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Thu Sep 15th, 2016 @ 12:03am

Maxym Balasz

Name Maxym Balasz

Position Betazoid Ambassador

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 190
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Maxym is tall with a trim figure. Dark hair and black eyes, with olive skin give his handsome looks a dark edge that some find attractive, others intimidating. His manner is professional and courteous when on duty, warm and friendly when off duty and relaxing.


Father Rhian, son of the Third House, retired Starfleet treaty negotiator
Mother Tara
Brother(s) Rhys (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Max is the epitome of good manners. While he has the air of one used to giving orders, he has the ability to put others immediately at ease and engage them, a talent that comes in handy as an Ambassador.

Strengths & Weaknesses Max is dedicated and willing to work hard, to put forth whatever effort is needed. He has a cool head under pressure.

At times he can be intimidating, and has a bit of a temper.
Ambitions He has every intention of succeeding in his chosen field and has no qualms about putting in the hours to do it. He sees the move to 900 as a great and most welcome challenge.
Hobbies & Interests He has a great love of chess, acquired during a tour of duty on Earth. He is fascinated by the old Terran murder mysteries, and an accomplished cook. As is typical, he practices martial arts of the Betazed style.

Personal History Born on May 15, 2353, Maxym belongs to the Third of the Noble Houses of Betazed.