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Fri Oct 7th, 2016 @ 9:05pm

Indra Nyyar

Name Indra Nyyar

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 115
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Indra Nyyar had blonde hair that is about shoulder length and vivid blue eyes. She is slender and graceful, very precise in her movements. While her usual expression is somewhat reserved, she had a warm smile - on the occasions it is seen.


Spouse Gul Zikar (Separated)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Nyyar appears very reserved, but this is a wariness born of her current situation of being on the run from her Cardassian husband, who is part of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau (former Obsidian Order). She is a compassionate soul but secretive, a trait developed from her time in the Occupation of Bajor, then twenty-three years wed to a Cardassian Gul. Her trust is not easily earned, but once done, it is rock-solid. She seems to see and notice everything and say nothing.

Personal History Indra Nyyar was born on Bajor, in the village of Tal, in 2380. When she was fifteen, a Cardassian force entered her village to round up workers for a newly-opened mine. She was discovered and taken along as well. Instead of the mine, she was delivered to Gul Zikar, who took her in. Much to her surprise, Zikar was a perfect gentleman and treated her like a queen. He romanced her ceaselessly, eventually falling in in love with her a year after her arrival. They were married in year three, after the Occupation ended and he took her home to Cardassia.

She discovered along the way that she loved him too, despite the issues of the Cardassian treatment of the Bajoran populace. She enjoyed her life on Cardassia and found it easier, since she didn't have to face her own people on Bajor who viewed her as a traitor. They were together for twenty-three years altogether.

On their 22nd anniversary, she visited him at his office, only to discover he had been torturing a young Starfleet Intelligence officer. Zikar's callous disregard for the man on his office floor flipped a switch in Nyaar, opening her eyes to the man Zikar truly was and that she had never seen.

She bided her time for the next year, making plans for her escape. On their 23rd anniversary, she made her escape with the help of a fellow Bajorn she befriended on Cardassia. It wasn't a clean getaway, however, as Zikar arrived home to see her boarding the shuttle. They sped away first to Bajor, then to Starbase 900, with Zikar in hot pursuit.