Jackson Banning
Name Jackson Beauregard Banning V
Position The Nexus Club Owner
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Humnan | |
Age | Apparent: 29 / True Age: 43 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'1" | |
Weight | 195 | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Jackson is taller with a trim build. His brown hair is longer and allowed to do as it will, usually somewhat awry as he runs his hands through it out of habit. He sports a shadow of a beard and always seems to have a smile on his face. He favors Hawaiian shirts when on duty, unless he's in the show lounge, then it's dinner jacket and black bow tie, naturally. |
Spouse | Commander Oralia Zeferino | |
Father | Jackson Beauregard Banning IV | |
Mother | Dixie Mae | |
Brother(s) | Jamison, Woodford, Baker, Booker, Evan (Jackson's Twin) | |
Other Family | Extended family all around the homestead in Charleston, South Carolina |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Jackson is that guy, the one who seems easy to talk to, the man you've known all your life. He has an easygoing personality, a very keen sense of humour. He is also something of a practical joker, but his advice is always right on target. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: He is very insightful, and his advice is good. He had a wide compassionate streak and is always willing to listen and help out where he can. Weaknesses: Since he is everyone's friend, he sometimes misses the mark with his own problems. He's great at helping others out but often needs help with his own and doesn't ask, for fear of appearing weak. |
Ambitions | To run a good bar, to stay alive, and have some adventures along the way. And to marry Oz, which he did. |
Hobbies & Interests | He's a rabid baseball fan and takes in games on the holodeck with Dae. He plays chess and has several long-distance games in progress. He is also working on a kal-toh sphere, and has been for several years now. He likes to think it teaches him patience. He also loves old Earth film noire movies and detective novels. Much to his patrons' delight, he is a master at bar napkin origami. |
Personal History | Jackson Beauregard Banning V is the oldest of six boys born to Jackson IV and Dixie Mae in June of 2345. The family home is a large spread in Charleston, South Carolina, a plantation passed down through the family for generations. Most of his brothers are still there, running the family's distilling business where they produce small-barrel bourbon, Banning Reserve, that is highly sought-after. Jackson, however, wanted adventure, and given his vast knowledge of alcohol, he decided to pair the two together and took to space as first a bartender, then bar owner. Last year, after some tumultuous times, he finally won the heart of Commander Zeferino, Chief of Security. He and Oz married on Archadia III and settled down, sharing their home with a large arachnid named Iggy. To date, Jackson has been arrested twice by his wife, but he doesn't hold it against her. "It's all in the line of duty," he says. | |
Service Record | 2365-2381 Various posts throughout Starfleet as undercover operative of SIGMA 2381 - 2386 Various assignments as an undercover consultant 2386 - Assigned to the Berkeley when his former ship, the USS Absaroka, was retired 2386 - Starbase 900, The Nexus Club 2387 - Reactivated as special operative coordinating with Intel and Security; rank of Lt. Commander |