoughts sometimes still leaves him unsteady and he continues to work towards his own understanding and control. He has had previously avoided any intimate relationships, at least till he met Commander Gunnar, fearing that he also inherited the ability of the Enarans to pass his own thoughts to another and thus cause feelings in another that may not be there naturally.
Ambitions Getting his career back on track and advancing in rank, while continuing to explore the unknown quadrant.
Hobbies & Interests He has enjoyed fishing since he was a boy and is looking forward to doing more of it on Charu. He maintains the ways of the medicine man that he was taught, using this knowledge along with his Starfleet medical training. He also carries on the medicine man’s tradition of storytelling and as such keeps careful notes on all his adventures. His mother taught him the intricacies of beadwork and he continues this as he has time.

Personal History Isi was born in the year 2354 on the Amerind Planet, where his ancestors had been delivered centuries before by a group known to them as the Wise Ones. He grew up with the legend of one named Kirok, none other than James T. Kirk. The story was a tragic one, but it was tied in to the men who saved the planet from certain destruction before ascending once more for their explorations. The stories of Miramanee and Kirok had a profound effect on a growing boy who spent quite a bit of time studying the ancient obelisk left on the planet by the Wise Ones. It gave him a thirst for adventure and discovery, a longing to see just what else was out there.

By the time Isi was in his teen years, Starfleet visitors were not the oddity they had been in decades past, as maintenance crews came regularly to check on the deflector that protected the planet. The officers were kind enough to spend time talking to him on such visits, discussing all manner of things related to space travel. When he was 17, he sent in his application to Starfleet Academy. Given his location, they agreed to allow him to do his testing onboard the USS Reno, which was visiting at the time.

The combination of his unusual background and his scores gained him admission and he entered the Academy in 2372. Given his upbringing and studies with the village medicine man, medical seemed a natural fit for his talents. It allowed, for him, a blending of traditional medicine as he understood it, and modern ways. At the end of his years there, he opted to stay on another two years to expand his studies into the psychology arena and graduate with a degree in psychiatry.

His first assignment was as a Counselor aboard the USS Aldrin, engaged in exploring the Delta Quadrant. He served there until 2382, when an unusual incident on Enara Prime resulted in a year-long detour.

The inhabitants of Enara Prime are a telepathic race, known for their ability to implant thoughts and memories in others, even over distance, whether the recipient is willing or not. During a conference there, Isi was the victim of just such a mental invasion. A political dissident, a man violently opposed to the leaders in power and plotting their downfall, spotted Isi as he took his morning walk through the city. He saw Isi as a means of his plans continuing while he remained undiscovered. As Starfleet was not entirely trusted, a Fleet officer made the perfect fall guy. He’d be discovered and the rebels would remain unnoticed.

The memories began to affect his behavior immediately and when he was checked, the memories were discovered. He was immediately incarcerated, despite insisting he was innocent. Starfleet began to negotiate for his release, as well as checking him over with the doctor and Chief Counselor of the Aldrin.
By the time it was discovered that he was, in fact the victim of a mental invasion and not guilty, he had taken a turn for the worse. Something in his mental make-up was reacting adversely with the false memories and neural breakdown had begun. The Enaran government offered to reverse the process, but it meant a lengthy stay on the planet and extensive mental intervention. Eventually, he was healed and the dissident caught and executed. The procedures left him with strong, and unexpected, telepathic abilities.

Upon his return to the Fleet, he was assigned to the USS Portland as a Counselor and medical officer, eventually being promoted to Lieutenant (jg). He served there until 2386 when he was transferred to the USS Evariste as Chief Counselor and promoted to lieutenant. In 2387 he transferred to DS15 as a medical officer to help with rebuilding in the wake of wide-scale destruction of the station by a deluge of special rifts. Life there was chaotic. An anomaly in a transport gate sent him, along with several other officers (including Adara Gunnar) back to New York of 1989. Adara was killed in an attack on the group and Isi was utterly devastated. Thanks to some intervention by Temporal Affairs, the timeline was changed, Adara was saved, and the entire group was rescued. Following their return to DS15, Adara and Isi were approached with offers to relocate to the new Valhalla Colony in the Delta Quadrant.
Service Record 2372 -2378 Starfleet Academy; Psychiatry/Medical

2378 – 2382 Counselor, USS Aldrin

2382 – Enara Prime Hospital

2383-2386 Counselor/Medical Officer – USS Portland; promoted to Lieutenant (jg.)

2386 – Chief Counselor, USS Evariste, promoted to Lieutenant

2387 (Early) – Medical Officer, DS15

2387 (Late) – Chief Medical Officer/Psychiatrist, Valhalla Colony