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Sun May 29th, 2011 @ 12:22pm

Marine Captain Paul Ward

Name Paul Ulysses Ward

Position Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Marine Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 171
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Emerald
Physical Description Paul is a average sized human adult, his body in top physical condition. He usually keeps his hair cut short, but has been known to grow it out on occasion. Ward prefers civilian clothing to his uniform, and is fond of t-shirts and shorts. One of his most noticeable features are his striking green eyes.


Spouse Karen Ward (pregnant)
Children Kelly Ward - 3 y/o
Father Major General William 'Bill' Ward
Mother Ruth Ward
Sister(s) Erin Ward - 38 y/o
Lauren Ward - 31 y/o

Personality & Traits

General Overview Paul is a calm and calculating indivdual. He is tactically minded, having a knack for strategy and unit tactics. Whest has spent his adult life in the Marines, only recently changing to Starfleet, and he prefers discipline and structure. He is a natural leader and has a strong sense of humor. Paul loves his wife and child more than anything.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Paul is physically fit, has versed himself well in tactical starship strategy, and has good people and leadership skills.
Weaknesses: Paul becomes frustrated at a lack of order and discipline, and does not tolerate disrespect. He demands perfection from his men, sometimes setting himself up for failure.
Ambitions Paul has looked into ship command, but for now is very content with his current position and rank. He hopes to have more children in the future.
Hobbies & Interests Paul enjoys reading, soccer, running, archery, and going to the phaser range.

Personal History Paul was born on Earth, son to career Starfleet Marine Bill Ward and Ruth Ward. He was the middle child, and growing up he excelled at sports, taking an interest in soccer. Ward, from an early age, had a great sense of humor, and made friends easily. He always wanted to join the Marines like his father, but never aspired to make it his lifelong career. At the age of 18 after graduating from high school he enlisted, passing basic training withease. He received some flak for his father being well known, but proved himself as a capable Marine candiate. Paul was hailed as the Company High Shooter, the best marksman in his boot camp unit.

After passing boot camp Paul was recommended to Officer Candidate School, where he studied for 4 years, earning a Bachelor of Science and his Marine commission. He graduated as a 2nd Lieutenant and took command of the Marine detachment of the USS Victus, a Nova class vessel, where he saw action against pirates and other minor lawbreakers of the galaxy. He cut his teeth in combat, and found himself to ravenously taking in new tactical strategies. He enjoyed leading his men straight into combat and staring death in the face.

Two years went by on the Victus before he was transferred to the USS Quebec and promoted to 1st Lieutenant, where he served as the executive officer of a larger unit. He was able to develop his people skills while serving in this capacity, and also while on the Quebec he met a bar waitress named Karen. The two began dating, and after a year the two married. When Paul was again recycled to another vessel his wife followed him, and he was promoted to Captain and took over as Marine company commander of the Galaxy class' complement.

After having a child at the age of 27 Archenon began to feel drawn to the Naval side of Starfleet; he felt he had made his father proud, and felt drawn to the Strategic Operation division. None the less he finished his tour on the Galaxy class and moved to a starbase, which was the best assignment of his career. He watched his daughter grow and commanded the Marine police detachment there, enjoying the law enforcement aspect of the Corps. Paul sent in two extension requests, and remained on the starbase for 6 years overall.

At the age of 33 Ward finally made the move to Navy, returning to the Academy for a 6 month course in the Strategic Operations department. This change was a welcome one, allowing him and his family to visit with his parents. Paul graduated from the Academy, and, with his previous command experience was placed onboard Starbase 900 as their Chief of Strategic Operations. Moving with his family on board, only a week after they were settled in he discovered his wife was again pregnant. Happy to be back on board a starbase after a sucessful Marine career and with a new position under his belt, Paul looks forward to serving Starfleet in a new capacity.
Service Record 2370 - Enlisted, Starfleet Marine Corps
2370 - Graduated boot camp, Company High Shooter
2370 - Cadet 4th Class, Marine Officer Candidate Training
2371 - Cadet 3rd Class, MOCT
2372 - Cadet 2nd Class, MOCT
2373 - Cadet 1st Class, MOCT - Graduated Company High Shooter
2374 - Commissioned, 2nd Lieutenant - Assigned, USS Victus, Marine Platoon Commander
2376 - Promoted, 1st Lieutenant - Reassigned, USS Quebec, Marine Company Executive Officer
2378 - Promoted, Captain - Reassigned, USS Colossus, Marine Company Commander
2380 - Reassigned, Starbase 779, Marine Police Detachment Commander
2385 - Transferred, Starfleet Marines Corps - Starfleet Strategic Operations
2386 - Assigned, Starbase 900, Chief of Strategic Operations