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Mon Sep 5th, 2016 @ 12:11pm

Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Name Kh'ali

Position Chief Diplomatic Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klingon/Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 140
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Kh’ali is tall and has a trim, athletic figure. Her hair is black and curly, usually worn loose, and long enough to reach her waist. Her eyes are as dark as her hair and her gaze intent. She has dark skin, as is typical for her heritage. Due to her human mother, her cranial ridges are not as pronounced as a full-blooded Klingon. At first glance, and second and third, she is a very intimidating presence.


Spouse Ra'el; Killed in the Battle Of Union, 2384
Children D'Veidh (With Commander Patrick Leroy)
Father Torin, House of Martok
Mother Geilis MacLaren
Brother(s) Kalim

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kh’ali is a strong and determined individual. She has a few close friends but travel has made having many difficult. Her heritage also does not help, as she appears somewhat fearsome at first meeting. Some never get past that, or get close enough to see her softer side. She speaks her mind, for in her opinion, there is nothing served by being indirect. It only leads to confusion and misunderstandings, and people misunderstand her race too often as it is. She has a gift for languages, picking them up with ease, which has served her well in her career. When off duty, she can be as fun-loving as anyone, and is an accomplished ballroom dancer.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Kh’ali is, thanks to her Klingon blood, fearless. Growing up with the warrior’s tales of honor and glory stirred her as a child and she vowed to live up to the greatness of her House. Thanks to her human side, she understands compassion and the value of thinking through a situation before acting. Sometimes brute force is not the answer, but a well-turned phrase can be.

Weaknesses: She has a temper (Imagine that!). And while she is aware of it and has worked hard to control it, there are times it gets the better of her. Weakness is something that she has absolutely no patience with, and is not always so tolerant of it. In her view, any weakness can be overcome, you just have to decide to do it. They say pride goeth before a fall and Kh’ali has plenty of it.
Ambitions Her ambitions are a little off the beaten path. She has no real interest in commanding her own ship, but will gladly support those who do. Her career ambitions lie in doing exactly what Starfleet set out to do: exploring strange new worlds, going where no man (or woman or Klingon) has gone before.
Hobbies & Interests Kh’ali was trained, right along with her brother, on the usual Klingon weapons as she grew up. She continues this to keep in practice and in shape. From her mother she learned to appreciate the complexities of a fine scotch and now collects rare ones as she finds them. She loves rugby, enjoying the chance to yell at the players and see a good fight. Her more sedate hobbies include playing the cello and writing romance novels under a pseudonym (She has a series that is very popular).

Personal History Kh’ali was born on April 1, 2358. She grew up on the Klingon homeworld, and little heed was paid to her human side, apart from what she learned from her mother. Her decision to attend Starfleet Academy was met with concern in some quarters, and outright derision in others. She stood firm and in 2374 arrived in San Francisco to begin her studies. Klingons at the Academy never had it easy and being a girl Klingon was doubly tough. Kh’ali had no patience for bullies. She gave as good as she got, and it did not take long for word to spread that she was one not to be messed with. She often suspected her father was more proud of that than her graduation.

But graduate she did, in 2378, wit a specialty in Xenobiology and languages. She was perfect for the Diplomatic Corps because there were few she could not talk to, and none she was afraid of. Her assignments in the early years involved working with new members of the federation who were often suspicious and hostile but seemed to fall in line once she got hold of them.

Her travels and wide experience with other races led to her appointment to Starbase 900 in 2382 as Liaison with Science and Intelligence - specifically Specialist on the Delta Quadrant. It was there that she met Ra'el and was married. She served there until 2384 when the Battle of Union Broke out. They both volunteered, serving aboard the IKS Renlaar, a UFP ship. It was destroyed, Ra'el killed, and she barely managed to escape.

Following the destruction of SB900, she joined the crew of the USS Tomado, whose mission was to explore the Solaria Nebula. Once a safe passage was discovered, she was transferred to the USS Excelsior. They spent months exploring the Solaria Nebula and The Round Table. It was the perfect place for her and by the time her tour was done, they had completed fourteen first contacts. She joined the Berkeley crew to assist in their further exploration of the area.

In the Spring of 2386, Admiral Ricky Wegener assumed command of Task Force 38. Upon being stationed in the Delta Quadrant, Starbase 900 became his base of operations. The Senior staff of the Berkeley, his flagship, were offered positions on the station and Kh'ali accepted a transfer there as the Chief Diplomatic officer.
Service Record Academy: 2374-2378 Starfleet Academy; Xenobiology Specialty

2378-2382 Ambassadorial Corps; Her main duties involved travel to new members of the Federation to coordinate their entry into the organization and assist with early adjustment.

2382 -2384 Starbase 900; Liason with Science and Intelligence as Specialist on the Delta Quadrant

2384 - 2385 USS Tomado; Exploration of the Solaria Nebula

2385 USS. Excelsior; Exploration of the Solaria Nebula and The Round Table and 14 First Contacts

2386 - USS Berkeley, Mission Advisor

23860- Starbase 900; Chief Diplomatic Officer