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Sun Oct 2nd, 2016 @ 1:50am

Isaura Panossian

Name Isaura Panossian

Position Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid/Bajoran
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 120
Hair Color Brunette
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Well-built, Isaura's size and curves belie her strength. Her Bajoran father passed on his nose ridges and his strength and ability in combat; her Betazoid mother gave her her black eyes and brown hair, as well as her telepathic abilities. She tends to wear her hair long, loose and curly; at times, she'll add a traditional Bajoran earring.


Personality & Traits

General Overview There is just something about Isaura that draws people to her. They like to talk to her and tell her their life stories or latest problems. She has a way about her that, depending on her mood, can either calm people down or rile them up. Isaura, however, is exceptionally private about her own life. When pressed for details, she will avoid the question as best she can.
Strengths & Weaknesses (w) Was raised as a Pacifist and dislikes violence
(s) Has overcome her Pacifist roots and learned to kick @ss

Sidearms: Carries a small taser-like weapon that requires contact with the subject in order to disable him. Isaura can set the weapon to deliver a small shock, to incapacitate without killing, or to kill.

Main Weapons: Keeps a small dagger strapped to her thigh at all times. The dagger is Bajoran, given to her by her father, and is handy for stabbing or slicing (or, more likely, cutting up fruit).

Personal History Isaura grew up as a normal Betazoid kid in every respect. Her mother ruled the house; her father... attempted to not get worked up about being in second place. As a Bajoran, he was passionate and blunt and outspoken, all the reasons why her mother loved him. Those same traits, however, made his life in Betazoid society difficult. As a show of rebellion against his wife's peace-loving pacifism, her father taught Isaura how to fight.

Growing up in that tense atmosphere, Isaura developed a dislike for all things 'traditional' in either Betazoid or Bajoran society. Instead, she learned all she could about other societies, particularly Human, Klingon, and Cardassian. As soon as she was old enough, she left Betazed.

At this point, her history is fuzzy; no one is quite sure where she was or what she was doing. Or so Isaura likes to think. What she never confides to anyone is that she spent this time with certain factions of Starfleet, learning key skills involved in intelligence work and becoming valued by Starfleet's Intel without ever formally entering their ranks. During this time, she worked in various industries; the one she often returned to was exotic dancing (usually called 'stripping' by folks who were willing to strip away any polite euphemisms). Being a dancer who seduced her watchers was a great cover for her work with Starfleet.

When she returned to Betazed, briefly, at age 26, she was more in command of herself, her telepathic abilities and her own actions; she also knew how to get by in Ferengi, Orion, Cardassian, and a surprising smattering of other languages*. She also had a decent understanding of field medicine and made a decent field medic. (*"Get by": she could order food, locate places (particularly important ones like the bathroom), and, sometimes, carry on a broken conversation. She still prefers to have access to a universal translator, and has conveniently picked up quite a few from her Fleet friends.)

Shortly after returning to Betazed, Isaura heard about the Delta Quadrant and, through various contacts she'd made, made arrangements to go there and see what could be seen. She has spent the past two, almost three, years coasting through the Delta Quadrant, learning about the peoples there and making contacts.