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Fri Jun 10th, 2016 @ 12:47pm


Name Zarv

Position Mercenary

Character Information

Gender Male
Species t'garev
Age 140

Physical Appearance

Height 6'7"
Weight 180
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Zarv looks relatively human-ish, just with no ears (slits with small overlaps for earholes) and a flattened nasal structure. No hair, at all. This fellow is larger than an average human male; smaller than a Klingon male. His arms and legs are longer than what one might associate with his torso size, giving him a slightly Golem-esque appearance. He looks weak and passive, but, as we'll learn, is fairly scary when provoked into defending his master or himself. One thing that others rarely ever see is Zarv's left hand; normally, a puppet sits on this hand. The reasons for the puppet are diverse, but if the puppet is removed, that Zarv is missing two fingers on that hand becomes apparent. Their absence is not natural and the scars from their removal are twisted and gnarled.


Personality & Traits

General Overview He's the strong, silent type. He's also (usually) exceptionally subservient towards his Mistress, Isaura. With others, he's still (mostly) silent but he's unlikely to follow their orders.

Zarv has one outstanding feature: he's not entirely sane. His primary method of communicating is through a puppet on his left hand. This puppet insists upon being called "Laars" and will espouse ideas and thoughts that are in complete opposition to his total servitude to Isaura. Laars is green with large white half-spheres for 'eyes' and a mouth that, when open, reveals a bright pink tongue sewn on a black 'mouth'. He has no apparent ears or nostrils. He has two arms that loosely hang down his sides. These are limp enough that when Zarv shakes Laars' head, the arms swing in arcs.
Strengths & Weaknesses Zarv is frightening when riled. His teeth are sharp and he has claws. When Zarv is fighting, Laars comes off and is temporarily forgotten.

Personal History Zarv's history and species information is vague, at best. Isaura saved his life and, by whatever culture his species has, became his sole owner and master.

From what Isaura can tell of his culture, he's completely devoted to whomever he recognizes as his 'master', even if said 'master' doesn't want him to do so. He likes really expensive things, but tends to always offer those things to his master first and take them for himself only if she says he can.

If Isaura let him, he'd wear just a loincloth; Isaura insists that he wear a normal pants-and-shirt or jumpsuit... she was dismayed the first time she discovered he chooses to wear nothing under the jumpsuit.

He has a mind of his own, but will always subvert his own desires in favor of those of his master; although, at times, he will stubbornly stick to a particular habit even if his master tells him to stop (for example, he'll keep calling Isaura his Mistress, even though she's told him to stop; the puppet, however, will call her all sorts of other things).